Is the DKBA Evolving?

The stunning move by the *Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) to reverse their decision to be Than Shwe’s Border Guard Force (BGF) has offered a glimmer of hope for the beleaguered Karen people. This courageous move by the DKBA to defy Than Shwe is evidence this ceasefire group may not be as reprehensible as once perceived. Granted, crimes against innocent people have been committed by some elements of the DKBA but this revelation shows there is a moral side to this organization. It was known than many DKBA and KIA soldiers had mixed opinions about killing their own

The Venerable Ashin Thuzana, spiritual leader of the DKBA, voiced his opposition to Than Shwe’s BGF. With this statement it would appear that Buddhism may have arisen from its darkest hour as this courageous abbot stood by the tenets of Buddhism. In turn, the DKBA stood by their spiritual leader in this hotly controversial decision.  According to the Irrawaddy one DKBA official was quoted as saying;

“We don’t agree to the plan because our monk doesn’t accept it.”

This quote said volumes about the DKBA in light of all the negative press about them in the past. From human trafficking to drug manufacturing the DKBA has been accused of some of the most heinous crimes against humanity. The death of a 17 year old boy at a border crossing still resonates within the refugee communities along the border. Does this revelation show that there still is honor within the DKBA? Time will be the task master and hopefully the DKBA can evolve past the sorted past perpetrated by some of their soldiers, provided the DKBA moves in a reconciliatory direction. But trust will be hard fought by the Internally Displaced People who fled for their lives from DKBA mortars and waltzed through mine fields to the safety of Thailand. Even in the most positive of scenarios villagers still bare the scars and mourn the loss of loved ones who succumbed during the DKBA’s bloody onslaughts of the past.

There is no question this turn of events will not bode well with the excommunicated thugs of Naypyidaw. Than Shwe’s perverted rendition of Buddhism has dishonored the faith on many plains. His continued assault and arrest of Buddhist monks has proven him to be a fraud and an enemy to true Buddhism. He has also shown that he is an enemy of the people and a traitor to Burma. Torture, rape and genocide will be Than Shwe’s legacy for millenniums to come. Small wonder he and his merry band of vermin were excommunicated from Buddhism. He might be able to lie his way around Burma and act out Buddhist traditions but in all reality he is a fetid reprehensible creature who taints every temple he and his filth steps into. Fortunately Than Shwe and his ilk will face their just rewards whence they crosses over to the afterlife.

The DKBA’s possible defection is only the tip of the iceberg since there is much dissention within the Tatmadaw and Than Shwe’s inner circle. Shwe has begun giving away national assets to select cronies while other generals observe with secret disdain. The abyss between Than Shwe’s elite class and the soldier has widened beyond the point of no return. Than Shwe will paint a picture of progress and harmony within his ranks but nothing could be further from the truth for his regime is a ticking time bomb. The media has long since lost its credibility with the people of Burma. Than Shwe only lies to himself and unwitting outside observers with his grandiose prevarications and bold faced lies. Thein Sein’s assault on **Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has only fortified the publics resolve for freedom. Sadly for Sein he is considered a babbling fool and mindless mouthpiece of Than Shwe by citizens from all ethnic groups and political persuasions.

News of the DKBA’s withdrawal from the bogus border guard force will most likely be withheld from the public but that’s business as usual in the land of lies. I can only hope the DBKA’s departure from Than Shwe’s Border Guard Force is legitimate and sincere. In earnest all Karen’s must be united as one people regardless of religion, custom, or clan if they ever hope to defeat Than Shwe. Ethnic alliances throughout Burma for a common cause will neutralize Than Shwe’s most powerful weapon, division. A multi cultural force united in the cause for freedom yet diverse and sovereign within their ethnic and religious protocols will be the formula for victory in Burma. If this is not accomplished now eventually Than Shwe will rid Burma of all ethnic minorities because this is his ultimate objective. It is time for the fighting peacock to awaken.



Your Devil’s Advocate


Feds Raid Seeno Empire Offices, Miwok Tribe Still Under Siege

In a Thursday morning raid 30 FBI, IRS and Secret Service agents stormed the offices casino mogul, land developer, contractor *Albert Seeno and his associates with search warrants in this quiet Concord California community. The exact nature of the raid was still under seal of the court. According to William Goodman, attorney for the multi faceted business empire the Seeno family was working with investigators to resolve the situation and were confident they would reach a positive resolution to the matter.

The smorgasbord of federal agents has caused some speculation as to the true nature of the raid and seizure of documents. Seeno enterprises rage from construction to casinos with a multitude of other lucrative businesses that span several western states including California and Nevada. The list of political beneficiaries to the Seeno family’s generosity spans both sides of the political isle Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barbara Boxer and good ole Harry Reid relished in tens of thousands of dollars in bountiful donations that filled their political coffers. Surely Arnie, Barbie and Harry would not have a clue what the feds might be looking for. Or are their nasty little secrets about to get exposed?

The media listed a host of past criminal complaints that were lodged against the Seeno Empire in the past ranging from environmental to financial foibles. Millions in fines and penalties have been paid out over the years by this firm and it would appear they are set to pay out more green stamps if criminality is found again. But the media as a whole forgot to make mention of a current complaint that was lodged against the Seeno empire and that is with the California Valley Miwok Tribe.

From court documents it was discovered that Seeno and associate Chadd Everone were involved in a multi state scam to remove members of a federally recognized **Native Tribe and replace them with non natives who would allow for the Seeno’s to build a casino in California. Apparently the Peppermill Casino’s Incorporated, A Seeno holding, was not happy with their lucrative enterprises in Nevada. Chadd was mentioned in one complaint selling tribal cards to bolster the number of non natives to claim Miwok lineage in an effort to throw out the true blood line and real Miwok people. Mr. Everone also started several web sites under the Miwok tribal name in an effort to legitimize his bogus band of Miwoks. Albert Seeno was clearly identified as the moneyman behind the criminal act of fraud and identity theft as well.

It is ironic the tribal chief Silvia Burley asked for assistance from politicians who where receiving lucrative donations from the Seeno empire including but not limited to Barbara Boxer, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Harry Reid. This raises the scepter of suspicion since absolutely no help came from these politicians in spite of the fact a crime was being perpetrated against the tribe. Guess Barbara and her chums did not want to bite the hand that feeds them.

The plot thickens since the California BIA as well as other authorities not only did nothing, they assisted the Seeno’s in perpetrating this crime. The California BIA shuttered the tribes funding forcing this beleaguered band of natives to fend for them selves regardless of the fact they were a federally recognized tribe. Tiger, a tribal elder, joked that this is the only federally recognized tribe that is operated solely on unemployment insurance. Granted, it was dark humor at its best but from Tigers vantage point cynicism replaced faith in the political system long ago. Their last bastion of tribal land went into foreclosure since the state and federal governments failed in their obligation to uphold the law. The state and feds played ball with the Seeno scam by making it all but impossible for this tribe to exist by shuttering their funding since 2007. Calculated and divisive is the only way to describe how politicians and unscrupulous corporate interests have financially crippled this humble tribe of people just to build another casino. Are state and federal agencies going to stand behind the tribe now that death threats have been lodged against these people or is the government going to send in their own hit men to whack the tribe? I wager it would be the second choice eh. I can almost hear Gary Owen being played as government troops prepare to wipe out the Miwoks. Is this our contemporary Manifest Destiny and wave of the future?

Director of marketing for the Peppermill Casino Corporation in Reno NV., Bill Hughes said the Seeno situation in California had nothing to do with the casinos in Nevada. It would appear this raid has only opened a Pandora’s Box of intrigue. Now there will be focus on politicians who’ve allowed the Seeno’s to do as they wished in Northern California as well as wage war on a sovereign tribal nation to steal their identity for a casino. Though Hughes said there was no connection in the case and the Peppermill Casino Corp it would behoove Renee Shaffer of the Nevada Gaming Commission to look deeper into Seeno and Chadd Everone’s exploits since they were involved on both sides of the Nevada border with regard to the California Valley Miwok Tribe and casino gambling. Or does Harry Reid have the Seeno’s back on this one? No doubt Harry Reid’s involvement or lack there of will be called into question. Dirty Harry was a scoundrel in his own right anyway. Oh well, to bad so sad Harry.

Barbara Boxer has the most dirt on her hands since I’ve read complaints sent to her office clearly identifying the Seeno’s and others in the scam to steal their tribal lineage. She was given names, dates and addresses as well as an in depth report yet Barbie turned a deaf ear to their complaints. Predictably the California Governator, Arnie, did less than nothing to stop the siege of the California Valley Miwok Nation and allowed state agencies to join in the shooting match. It is a very sad state of affairs when legality is set aside in favor of corporate contributors and this is the case of the California Valley Miwok Nation. Maybe if the Miwok greased Barbara’s palm with $20,000 or so she would have stood by existing laws that govern sovereign tribal nations. Fraud and bunko are still crimes in most states Barbie or is California above such nuisance laws? Pandering for money at the expense of the electorate has become an art form it would appear. Maybe the school system should pencil in this dark side of American politics in civics class. “Buying Politicians 101”

With an affluent businessman armed with loads of cash and an army of morally bankrupt politicians the Miwok people face insurmountable odds in surviving the onslaught that has besieged this impoverished nation. Where the hell is Secretary Ken “Howdy Doody” Salazar since he was notified by the tribe about the crime being committed in his jurisdiction and on his watch? After all he is the Department of the Interior mast head. Is Ken in the deep pockets of the Seeno Empire as well? How come all these hot shot natives appointed to the Obama administration are not raising a stink? Aren’t they supposed be on the side of justice and Indigenous issues or are they simply political eye candy? The real issue in the California Valley Miwok case is tribal sovereignty because if corrupt politicians succeed in stealing tribal lineage from one nation they will make a dangerous precedent. Other tribes will be caught in the crosshairs of corporate greed and ultimately loose their birth right to satisfy the needs of corporate interests. Silly me, this is happening throughout the Central/South America and Africa since the needs of corporations overshadows the concerns of Indigenous populations already.

On the bright side, the plight of the California Valley Miwok Nation is no longer a secret Californian act of corruption for now the whole world is becoming aware of this crime. The world is coming to know who all the players are in this identity theft scam including some very prominent politicians. There is no question more dirty politicians will be rousted from the fetid depths of deceptive practices as this investigation delves deeper into the matrix of the Miwok scam. Like David and Goliath, the California Valley Miwok Tribe is standing in defiance against a giant casino/construction mogul with deep pockets and powerful political friends. And from what I gathered from conversations with the tribe, the California Valley Miwok Tribe will fight to the last breath to save their nation. In all reality these human beings have no other options since they are fighting for their very existence.

For more current information on the California Valley Miwok scandal contact the California Valley Miwok Tribe;


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Your Devil’s Advocate



Arakan, Burma
12th February 2010
12th February marks the 63rd Union Day, a very important day for the people of Burma. On 12th February 1947 the Union Treaty was signed at Panlong, Shan State, between father of the nation Gen. Aung San and leaders of the nationalities to take the independence together from the British and to form Burma a Federal Union on the agreed upon principle of ‘unity in diversity’.
Thus the Panglong spirit of ‘unity in diversity’ is the basis for the unity of the ethnically diverse peoples of Burma. It is equally important for the development of federal democracy and perpetuation of peaceful democratic Burma. It was recognition that we respect, tolerate and uphold the differences of culture, language and life style that exist among the different peoples of Burma. Never the less, we were and are united for building a strong Union, the Union of Burma that ensures national self-determination equality, justice and sustainable development. This Union is to be free from any sort of discrimination on grounds of culture, religion and ethnicity. It is not to accommodate domination of one people by another and the emergence of ‘prime nation’ or ‘sub-nation’; but every people is equal in the Union. It is to be noted that diversity is not a weakness, but strength.
Since Burmese independence the union spirit was not fully respected. Particularly, under military rule from 1962, the Panlong spirit has been hijacked; the union treaty and the union structure have been destroyed. Inter-conflicts and intra-conflicts have been systematically created, so that peoples are not united for continuation of military rule. Resentment developed among the diverse national groups that gave rise to civil war continuing till today.
For many years Burma was without a constitution. The SPDC has given a strange constitution in 2008, which is distortion of democracy, and it does not match with any known constitutional system of the world. It looks like as if sovereignty belongs to the military, not to the people. To them people are not trustworthy, while they claim they are the saviours of the country. It is to legitimise their illegitimate military rule. They are now going still unscheduled election this year. But the election based on this undemocratic constitution cannot give us federal democracy, human rights and culture. So we strongly oppose and condemn it.
Last not least, at this trying situation, let us revive the union spirit of Panlong and resist the conspiracy of the military dictators in full unity, with unity of mind, unity of purpose and unity of dedication.

For more information please contact:

 Nurul Islam:   +44- 79 4785 4652
AFK Jilani:      +880-1720657589       

Feb. 12, 2010: Falun Gong News Bulletin

In Keeping with tradition I am forwarding this news bulletin from my friends at the Falun Gong sect in an effort to assist in promoting public awareness of the true nature of China. Truly, this is the cost of cheaper prices since China uses slaves to keep overhead down. We as consumer have become enablers to China’s acts of rape, torture and genocide as we look the other way.



Monitoring the Falun Gong Human Rights Crisis in China

12 Feb 2010 News on Events Inside China:

News on Events Outside China:  

FDIC: “Nearly 100 Falun Gong Practitioners Killed in 2009, Documents New Report

Feb 4: Large numbers of Chinese citizens detained for practicing Falun Gong continue to die because of brutality suffered at police stations, labor camps and prisons across China, says a new Falun Dafa Information Center report released Monday.

Drawing on both Chinese and international sources, the 46-page report, titled “Killed for Their Belief: Falun Gong Deaths from Abuse in 2009,” documents the deaths of 96 Falun Gong practitioners in 2009. Due to frequent delays in reporting from China, the total death toll for the year is expected to climb further in the coming weeks.The victims named in the report come from all age groups, strata of society, and geographical regions. The vast majority died due to physical and psychiatric torture or by being denied their right to health while in custody. Many were killed within days, or even hours, of their detention. In one particularly jarring case, in April 2009, police abducted a 39-year-old woman from her home in Beijing. By evening, she was dead, reportedly after being severely shocks with electric batons (case of Ms. Sun Min).

To read more:
To read the report:
For the detailed list of 96 documented cases, see here.

FDIC: “Prisoner of Conscience Detained on Olympics Opening Day Dies in Prison

Jan 26: A Falun Gong practitioner detained on the opening day of the Beijing Olympics died in a prison camp in northeastern China on January 14, 2010, the Falun Dafa Information Center learned this week. Mr. Yu Zhongzhu (于忠柱) from Heilongjiang is already the second Olympic prisoner whose death the Center has reported in 2010. Yu was 39 years old when he died.

On the evening of August 8, 2008, over a dozen agents from the local police and 610 Office, abducted Yu, his wife Ms. Sun Lijuan, and six other Falun Gong practitioners. In December 2008, the eight were “sentenced” in sham trials to prison terms ranging from three to six years. Judge Li Hengjiang from Hanjiayuan Court gave Mr. Yu a six-year term because of his identity as a Falun Gong practitioner.

In April 2009, Yu was transferred to Talai Prison, where he was reportedly abused in custody. On January 14, his family received a call from the prison authorities asking them to go to the facility’s hospital because Yu was in critical condition. They witnessed Yu’s death at 10pm that evening.

To read more:

FDIC: “Olympics Prisoner Dies from Torture Shortly after Release from Labor Camp

Jan 4: A middle-aged doctor detained in Tianjin during the Olympics died on December 4, only 22 days after her release from Banqiao “Re-education through labor” (RTL) camp. Ms. Gong Hui (宫辉), had been detained by police on August 13, 2008 and then sentenced by fiat to the camp, where she was beaten, tortured, and kept in solitary confinement. She was 57 years old when she died.

Local police and security bureau officers detained Gong without a warrant on August 13, 2008, during the period of the Beijing Olympics. She was initially held at Nankai District Detention Center for 35 days, located in a portion of the city not far from Tianjin’s Olympics Stadium. She was then taken to Banqiao RTL Camp in the more suburban Dagang District on September 17, 2008. On November 9, 2008, Gong was reportedly subjected to a particularly harsh session of torture, lasting from 9:00am until 11:00pm and resulting in her near physical collapse.

To read more:

Freedom House: Congressional Testimony Cites Rights Violations against Falun Gong in China and Singapore

[FDIC editor’s note: On January 21, 2010, Dr. Robert Herman, Director of Programs at Freedom House, testified before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs. The following are excerpts from that testimony.] 

“The authorities’ paranoid handling of a series of politically sensitive anniversaries…included … harsh punishments meted out to democracy activists, petitioners, Tibetans, Falun Gong adherents, and human rights defenders.

Subsequently, in 2009 the PRC government authorities embarked on a sweeping crackdown against leading human rights lawyers and nonprofits offering legal services… Beyond the infringement on the rights of these lawyers themselves, the crackdown  signaled a further curtailment of already weak rights protection in “politically sensitive” cases and for vulnerable members of society. Those affected collectively amount to millions of people and include … Falun Gong practitioners.

Religious minorities… also faced heightened restrictions, partly due to the Party’s tightening surrounding the sensitive 10th anniversary of its ban on Falun Gong. Security agencies, particularly the extra-legal 6-10 Office, targeted Falun Gong adherents nationwide for surveillance, detention, and forced conversion, sometimes leading to deaths in custody.

In October, 2009, the police [in Singapore] arrested four Chinese Falun Gong  practitioners who were putting up posters in a public park describing the persecutions of Falun Gong members in China.  The arrested practitioners came to Singapore to avoid being persecuted for their spiritual practice at home. The practitioners currently face possible deportation to China where they could be tortured.”   

To read more:

Washington Post Letter to the Editor: “Falun Gong practitioners get long sentences in China

Jan 1: “Liu Xiaobo’s harsh sentence came as a surprise to many observers. But not to me. In October, my mother, Cao Junping, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Shandong province. The same day, my aunt was sentenced to nine years.

Unlike Liu, they are not high-profile dissidents. They are simply two older women who practice Falun Gong. They meditate in their free time and try to follow a moral philosophy centered on the values of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance. They aren’t criminals, despite the Communist Party’s best efforts to label them as such. They were trying to peacefully follow the religious belief of their choosing. For that, shortly before the Olympics, security agents took them away. After being held illegally and tortured for more than a year, they were rushed through a sham trial and sentenced.

They aren’t the only ones. The Falun Dafa Information Center published a list last week of more than 800 other practitioners recently sentenced to prison for to up to 18 years. Unfortunately, Liu’s sentencing — and the “rule of law” veneer surrounding it — is only the tip of the iceberg.”

Jin Pang, Falls Church

To read more:

Wall Street Journal: “Hong Kong and the Falun Gong Drama”

Feb 1: “Sunday was to be the triumphant closing of New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts’ seven-show, sold-out Hong Kong tour. Instead, the curtains at Lyric Theatre remained closed. Just two days before the company was to embark on its trip, six “core production team members” were denied work visas, including the stage manager and a lighting engineer.

Since then, Shen Yun and its Hong Kong co-organizers have staged protests and press conferences, and are even mulling a lawsuit. They say the visa matter was just “a pretext”—the implication being that the decision came from Beijing, motivated by a condemnation of Shen Yun’s dance program, which includes depictions of traditional Chinese tales but also “events in present-day China, such as the story of Falun Gong.”

But this isn’t about a dance show. Hong Kong’s ambition to become a cultural center is commendable, but one of the keystones to a vibrant arts community is the freedom to express its creativity, even at the risk of provoking the sensitivities of the politicians among the audience. The Shen Yun case suggests that Hong Kong still lacks the capacity to resist political pressures from Beijing. And this drama may just be the opening act.”

To read more:
For a statement from Shen Yun Performing Arts about the cancellation of shows in Hong Kong, see:

FDIC: “Google’s First Step is Morally Clear; Others Should Follow

Jan 13: The Falun Dafa Information Center applauds Google’s initiative to challenge the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) over its Internet censorship and encourages other companies, governments, and individuals to do the same. The Center also questions some media references that this move is “risky” or “surprising,” as the human cost of Internet censorship in China could not be any clearer.

For the past ten years, the Chinese regime has dedicated hundreds of millions of dollars to censoring all channels of information inside China concerning Falun Gong, a group that still numbers in the tens of millions.

We welcome the efforts of Google or any other entity that sees the morally troubling state of the current Chinese Internet and works to make freedom of information a reality in China. With such freedom will come knowledge and greater understanding, and with that, it is our hope, an end to the torture and killing of Falun Gong practitioners. 

To read more:

Washington Post Op-ed: “What Hillary Clinton, Google can do about censorship in China

Jan 20: “If the State Department and internet giants really want to promote free access to the Internet worldwide, the most effective thing they could do is to support the Global Internet Freedom Consortium (GIF). GIF is a small outlet run by a group of Chinese-American computer scientists. Over the last ten years, they have developed a suite of censorship-circumvention software that allows users to safely evade internet firewalls and surveillance… they are responsible for approximately 90 percent of all anti-censorship internet traffic in China and Iran.

Even so, GIF hasn’t received a penny of funding from either the U.S. government or private corporations. That could be because the software engineers behind GIF are adherents of Falun Gong, a Buddhist spiritual discipline that is banned and brutally repressed in China. … GIF engineers began their work largely so that their compatriots in China could access and share information about the persecuted spiritual practice. In a Washington Post article last week, an unnamed U.S. official was quoted as saying that “the Chinese would go ballistic” if GIF received government funding.

But any truly effective measures to promote Internet freedom will irk dictatorships. If the U.S. government wishes to promote internet freedom, it must be prepared to cope with the blow-back. The United States already devotes considerable resources to promoting democratization, press freedom and human rights initiatives every year. For a small fraction of that budget, America can provide free access to information to tens of millions of people.”

The author, Caylan Ford, is a graduate student in international affairs at the George Washington University. She is a volunteer editor and analyst with the Falun Dafa Information Center, though the views expressed in this article are hers alone.

To read more:

Washington Post Op-ed: “The U.S. must speak out against China’s offenses

Feb 4: “One year ago today, China kidnapped my husband. I don’t know where he is. I don’t know what is being done to him. The only thing I know is why he disappeared: My husband, Gao Zhisheng, defied Beijing by representing people the government finds threatening. As a leading human rights lawyer in China, he fought for those who had been abused by police, those who had their land stolen by the government and those who were persecuted for their religious beliefs .

And now my husband is one of those persecuted people he so vigorously defended. Chinese authorities abducted Zhisheng on Feb. 4, 2009. But they did not officially arrest him and won’t tell anyone where they’ve taken him I worry about the next generation of Chinese lawyers. Will disappearances like my husband’s deter them from becoming rights defenders? I imagine so. But if the United States were to speak out on my husband’s behalf, perhaps this would change.”

The author, Geng He, is the wife of Gao Zhisheng, a human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize nominee who has been held incommunicado by the Chinese government since Feb. 4, 2009.

To read more: and
FDIC statement immediately following Gao’s abduction in 2009:

Third Hand Smoke Causes Global Warming!

Well, not really but it might as well have since scientists are reorganizing their “facts” to put blame on the harsh winter snap. When will it ever cease? Sadly scientists have managed to loose credibility since hard science was replaced with exaggerated figures and out right lies to fit political and corporate needs. Now that corporate interests got on the band wagon it is obvious that “Global Warming” will exist regardless of facts and true science.

If it did not already occur to you the global warming scam’s primary function was to cripple economies by sending polluting industries to third world nations without environmental and labor laws. If Global warming were a true threat then all industries would have been made to stop, not transfer them to other countries. The inception of Carbon Credits was another scam since it really did not save anything since the only thing that transpired was the transfer of money from one pocket to another. Pollution and CO2 gasses continued to be emitted on the same planet. How far beyond stupid is that?

Arnold “Steroid” Schwarzenegger laid out the blue print for Disaster Capitalism by crippling California’s once bustling industrial complex with bogus science and a fraudulent scientist with degrees from K-Mart. All those nasty companies that were destroying the Earth and killing babies simply went somewhere else to pollute and find cheaper labor. How else would corrupt politicians be able to usher in the New World Order without crippling economies first eh? Lying researchers doing damage control because of revelation after revelation about cooked books, conspiracies to withhold facts and a myriad of other indiscretions simply said these disclosures were relatively minor. Funny how these “minor” indiscretions were placed at strategic locations on the global warming map book of fact.

Then to hear those bi-polar Earth Change or Global Warming buffoons try to fit two separate axioms into a convenient package really took the cake. They are beyond stupid and so are the rest of them vollidiot airheads who want to believe both are happening at once. You can’t have it both ways and sadly pure science points the accusing finger directly at Earth born cycles that have changed and molded the Earth for zillions of years. Prophecies from around the world never once mentioned that man and his big fat ego would alter Ma Earths cycle. And where in the Bible does it make any mention of man saving the planet? It only mentions the era of false profits err prophets. Volcanic activity has been at an all time high dumping trillions of tons of sulfur dioxide as well as a host of other deadly poisonous gases. By comparison mans contribution of CO2 is a fart in the wind.

But let’s not look at those “Inconvenient Truths”, let’s shut down the free worlds economies and usher in the New World Order instead. And while we are at it, let’s make billionaire investors filthy rich in the process since they are already invested in “green projects”. Sadly the green they are truly worried about is the money in the public’s pocketbook. India tossed out the *United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s bogus data and started their own research body. They also did not like the price tag that came with this so called global warming scam. India threatened to quite the UN, something we should consider as well since it has turned into the front organization for the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund. And who died and made these groups boss of the world anyway?

All you so called scientists had better sharpen the points on the top of your heads since this latest claim of global warming is just plain stupid. You will be better known for alchemy in turning global warming into gold for a select few in history books of the future. The whizz-bang researchers who came up with the third hand smoke theory are equally as lame. If they really wanted to find the root cause for all the cancers we are now suffering they should look to all the alpha and beta partials as well as them other radio active tidbits that continue to circle the globe after the **Chernobyl disaster in 1986. What ever.

That’s where the real contamination comes from not from some old buzzard smoking a Pall Mall with his nicotine stained fingers, holay. Or did everyone forget the magnitude of that disastrous explosion that was the equivalent of a thermal nuclear war. And we must not forget all the nuclear testing around the world including the oceans. We are living in post nuclear war Earth with various degrees of radiation sickness, believe it or not. Uncle Joe’s acid reflux is nothing more than the dire effects of ingesting alpha and beta partials as well as the other radio active junk in the air we are now breathing, drinking and eating. Some scientists will find a way to link global warming to the Chernobyl disaster as well since they are on a mission to legitimize their bogus politically motivated science. You had better wake up because it is all to obvious everyone is asleep at the wheel. But then again, you had better keep on sleeping so you don’t know what hit you. Like they say, ignorance is bliss and from my vantage point you are happy campers. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!



Your Devil’s Advocate


Is Thaksin Shinawatra Financing Revolution?

Though Red Shirt leaders deny that fugitive ex PM Thaksin Shinawatra is funding anti government sympathizers large amounts of *cash have suddenly filled their coffers. Early on in Thaksin’s run from justice he spoke of forging plans to cause civil disobedience and promoted the destabilization of current Thai PM Abhisit Vejjajiva’s government in numerous phone calls he personally made to his supporters. His embittered phone calls echoed the violent over throw of Thailand on more than one occasion. Numerous Red Shirts have boasted of plans to overthrow the Thai government since Thaksin was convicted of corruption in 2006. Thaksin left Thailand to avoid jail time making this coward a fugitive from justice. So when Red-Shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan denied that ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra moved Bt300 million into banking accounts of the Red shirts leadership he was lying through his teeth. Thaksin is financing the violent overthrow of Thailand and the Red Shirts will be leading the march.

Thaksin Shinawatra found sanctuary in the Cambodian government as economic advisor to PM Hun Sen. But it is clear Thaksin’s motives are to use Cambodia to launch his assault on Thailand. Already tensions are running high as Thaksin continues to betray Thailand placing Cambodia directly in the middle of Thaksin’s personal objectives. Thaksin’s Dubai connection also provided the vehicle for him to launder money destine for his supporters, the Red Shirts. Small wonder Dubai finds itself in financial turmoil and their fanciful skyscraper plagued with problems. Thaksin brought with him a curse to all who enable him and his treasonous activities. Cambodia will soon find them selves in the same boat as Dubai. But sadly it will be the people of Cambodia who will ultimately pay the price of their leader’s misguided decision to include Thaksin in their once promising government.

Unknown too many people, Thaksin is buying government officials within Thailand as well as purchasing weapons on the black market for the next round of civil unrest. Though Thaksin uses elaborate means of encrypted messages to his key supporters the message is still the same, he and his party plan to overthrow the Thai government. Assassinations are also on his feted agenda and it is only a matter of time before Thaksin’s army of loyalists strike. Deception and betrayal is the only way to describe Thaksin Shinawatra since he boldly lied to his constituents in a successful bit to gain their loyalty. His latest literary insult to ones intelligence, **“Tackling Poverty” paints a picture of a philanthropist but in reality uses his supporters for personal monetary gain while giving them crumbs in the process. His conviction for corruption tells volumes about his true character in spite of his rhetoric about his conviction being political. With friends like Gen. Than Shwe of Burma it is obvious he only cares for his own personal fortune. He will use anyone and any country who falls into his spell with eloquent double talk and false claims of innocence for his is one of the greatest liars in contemporary Asian history. At least he offers his supporters a kiss before he screws them over unlike Than Shwe who simply lies to everyone he speaks to. But none the less birds of a feather flock together. Thaksin’s love affair with Than Shwe and his morally bankrupt business associates proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a fraud, a traitor to Thailand and the royal family.

Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega embraced Thaksin Shinawatra making him a citizen and ambassador to Nicaragua as well as providing him a passport. Birds of a feather flock together since Daniel Ortega forged an unlikely alliance between his ***Sandinista National Liberation Front (SNLF) and the Indigenous Yatama of the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (NAAR) to win votes and supporters. As of this writing other Indigenous populations in this region are very distrusting of the SNLF and political stability is fragile at best. Clearly Daniel made false promises he never intended to keep and has all but ignored the electorates of the NAAR once he gained control of the country. Thaksin is in good company since this is also his modus operandi with the Red Shirts of Thailand.

Ortega and Shinawatra share the guise of being the “peoples” candidate while funneling the bulk of the riches into private accounts and offering crumbs to their loyalists. With Thaksin snuggled in the lap of Cambodia’s government it will only be a matter of time before Cambodia slips back into a Pol Pot era regime where killing fields ruled the day as a morally bankrupt dictator murdered all opposition in the days of the “Killing Fields”. Thaksin’s alliances within businessmen in Dubai and other countries will continue to launder money for the purchase of weapons, supporters and politicians inside of Thailand. With South Asia simmering and on the edge of revolutions throughout the region Thaksin Shinawatra only needs to bide his time before launching his assault on Thailand. He will use anyone and any nation who is naive enough to believe his words for he is only loyal to himself and that’s the bottom line.




Your Devil’s Advocate


Native Communities Brace for the Worst

As America and the free world pat them selves on the back for their response to Haiti’s cry for help American Indian communities continue to live in post disaster conditions. Only difference between the Haitians and the American Indian is, help never arrived for the Natives. With an onslaught of brutal winter storms and sub zero conditions impoverished American Natives are struggling to stay alive. Such is the case of the *Cheyenne River Sioux of South Dakota.

As of this writing the tribe has depleted their emergency funds, their water supply has ceased and electric service has all but stopped working. The merciless winter storms continue to wreak havoc across their reservation with no end in sight. Roads have become deadly ribbons of impassable sheets of ice. Other tribes face similar consequences such as the Oglala, Standing Rock and Navaho nations as they face one of the harshest winters in recent history. The Crow Creek Sioux and others who already faced criminality from utility companies in past winters are surly in dire straights as well.

It is astounding to realize that in the land of milk and honey ambivalence to the cries of the original inhabitances are simply ignored. This is America’s secret shame because this is not an isolated event but an on going crime against humanity. Human beings had their power shut off intentionally by unscrupulous electric companies in the dead of winter regardless if people were on life support, elderly or households filled with children. Where is the great orator who needed Native votes in the last election, the Incredible Mr. Obama, better known as President Pinocchio? It’s been a year since he promised to assist the Crow Creek Sioux over the atrocious actions of Central Electric Cooperative. The Buffalo Soldier rides again.

The mainstream media has all but ignored the plight of the American Indian and only through native media outlets, bloggers and compassionate human beings are these heinous crimes against humanity being exposed to the world at large. Gary Owen continues to echo across the barren plans as tribal people wait in perpetuity for help that will never arrive. Programs continue to get cut as politicians continue to pad the pockets of corporate interests and enrich themselves with bail-outs designed to save their investments AIG and other criminally negligent corporations. Ironically greed has taken on a new dimension since now these politicians have started eating their own in an interesting twist of fate. But as usual it will be the Native communities who will continue to bare the brunt of the economic collapse since we are always placed in the back of the line when aid or assistance is concerned.

American and Canadian policies towards the Indigenous populations are nothing short of an act of eugenics (selective genocide). The new cottage industry on reserves across the America’s is the mortuary business since death has become common place. On my reservation alone, funerals have become a weekly affair as our young die at an alarmingly higher rate than our elders. Despair, hopelessness and sorrow are the culprits that are ravaging mine and other tribes. Possibly, freezing to death in these harsh winter months is a more humanitarian way for our people to depart this hateful and greedy world after all. I’ve lost count of the deaths in my family and I am much bitterer for it. For you boneheads who think I should forgive the past I must inform you that I can not because I am still struggling to forgive the present. From my vantage point the future does not hold any acquiescence or forgiveness either.

Only when Mother Earth cleanses this fetid planet of the disease of greed will a smile return to my face. Fortunately the day of retribution is at hand and soon everyone will know what it is like to live in the world of ambivalence. I relish the day of reckoning.


Your Devil’s Advocate


Dark Humor, Earth Changes and a Piece of Fry Bread

From the perspective on my people it is almost comical that this so called civil society can not see the signs that were taught to them within their respective dogmas. Signs of change swirl around almost daily yet a hopelessly ambivalent world fails to recognize the obvious. Granted, some people I have interviewed told me point blank they don’t care to recognize them and would rather die obliviously. Religions and belief systems from around the world hold the key to surviving the times that lay ahead but I guess these folks have not paid attention to these minor details or chose not to. How far beyond stupid is that eh?

I find this darkly humorous since these people don’t really follow the axioms of their dogmas. They cheery pick ideologies and scriptures that suit their needs then ignore the others that are to inconvenient. So, for these people the Time of Change will be the End of the World because money and material gain will have no meaning in the future. There is some poetic justice in this, don’t you think? For my people this era will remain the Time of Change and I welcome its arrival. Don’t think my people corner the market on the key to survival, not by a long shot. But there are some commonalities within all dogmas that are actually quite simple and I don’t think you have to slaughter your first born son either. I am tempted at times but that does not have anything to do with Earth Changes.

Surviving these times is no secret but one must have a very real spiritual connection. Simply dumping cash in offering plates will not buy spirituality nor guarantee safe passage in the coming days of pandemonium. The list of catastrophic events, both Earth bound and Stellar, will stagger the imagination and one’s sensibilities. Many events are still not known to modern science. The impossible will soon become the possible and we will wish explorers did not burn all the codices of ancient civilizations. Events will cross over into the paranormal aspect of our existence as well. Things we chose to consider foolish or ridiculous will wreak fear into the hearts of millions who never were taught the realities of the spirit world. Dealing with the supernatural will become common place for those who truly grasp this concept. Knowing which spirit is good or bad will be a major issue since this is where the key to surviving the changes lay. And that’s the long and the short of it, lock stock and tomahawk.

Whether you’re Celtic, Comanche or Kachin it’s all the same spirit world and basically the rules of engagement don’t change. The only real differences are the traditions that lead to the same end. If you expect to survive the Earth Changes then you had better know how to recognize the spirits that will approach you in the future. Sadly, for many people just the mere sight of a spirit will send them under their beds or grasping their bottle of Zoloft. People already freak out over space dudes whizzing around in their Dixie Cups and that is just plain silly. The secret to survival is knowing which spirit or entities are good or bad because we either heed their warnings or not. Sounds too easy but in all reality the key to survival is a simple one. But you must have absolute faith within the path or dogma you walk since you will have to ask (within your tradition) if a spirit is cool or not. You will need to have absolute faith within your dogma and accept the answer you receive. Once you have your answer you either listen to this spirit or tell this charlatan to bug off since there will be a bazillion false messengers eager to lead you astray.

One of the greatest falsehoods in all of civilization is the notion any one religion or dogma is better than the other. You need to get of this hobby horse of religious ego and except the fact the Creator sent messengers to all cultures in the universe. There is no such thing as a Holy War no matter what country purports this great lie. Small wonder we are living in the Time of Change. Mankind has bent religions to suit their world domination and monetary needs at the expense of humanity. But that will soon come to a close for Earth Changes will dominate the landscape as Ma Earth flexes her muscle and spanks humanity.

The key to survival is written on rocks, papyrus and paper. The time of change has been prophesized for untold millennia’s. The consequences of man’s greed were also foretold in a bazillion stories in every language in the universe. Signs of every kind were also foretold and they all share the same end. There is no altering the course of destiny of humanity at this juncture. It is foolish that world leaders have chosen to place monetary concerns over the concerns of human beings. They should be preparing their people for the inevitable catastrophes that are in store for all of mankind. Laughably this was also a part of prophesy as well since many people will be lead to their doom by false prophets and slick talkers.

As for me, I’ll just hang out with my family munching on some fry bread smattered in Indian butter, drink some tea and listen to our drum group. If a messenger (spirit) asks us to leave in order to avoid a flood, tornado or other life threatening event we will ask the Creator if this messenger was actually sent in a good way. If the messenger is a fraud I will swipe the last piece of fry bread before my cousin gets it. He always gets the last piece anyway. But if the messenger was sent to us by the Creator we will do as we have done for thousands of years and move our people to safety. We will build another village and resume our lives until the next messenger comes to us.

Your Devil’s Advocate


China Continues to Murder and We Look the Other Way

Along with bargain basement prices China also doles out death to anyone who opposes their ironfisted regime. Slavery has become a cottage industry as international corporations relocate to China to take full advantage of the lack of labor and environmental laws. On the other side of the coin consumers from around the world have become enablers by financing tyranny, wholesale rape, torture and murder for cheaper prices.

We as a so called civilized society have blinded ourselves of the realities of the brutality China has bestowed on their own people. We have blood on our hands as well as the executioners of China who continue to murder innocent people within their xenophobic society. Small wonder we are living in a time of such financial turmoil and environmental disasters. We’ve fanned the flames of our own demise and we wonder why. Well it is actually quite simple since we as a culture have cursed ourselves and are enjoying the rewards for our ambivalence.

There is no turning back the clock for what we have allowed to happen to innocent people for cheaper prices. We have only begun the much prophesized time of change where Ma Earth rids herself of all that is wrong with humanity. In most cases people will not care about what happens in China, Darfur or Burma but ultimately we all will pay dearly. I am forwarding a news item from my friends at the Falun Gong in an act of solidarity in an effort to make the absolute minority of the world’s population more aware of the cost of discount prices.

Your Devil’s Advocate



 Nearly 100 Falun Gong Practitioners Killed in 2009, Documents New Report

 04 Feb 2010

NEW YORK – Large numbers of Chinese citizens detained for practicing Falun Gong continue to die because of brutality suffered at police stations, labor camps and prisons across China, says a new Falun Dafa Information Center report released Monday.Drawing on both Chinese and international sources, the 46-page report, titled “Killed for Their Belief: Falun Gong Deaths from Abuse in 2009,” documents the deaths of 96 Falun Gong practitioners in 2009 (list). Due to frequent delays in reporting from China, the total death toll for the year is expected to climb further in the coming weeks.

“The key finding of this report – that 96 innocent people who were alive a year ago are now dead simply because of their choice of a spiritual faith – exemplifies the mortal danger facing every Falun Gong practitioner in China,” says Falun Dafa Information Center Executive Director Levi Browde. “We also must keep in mind that these are only the cases where friends or family were brave enough to report to us, and which we could verify…the true number of deaths is likely significantly higher.”

“Additionally, the details of the cases highlight that these deaths were not the result of arbitrary abuse by wayward local officials. Rather, they are the direct outcome of intentional instructions issued by Communist Party leaders to use every means possible to eradicate a system of belief practiced by millions,” says Browde. “Those responsible—at every level of the Party apparatus—must be brought to justice.” 

The victims named in the report come from all age groups, strata of society, and geographical regions. The vast majority died due to physical and psychiatric torture or by being denied their right to health while in custody. Many were killed within days, or even hours, of their detention. In one particularly jarring case, in April 2009, police abducted a 39-year-old woman from her home in Beijing. By evening, she was dead, reportedly after being severely shocks with electric batons (case of Ms. Sun Min).

In other cases, adherents were released into their family’s custody on the verge of death, only to pass away shortly thereafter. Last-minute discharges and speedy cremations are common tactics employed by the Chinese authorities to avoid responsibility for detainees dying in custody.

The 96 victims ranged from farmers to entrepreneurs, retired factory workers to bureaucrats, housewives to doctors. A large percentage had previously been illegally detained in labor or prison camps for practicing Falun Gong. As in previous years, Northeastern China was the deadliest region for adherents.

“The brutality of these extrajudicial killings, the geographical diversity of the incidents, and the impunity surrounding the deaths raise serious concerns about the wider societal implications of such violence for both victims and perpetrators,” says Browde. “There is little to guarantee that those who commit abuses again Falun Gong practitioners today will not do the same to other citizens tomorrow.”

The cases and details cited in the report were compiled from a variety of sources, including testimony of relatives or friends of the deceased, photographic evidence, and follow-up phone calls made by researchers to the relevant police or prison authorities. Photos are available particularly when practitioners were released from custody shortly before their death, in many cases, emaciated and showing marks of torture (case of Mr. Zhu Hongbing). 

Several cases also draw on reporting during the year by international media, the United Nations, and human rights groups. In June 2009, the Financial Times covered the story of Mr. Fu Ziming, who was killed in custody within days of his detention for writing “Falun Dafa is Good” while visiting a popular tourist attraction (case). The death of 66-year-old Mr. Jiang Xiqing in a Chongqing labor camp received widespread attention by human rights groups after the lawyers investigating his death were themselves detained and beaten by police (case). 

“Killed for Their Beliefs” also contains 16 recent cases of Falun Gong deaths due to abuse in custody as recorded by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions in his annual report published in May 2009.

In total, since 1999, the Center has recorded the deaths of 3,352 Falun Gong practitioners as a result of various forms of persecution. Given the Chinese Communist Party’s significant efforts to obstruct the investigation of Falun Gong practitioners’ untimely deaths, the actual death tolls for 2009 and overall are believed to be significantly higher than what the Center has been able to document.

Additional Key Findings

In examining the details of the cases from 2009, several patterns emerge:

•    Fourteen practitioners died within two months of last arrest: These adherents—including individuals in their 30s and 40s—were killed within weeks, days or even hours of being taken into custody, often after being abducted from their homes, workplaces, or off the street.

•    Over one-third of deaths occurred in custody: In 33 of the 96 cases, the victim died in custody of the Chinese authorities, either in a prison, labor camp, “brainwashing” center, or detention center. In several cases, family members were able to view the adherents’ body and reported visible signs of torture.

•    Many died shortly after release due to torture in custody: Authorities routinely release Falun Gong practitioners when they are near death in order to avoid the potential liability of their dying in custody. The practitioner typically dies within days or months, as it is often too late for medical attention or renewed practice of the Falun Gong exercises to enable them to recuperate.

•    Deprivation of the right to health leads to over 20 deaths: Given the significant health benefits that a majority of Falun Gong practitioners report experiencing, denied the right to practice in custody, many adherents experience a recurrence of old illnesses or weakening immune systems that make them vulnerable to diseases such as tuberculosis. 21 deaths in 2009 resulted from either a recurrence of old diseases or contraction of new ones when the individual was denied medical attention or forbidden to practice the Falun Gong exercises.

•    Authorities consistently seek to cover-up Falun Gong deaths: The authorities frequently go to great lengths to cover-up the circumstances surrounding a Falun Gong practitioner’s death and thwart investigations into its cause, in violation of both Chinese and international law. Among the tactics recorded in 2009 were: threats to family members not to publicize their loved one’s death, coercion of relatives to approve cremation in order to destroy evidence of abuse, detention of family members pursuing information or compensation, physically “stealing” the body back from the family, and beating of lawyers trying to investigate.

•    Deaths in 24 provinces, but northeast remains the deadliest: Deaths were documented in 24 of China’s 31 provinces and municipalities, including Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang. However, the deadliest region by far was the northeast of the country. Deaths in the four provinces of Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Jilin and Shandong alone accounted for 42 of the 96 deaths. This follows trends from previous years and correlates to the popularity of Falun Gong in the region prior to its ban in 1999.

Thailand’s Repatriation of Refugees Halted

From my sources on the Thai/Burma border I was informed that the repatriation of Karen refugees to Burma was halted by the Thai government. Though our connection was sporadic at best I was also informed that the three families who were originally reported to be sent back to Burma were safe and back in Thailand. There was some confusion as to if they were turned around because of the fighting that was already in progress or they were simply ordered back to the refugee compound. In any event the repatriation of Karen refugees was halted, for now anyway. But we must be vigilant and not let our guard down since conditions can change at any moment for this may only be a stay of execution. Personally I believe His Excellency King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand got wind of this atrocities action and put a stop to it.

Communications was sketchy at best since it was clear that warring factions were in the midst of combat causing communications with my sources difficult at best. We made many calls to our sources on the border with great difficulty adding to the stress of not knowing the current situation for both the refugees and my associates. But after the link was made it was obvious that communications was strained because of a host of reasons, mainly war. Knowing everyone was safe despite the conflict on the other side of the border was welcome news indeed.   

According to our sources the discontinuation of this repatriation was a direct consequence of international outrage that ensued after Thailand’s plan originally surfaced. Other factors like a battle being waged in the region these beleaguered people were being returned to obviously played a major role. The Karen and other tribal people of Burma are no longer alone in their struggle to survive as journalists from around the world rally to expose Burma’s secrets. This should be an omen for all who have sided with General Than Shwe and his criminal regime for they will soon be under the microscope of world wide public opinion. Corporations who continue to disregard sanctions as well as nations will have to atone for their conduct as well since they are equally culpable for crimes against humanity. The *Dirty List of Burma’s enablers continues to grow.


Your Devil’s Advocate


Thailand’s Slide into a Moral Abyss

With reports of corrupt Thai officials working with Burmese soldiers in human trafficking, drug distribution and murder it was not surprising to learn Thailand plans to send *3,000 Karen refugees back to Burma and ultimately their deaths. The operation will begin on Feb. 15 and though the repatriation is said to be “voluntary” there is no doubt physical coercion at the end of a gun barrel will be the final outcome.

The notion Internally Displaced People who’ve just escaped slavery, rape and butchery at the hands of drug addicted Democratic Karen Buddhist Army thugs would want to re-enter the killing fields of Northern Burma is ludicrous at best. Thai soldiers have taken on the role of DKBA aggressors by raping murdering refugees who did not have extortion money on many occasions. The death toll of innocent victims has increased tenfold by the hand of Thai authorities. Such was the case with **9 refugees including a Chinese National who were murdered in cold blood by Police Sen Sgt Maj Somchai Pinkaew and his crew from Phop Phra district police station. Their crime was not having extortion money to pay the corrupt Thai officials.

Though Senior Sargent Somchai Pinkaew committed suicide before he could face trial his murderous acts opened a can of worms as to the realities of Thai officials tainted with Burmese junta money. Many Thai’s were supporters of fugitive ex PM Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand who in turn was cronies with Gen. Than Shwe of Burma. Obviously the din of drug money and the profitability from human trafficking has become a cottage industry for Thai soldiers working along the border. With no regard for human life corrupt Thai authorities have targeted refugees for fun and profit. I still remember the little Karen school girl who was raped then dismembered deep in the Thai jungle whose perpetrators were identified as Thai soldiers. Again, she was not an isolated case as other victims were simple left to rot in the jungle and Thai soldiers were never found to face prosecution.

The trafficking of refuge babies still haunts my memories as DKBA and Thai soldiers would sell these infants to Thai restaurateurs. In turn these restaurateurs would take these babies and fatten them up. Whence they were plump the child would be placed in a vat filled with leeches. Then the leeches would drain the blood of the infant in a ghoulish feast. Later these juicy leeches would be fed to discerning western diners in one of many exotic restaurants in Bangkok and other tourist destinations within Thailand. The practice has not been stopped and babies continue to be trafficked by Thai and Burmese thugs. Of course western diners are oblivious to the nature of their cannibalistic cuisine.

Pat Pong Thailand, especially Pat Pong 1, teams with Burmese children who’ve been sold into prostitution according to survivors I’ve interviewed. The use of infants and pre pubescent children for sexual pleasure has provided another outlet for corrupt Thai officials who’ve sided with the DKBA. Eye witness accounts of wealthy Thai women who’ve taken 10 year old Burmese boys into sexual slavery stagger my sensibilities. Stories of dingy classrooms filled with kindergarten age children learning the fine art of oral copulation and other sexual talents paint a fetid picture of the level of depravity corrupt Thai officials imbibe in. Their callous disregard for human life only exemplifies their lacking in moral fortitude. So it makes me wonder if these Thai officials are trying to rid themselves of witnesses who could possibly identify them for crimes against children and humanity. For sending refugees back to Burma would truly be a death sentence.

Human trafficking of refugees has become common place do to it’s lucratively, ample supply and burgeoning market. Refugees fearful of reprisals by Thai authorities against family members still in centers along the border ask that their identities not be reveled. I can see the terror in their eyes. But there are plenty of written accounts throughout the mainstream press to substantiate these heinous claims and much more for I only skimmed the surface of Thailand’s dark secrets.

The sale of Burmese migrant fishermen to Thai captains who beat and murder their Burmese crewman is another national shame since these human beings are also trafficked by the DKBA and corrupt Thai officials along the border. Other horrific tales involving Burmese migrants who venture to Thailand are the stuff of horror films, provided they survive the border crossing and the drug crazed DBKA. So it is not surprising to learn the Thai government has begun a clamp down of sorts on the Burmese refugees. Reports of raids on ***Karen National Union enclaves and threatening journalists in Mae Sot Thailand has begun to trickle in from sources within the jungles of South Asia.

Thai officials have turned a blind eye on the plight of these impoverished people as gun barrel diplomacy replaces sanctuary in a land that once was considered a safe haven from Burma’s killing fields. The refugees were told the repatriation was voluntary but only a fool would return to their villages since the DKBA has riddled the place with land mines maiming men women and children alike. Yet the world looks on as Thailand prepares to send 3,000 refugees to their certain deaths. Has Thailand sided with tyranny and genocide? Only time will tell as the Feb. 15 deadline approaches. The jungle has many eyes and undoubtedly I will receive eye witness accounts of the atrocities committed by the Thai government whence the Karen’s Trail of Tears begins. The world is watching, Thailand, and so am I.




Your Devil’s Advocate


Obama Strikes Again

After blowing trillions of taxpayer dollars behind closed doors while selling our democracy Obama had a lot of nerve to lecture people on the evils of spending. If ole mommy pants did not dish out enough blarney he then tossed a jab at the *City of Las Vegas Nevada, again. Like a pot calling the kettle black this president proved once again that if he lie’s long enough people will begin to think he is thrifty. Nothing could be further than the truth. Obama, your un-American is showing, again.

With stimulus packages lining the pockets of China and other nations this guy has a lot of nerve lashing out at a community that is as American as apple pie. But what do you expect from a president that has turned treason into a fashion statement and totally disregards the Constitution of the United States of America? It would appear that anything inherently American should be disrespected and dissolved in favor of non American entities. Possibly he would rather bolster China or Indian tourist trade as well since he has done everything AGAINST American enterprises and industries in favor of foreign countries.

But what is most infuriating about this attack on Vegas is the fact he is talking out of both sides of his double speaking mouth. His runaway spending spree while padding the pockets of cronies and countries who don’t like us will lead us into a financial cataclysm. Nancy Pelosi’s $120,000 junket to Copenhagen exposed the true nature of this double standard administration. It also showed the total disregard this president has for America and her people by this assault on an American Icon such as Las Vegas Nevada. Shame on you mommy pants. No wonder you will be remembered as the worst president in US history beating out Jimmy Carter.


Your Devil’s Advocate


Scientists or Alchemists

Look, up in the air. It’s a bird; it’s a plane it’s hmm. Whatever it is, it’s whizzing around at approximately *90 millions away and scientists don’t have a clue what it is. Since we’ve entered into a much more tumultuous phase of Earth Changes it’s not surprising that science is finding it harder and harder to explain things they truly do not understand. From a tribal perspective, it’s time to break out the lawn chairs because the show is about to get better.

The realities of the times we live dictate that more astronomical events will take center stage in the future. Eventually may people will begin to panic as more such objects, crafts or beings make their presents known. Earth born anomalies have also begun to occur as Ma Earth prepares for her polar shift. Planetary alignments will yield a bounty of unexplainable events to the chagrin of our pocket protector wearing sleuths from the scientific communities around the world. Ironically corporatists will also find a way to capitalize on these events like they have with global warming.

Politicians should be preparing their citizenry for the coming catastrophes not capitalizing on them. The reality of global warming and acidification of the ocean lay in volcanism along the 40,000 rift that separates the tectonic plates of the Earth. The warming of the sun by 2 degrees Celsius also played into the mix. Other planets experienced the shrinking of their polar caps at the very same time Earth did but scientists managed to come up with a host of excuses as to way it all was just a coincidence. The real news about the environment should have been the fact volcanoes continue to erupt like never before in recorded history. They are dumping trillions of tons of poisonous deadly gases into the environment almost daily making mans contribution as indistinguishable as a grain of sand in a world of beaches. **Kilauea volcano of Hawaii has continued to erupt spewing trillions and trillions of tons of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide into the ozone since 1983. The list of volcanic eruptions is reaching astronomical proportions with barely a peep from so call scientists.

It is funny how the elite class is stockpiling their underground shelters with sustenance around the world though. There are some very large and complex shelters around the country paid for with taxpayer dollars and we the people will not be invited when the time comes, but that’s another story. Instead, the public is painted a Polly Anna picture of Earth Changes and how man can “save” the planet. At least the elite class is preparing but sadly the doors to their shelters will be locked to the likes of us. Funny part of all this is what was said in a vision, “their sanctuary will be their tomb”, so maybe we will have the last laugh anyway.

History has already suggested that many civilizations have perished from global climate shifts that were directly related to ***volcanic activity that altered the climate. Other astronomical events have also caused cataclysmic events that also altered the course of human history and there were no diesels or coal fired furnaces on the planet to blame. The Little Ice Age from 1600 to 1800 was only a precursor to the events that lay ahead yet scientists have become alchemists by turning natural events into gold by siding with billionaire investors such as George Soros, Warren Buffet and Al Gore who’ve invested billions on the climatic scam of the century. Scientists need to grow a “pair” and stand behind their research rather than be patsies in political rhetoric. Like it or not, this is all a scam and the public will suffer needlessly by not being informed of the truth so they can prepare.

What really gets my goat are the eclectic Earthers who march on the axiom of ancient prophesies of Earth Change then contradict themselves by placing blame on man. It’s either prophesies or it’s not for we can not have it both ways ideologically. The outcome was also prophesized and nowhere did they make mention man would find a cure and alter destiny. I know within my tradition and visions that mankind is absolutely powerless to alter the cycles of Ma Earth, plain and simple. Rather than line the pockets of the same players who continue to lie to the public we should be preparing for climate change and a host of other anomalies that will soon overwhelm humanity. The disaster in Haiti is only a precursor of things to come for no place on Earth will be untouched by change. Scientists will soon learn that chemistry can change in ways they never thought possible. Now that science has merged with politics the truth will evade the public’s ear as scientists, turn alchemists, try to convert global change into gold for a select few and that’s the bottom line, lock stock and tomahawk.  




Your Devil’s Advocate
