Election Time Diarrhea

Now that we are close to election time, all of a sudden, politicians are worried about the working class and the issues we were concerned about when these boneheads were elected 2 years ago. Just another round of political incontinence as these flatulists proceeds to lie and lie again with more false hopes and bold faced lies to save their lucrative jobs. This act of political pandering comes from both sides of the proverbial isle unfortunately. The hierarchies of both parties are knee deep in a myriad of forms of graft, it’s almost overwhelming. Sadly they are also pushing for the dubious New World Order, the undercurrent of their true objective. Political squabbles are nothing more than a smoke screen as both sides quietly usher in more unconstitutional legislation under the ruse of economics or terrorism.

Continue reading

The 2nd International Indigenous Leadership Gathering 2010

        Welcome to
    The 2nd International Indigenous
                                       Leadership Gathering 2010

Mona Pollaca Oregon

with Grandmother Mona Polacca

May 31 – June 6, 2010
British Colombia, Canada

For more info please contact Darrell Bob
Gathering Coordinator

Office 250-256-7523
Cell 250-256-9161
Home 250-256-0045



Native Communities Brace for the Worst

As America and the free world pat them selves on the back for their response to Haiti’s cry for help American Indian communities continue to live in post disaster conditions. Only difference between the Haitians and the American Indian is, help never arrived for the Natives. With an onslaught of brutal winter storms and sub zero conditions impoverished American Natives are struggling to stay alive. Such is the case of the *Cheyenne River Sioux of South Dakota.

As of this writing the tribe has depleted their emergency funds, their water supply has ceased and electric service has all but stopped working. The merciless winter storms continue to wreak havoc across their reservation with no end in sight. Roads have become deadly ribbons of impassable sheets of ice. Other tribes face similar consequences such as the Oglala, Standing Rock and Navaho nations as they face one of the harshest winters in recent history. The Crow Creek Sioux and others who already faced criminality from utility companies in past winters are surly in dire straights as well.

It is astounding to realize that in the land of milk and honey ambivalence to the cries of the original inhabitances are simply ignored. This is America’s secret shame because this is not an isolated event but an on going crime against humanity. Human beings had their power shut off intentionally by unscrupulous electric companies in the dead of winter regardless if people were on life support, elderly or households filled with children. Where is the great orator who needed Native votes in the last election, the Incredible Mr. Obama, better known as President Pinocchio? It’s been a year since he promised to assist the Crow Creek Sioux over the atrocious actions of Central Electric Cooperative. The Buffalo Soldier rides again.

The mainstream media has all but ignored the plight of the American Indian and only through native media outlets, bloggers and compassionate human beings are these heinous crimes against humanity being exposed to the world at large. Gary Owen continues to echo across the barren plans as tribal people wait in perpetuity for help that will never arrive. Programs continue to get cut as politicians continue to pad the pockets of corporate interests and enrich themselves with bail-outs designed to save their investments AIG and other criminally negligent corporations. Ironically greed has taken on a new dimension since now these politicians have started eating their own in an interesting twist of fate. But as usual it will be the Native communities who will continue to bare the brunt of the economic collapse since we are always placed in the back of the line when aid or assistance is concerned.

American and Canadian policies towards the Indigenous populations are nothing short of an act of eugenics (selective genocide). The new cottage industry on reserves across the America’s is the mortuary business since death has become common place. On my reservation alone, funerals have become a weekly affair as our young die at an alarmingly higher rate than our elders. Despair, hopelessness and sorrow are the culprits that are ravaging mine and other tribes. Possibly, freezing to death in these harsh winter months is a more humanitarian way for our people to depart this hateful and greedy world after all. I’ve lost count of the deaths in my family and I am much bitterer for it. For you boneheads who think I should forgive the past I must inform you that I can not because I am still struggling to forgive the present. From my vantage point the future does not hold any acquiescence or forgiveness either.

Only when Mother Earth cleanses this fetid planet of the disease of greed will a smile return to my face. Fortunately the day of retribution is at hand and soon everyone will know what it is like to live in the world of ambivalence. I relish the day of reckoning.

* http://www.sioux.org/

Your Devil’s Advocate


The California Valley Miwok Tribe Fights Eviction

CALL US 209 931-4567 day or night!!! Fax us at 209 931-4333

Please join us. We need your support!!! Alert the Media!!! We need singers, dancers, drummers, sweat leaders, story tellers, flute players, etc…. Come by and show your support. We will also have a candle light vigil after sunset.

Help us stop the Eviction!!!

Most Sincerely,

Silvia Burley, Chaiperson
California Valley Miwok Tribe
10601 Escondido Pl
Stockton, CA 95212




The California Valley Miwok Tribe

“The official and legitimate Tribe”



Help the California Valley Miwok Tribe

Keep Their Land — Stop The Eviction!


California Valley Miwok Tribe – Tribal Land

10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA 95212


Friday, January 15

th, 2010


Gathering at the Tribal property throughout the day followed with a

Candle light vigil to be held after sunset

I hour Press Conference starting at 3:00 pm


We humbly ask that everyone please bring your medicines, drums, candles, lighters,

wood, lawn chairs, and sleeping bags. Please dress warm. We are asking for singers,

dancers, storytellers and drummers. Also donations of water & non perishable foods,

flash lights, batteries, etc… (Need a portable generator with propane).

All Individuals, Media, Tribes, and/or Organizations are welcome

Our Tribe is facing the threat of a forced eviction on Jan 15 th1 2010

Please join us! We need community/public support!

For more information contact the

California Valley Miwok Tribe at (2091931-4567



California Valley Miwok Tribe (physical address) 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA 95212


Stockton, California, The California Valley Miwok Tribe once again is facing the

threat of eviction off its Tribal Property located at 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton,

CA 95212.

Stockton is in the top 5 across the nation regarding homes being foreclosed upon.


Miwok territory covers 10 counties and our Tribe is fighting to retain its 1






of land. It is our homeland, our history here in San Joaquin. We do not want to

lose our land. Our people are being threatened to be thrown out in the street (by

the San Joaquin Sheriff’s Dept.) on January 15, 2010.

We are asking for the community to join us. We are asking for One West Bank to

hold off on moving forward with the eviction. We have a lawsuit against the

California Gambling Control Commission that will be heard on February 9, 2010 in

which we anticipate our Revenue Sharing Trust Fund Money being released. That

means, the Tribe can pay to keep its property.

We are asking that One West Bank give us the extra time to have our day in court

and to have the chance to save our land. We (the “Tribe”) have had so much

taken from us in the past that it may only be 1 1/2 acres of land but it means

everything to us.

You may help by contacting Governor Schwarzenegger and tell him that the

California Valley Miwok Tribe (a federally recognized Miwok Tribe) is fighting off

being thrown out in the street due to foreclosure of their Tribal Property because

of the California Gambling Control Commission illegally withholding their Revenue

Sharing Trust Fund Money for the past 5 years. Tell the Governor that the Miwok

people are in a dire situation and that CGCC will not release our funding because

they say they are waiting for the local BIA to say who the Tribal leader is, but the

BIA says they have no jurisdiction or mandate to tell CGCC anything.

President Obama needs to intervene on our behalf and put a stop to the abuses

the local BIA has been inflicting upon our Tribe. RELEASE OUR FUNDS!!!

For more information, contact the California Valley Miwok Tribe Tribal Office:

209.931.4567 Fax: 209.931.4333





UCDS Students Begin Petition Drive for California Valley Miwok Tribe


In a commendable show of solidarity, University of California, San Diego college students have launched a petition directed to the California Legislature in support of the beleaguered California Valley Miwok Tribe. Leave it to college students to stand and fight for justice when others turn a deaf ear though. I salute their dedication and fortitude as they stand with the Miwok Tribe and fighting corrupt BIA and political officials in collusion with a casino mogul.

UCSD Students Rock!

Hopefully awareness will no longer be an issue since it is clear the mainstream media has all but ignored the Miwok’s cry for justice. I’ve included a copy of the UCSD petition statement along with a direct link to the petition for your convenience.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Justice for the California Valley Miwok Tribe

To: California Legislatures

We the students of UCSD, our friends, and allies stand in solidarity to the injustice that is occurring to our brothers and sisters of the California Valley Miwok Tribe (CVMT). They are a federally recognized Tribe, (listed in the Federal Register and in the Dept. of the Interior/Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal Leaders Directory, Winter 2009), yet they received an eviction notice to leave their tribal lands TODAY JUNE 17!

The entire tribe, elders and children included, is going to be removed by force from their land with no place to go. They are forced to barricade themselves in the tribal office. Using filing cabinets and anything else they can use to secure the building in hopes to protect their culture, their people, and basically everything they have.

We ask that Miwok tribe be allowed to stay in the land they have lived on for 7 years and be given the chance to dialogue with the appropriate legislatures and/or officials about the matter.

If you can help; by all means contact Silvia Burley, Chairperson of the California Valley Miwok Tribal Council, at 209 931 4567

Thank you,

From the Office of Local Affairs at University of California, San Diego

For more info:




Petition Link:



Besieged Miwok Nation Petitions Ken Salazar

Struggling for their very existence, the California Valley Miwok Tribe sent a letter to the Department of Interior’s Ken Salazar in an effort to save their nation from extinction. Almost penniless and bankrupt, this tribe faces criminally corrupt BIA officials and a wealthy casino mogul who are trying to steal their lineage. Their intention is to replace the legitimate tribe with non-Natives who will allow for a casino to be build under the Miwok Nation name.  

The tribe sent me a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Salazar. Officially, the federal government has been made aware of the crisis in Central California. Sadly there are members of the Obama administration that may be part of the problem and not the cure. It would appear Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a financial interest in this fraud either directly or triangulated.

At this juncture it is a matter of public awareness since there is little to no coverage within the mainstream media about the crime being committed in California. The innocent victims of greed and identity theft (Miwok Nation) must fend for themselves with the cards stacked against them since the BIA has discontinued their tribal funding. It’s a classic case of big money and politics verses federally recognized tribal nation. Is this another case of broken treaties and promises being perpetrated by the current administration? Or is this a secreted attempt by a few unscrupulous politicians and businessmen to hoodwink the public while stealing the identity of a sovereign nation just to build a casino?

OK Ken Salazar, the cat is out of the bag. As the tribe moves forward within the court system other filings will be posted on this and other sites for the world to see. The Miwok Tribe may be a small nation but they do deserve justice and protection under the law. Race and creed should not be the determining factor in the distribution of rights under the Constitution of the United States of America. There is no such thing as selective justice but in the case of the Miwok Nation, justice actually means, “Just Us”.

Your Devil’s Advocate




January 6, 2010


Secretary Ken Salazar

U.S. Department of the Interior

1849 C Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20240

Re: California Valley Miwok Tribe

Dear Secretary Salazar;

In light of the correspondence that was submitted to you on November 12, 2009, by Elizabeth Walker regarding the California Valley Miwok Tribe (“Tribe”), I believe it is important, as counsel to the Tribe, to not

only address the numerous inaccuracies in Ms. Walker’s letter, but to also set forth a thorough and accurate account of this federally recognized Tribe’s encounters with government officials and their collusion with non-Indian casino developers. Because neither our firm nor the Tribe was copied on Ms. Walker’s correspondence and it was only recently that we happened to discover this letter on the Internet, we could not provide a response until now. As set forth below, over the course of ten years, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (“BIN’) during the

George W. Bush Administration colluded with non-Indian casino developers and acted deliberately to: (I) cease all stale and federal government funding and benefits to Tribal members, resulting in foreclosure of the Tribal office and residence and the impending bankruptcy of Tribal members; and, (2) manipulate the legal system with frivolous and unauthorized actions, resulting in years of wasted judicial resources at the expense of the Tribe.

I Introduction: Brief Background

In 1979, the Sheep Ranch Rancheria of Me- Wuk Indians of California (subsequently known as the California Valley Miwok Tribe) became a federally-recognized tribe listed on the Federal Register. At the time, Yakima Dixie, son of Mabel Hodge Dixie, to whom the federal government attempted to transfer land pursuant to the California Rancheria Act, served as the sole member of the Tribe. In 1998, Dixie adopted Silvia Burley and three of her relatives into the Tribe. On September 24, 1998, the WA provided correspondence recognizing that Dixie, Silvia Burley, and three other individuals possessed the right to organize the Tribe. Soon after, the Tribe received correspondence from the 13IA formally recognizing Silvia Burley as Chairperson and Yakima Dixie as Vice-Chairperson.

In late 1999, Vice-Chairperson Dixie entered into a development contract in an effort to develop a casino on the Tribe’s land with Chadd Everone, a non-Tribal member and non-Indian. This contract would give  Mr. Everone fitly percent (50%) of proceeds of any casino developed on Tribal land. During the next six years, the Tribe operated with a functioning government and received federal benefits pursuant to P.L. 93-638 contracts with the federal government as %veil as state Revenue Sharing Trust Fund (“RSTF”) benefits through the California Gaming Control Commission (“CGCC”). However, these benefits were terminated based on the BIA’s determination that the Tribe was unorganized with respect to its governing body.

In a letter dated December 12, 2008, Edith Blackwell, Associate Solicitor of Indian Affairs at the Office of the Solicitor, Edith Blackwell, acknowledged the adoption of Silvia Burley into the Tribe, and stated that in this situation “the only answer is for the BIA to wait for the Tribe to organize itself.” However, as elaborated below, through the deceptive, unnecessary and illegal conduct of BIA officials and non-Indians with a monetary stake in the destruction of the Tribe, the Tribe was prevented from exercising its most fundamental right to self-governance.

II The 814’s Fraudulent Scheme in Collusion Chadd Everone to Destroy the Tribe Chadd Everone recognized that a cohesive Tribal body with Silvia Burley as Chairperson would impede his efforts to take advantage of and reap financial gain from the Tribe. Thus, with the assistance of BIA officials, he created a web of deception, conspiracy and fraud for the sole purpose of destroying the identity, culture and membership of this federally-recognized Tribe and establishing a new tribe that he could control and manipulate for his own selfish benefit, with no accountability to others.

In 2000, Yakima Dixie entered into casino-related agreements with developers by the name of Bill Martin and Lr Roi Chapel. After these developers discovered that the casino development process would be more complicated than they anticipated, as the Tribe had a functioning government and leadership in place, they enlisted Chadd Everone for the purpose of devising and implementing a scheme to take over the Tribe with the assistance of government officials.

Despite the outrageous actions the 13IA took over the next six years, the Tribe did not sense foul play until it observed the BIA’s inconsistent actions and correspondences with regard to the ‘Tribal government and the CGCC’s sudden cessation of IISTE funds. In 2006, the Tribe hired a private investigator to examine the extent of Chadd Everone’s interference with Tribal affairs, as well as his involvement with government officials. During this investigation, Chadd Everone (as documented in entails and tape recordings, which are publicly available on the Tribe’s website) made numerous statements outlining his scheme, which included an extensive conspiracy on the pad of local BIA officials.

Specifically, from 2000 through 2006, Everette described his scheme of “turning fiction into reality [by] using the court system, Idle] BIA and the [CGCCI to agree with his requests.” (Exhibit A.) Everone explained Ile “learned the system and used it” by re-filing or appealing every decision that was adverse to his monetary position. (Exhibit A, page 2.) Further, Everone slated on numerous occasions that Arlo Smith and Pete Melnicoe, who served as former CGCC Commission Members (Smith) and CGCC Chief Legal Counsel (Melnicoe), were instrumental in convincing the CGCC to cease the Tribe’s IISTE distributions, and that he had hired them to do so. (Exhibit A, page 2, Exhibit C.) Mr. EVCITM1C also seemed to take pride in the fact that he “controlled” Yakima Dixie with respect to all Tribal affairs. (Exhibit A, page 3.) At no time did Everone ever specify the needs and desires of Mr. Dixie with respect to the Tribe or how any of these deceptive activities would even benefit Mr. Dixie or the Tribe. Instead, Mr. Everette spoke of Mr. Dixie only in passing, as if he were a mere tool that Everone was using to implement his strategy.

Chadd Everone also provided details regarding the collusion and involvement of DIA officials, namely Troy Burdick of the Pacific Regional Office, in assisting Everette with his fraudulent scheme. Mr. Burdick advised Everone to not challenge Silvia Burley’s Pt. 93-638 application on behalf of the Tribe, but rather, to file his own 638 application. (Exhibit B.) Mr. Burdick told Everone that the action of filing a competing 638 application would have the effect of “pushing the 81/1 to make a determination on Tribal authority, and, therefore, who should receive Ithe state and federal monies’? (Exhibit E, page I, emphasis added) Mr. Burdick then warned Everone not to mention their meeting or his advice and labeled their meeting as a “secret or private meeting.” (Exhibit 13.)

Furthermore, based on assurances front B1A officials, Everone stated with certainty that the BIA would make a determination on the Tribe’s leadership in his favor and that his group would be the recognized authority over the Tribe. (Exhibit C.) Most shockingly, Mr. Everone made the blunt statement that former CGCC officials Smith and Melnicoe “do not deal with Burdick — he is my jurisdiction,” indicating that Burdick is not only in collusion with Mr. Everone, but that FATIMIC has control over BIA actions through Burdick. (Exhibit E, page I, emphasis addled.)

The BIA’s actions and statements, as well as those of Chadd E.verone, demonstrate how easily government officials under the Bush Administration and non-Indian casino developers can openly and overtly circumvent federal Indian law to abolish the well-established history and defined membership of a federally recognized Indian Tribe.

 III Frivolous Legal Proceedings

In addition to colluding with government officials to ensure the cessation of Tribal benefits, Chadd Everone, without any approval or authority from Yakima Dixie, has filed countless baseless and meritless legal documents with the IBIA, forcing the Court to expend judicial resources and delay decision-making in order to respond to such nonsense. Among the numerous nonsensical filings are: filings pertaining to current events; requests for documents; a “Request or Calendal (sic) Position and Timing; and, a “Response to the MIA’s Notice of Non-Receipt of Appellant’s Response to [an IBIAI Order.” In addition to being wasteful of time and judicial resources, not one of these documents has ever been signed by Yakima Dixie himself. EN/crone claims to file them on behalf of “Interested Patties,” though it is never demonstrated how these alleged individuals have any right to or claim in connection with the Tribe. The BIA and the Solicitor’s Office, during the Bush Administration, have received copies of all of these filings, yet they have never questioned why a non-attorney and non-Tribal member with a financial stake ill the outcome of this case was actively filing legal documents before the agencies’ own legal tribunal, in violation of state and federal law.

Recognizing that the BIA would continue to ignore Chadd Everone’s illegal activities, on November 25, 2009, the Tribe filed with the IBIA a Motion to Institute Disciplinary Proceedings Against Chadd Everone.

Through this Motion, the Tribe seeks to have Chadd F.verone prohibited from filing any additional pleadings in cases related to the Tribe before the IBIA for the unauthorized practice of law.

In July 2009, Chadd F.verone, through the guise of Thomas Wolfrum, filed another frivolous legal proceeding, this time in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. After reviewing the pleading, the Court granted the Tribe’s Motion to Dismiss, as well as its Motion for Sanctions, ordering Mr. Wolfrum to pay $3,000 to the Tribe and requiring Mr. Wolfium to report the sanction the California State Bar. In its order, the Court recognizes Clinch! Everone’s tactic as a ‘frivolous lawsuit that resulted in a waste of judicial resources and unnecessary costs to Defendants.” (Emphasis added). While the Court here was able to astutely recognize the Rand and irresponsibility being perpetuated by Everone, it is disheartening and disconcerting that United States government officials from the Department of Interior, despite the abundance of supporting evidence, have not only refused to make a similar determination, but have gone so far as to recognize

Chadd Everette has an authoritative figure with decision-making power over the Tribe.

In 2009, despite the efforts of the Tribe to hold a neutral mediation with Yakima Dixie, the BR, again in complicity with Chadd Everone, thwarted any mediation opportunity. Although Elizabeth Walker sent correspondence to the Department of Interior, declining mediation on helm If of Yakima Dixie our firm later discovered that neither Ms. Walker nor Thomas Wolfrum ever represented Yakima Dixie. In fact, when asked whether he was aware of the most recent mediation opportunity, Mr. Dixie suited that he had never heard about

it and had he known about it, he would have participated in such a process. Mr. Dixie also signed an acknowledgement stating such as well as his desire for a renewed mediation offer from the BIA. (Exhibit F.) Thus, one of the Tribe’s most promising opportunities to date to resolve its internal dispute was once again deliberately and forcefully obstructed by the subsequent actions of a casino developer in collusion with the DIA.

IV. Conclusion: Final Request for Assistance

On December 14, 2009, the bank that owns the Tribal residence and office (the address that is listed as the Tribe’s official address in the Federal Register and on all previous and recent government correspondence), served the Tribe with a notice that eviction proceedings will be initiated on January 15, 2010 and that all Tribal members must evacuate the premises on that date. Despite the fact that the two members of this federally recognized Tribe ; Yakima Dixie and Silvia Burley, were and are still ready and willing to participate in

3 mediations to finally resolve this long-standing and wasteful dispute, and even though government officials were well aware of this fact and were in a position to prevent the pending homelessness of the Tribal members, these government officials, including those from the local BIA, the CGCC, as well as the Department of Interior, have allowed a non-indian casino developer with no authority whatsoever, to hijack the entire dispute resolution process, manipulate an elderly man with limited resources, and now, force the eviction and impoverishment of a federally-recognized Tribe located on American soil.

The Tribe is now just days away from eviction and the Obama Administration is now, as it has always been, in a position to prevent and/or delay this eviction in order to allow the Tribe to resolve its dispute and ultimately restore federal and state Tribal benefits. Now that the Tribe’s full story has been accurately relayed and the facts of deception, manipulation and fraud have been thoroughly outlined, the future of this Tribe is now, once again, in the hands of the federal-government. The only question is, whether the federal-government will finally revive this Tribe and attempt to save it from the brink of death, or if it will continue its prejudice and provide the final nail in the coffin?



Robert A. Rosette, Esq.




Larry EchoHawk

Silvia Burley

Yakima Dixie

Trade Stevens

Del Laverdure

Jerry Gidner

Pilar Thomas

Troy Burdick

Pete Melnicoe

Chadd Everonc

Office of Inspector General 4

California Tribe Faces Forced Extinction

Between corrupt California, Nevada officials and an unscrupulous Nevada casino mogul the hand would appear stacked against the federally recognized Miwok Tribe of Central California. On one side you have a casino magnate from Nevada along with a host of politicians from California, Nevada and within the Obama Administration who want to force this humble tribe out of existence and replace them with non natives. It’s all about the money and gambling revenue and these hopelessly corrupt politicians eagerly want to cash in on the lucrative gambling industry. On the other side of the coin are card carrying Miwok people who don’t want corrupt politicians to steal their blood right and tribal sovereignty. Talk about identity theft, this is a bold faced fraud falls more in the category of bunko rather than political.

In an interview with tribal elders including tribal chief Silvia Burley the names of Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were unmistakably entrenched in this conversation. Apparently they have a vested interest in the fraud that is being perpetrated against the sovereign Miwok Nation either directly or triangulated. In short, fraud and criminality as well as hopelessly corrupt politicians and a casino mogul with unlimited resources and deep pockets laid siege on this nation knowing this tribe does not have the financial capability to fight this well funded adversary. The tribe’s only hope to survive the latest attempt to take their lineage away from them is to petition Indian Country, the American pubic as well as the world for assistance. Their coffers have been empty since their tribal funds have been illegally stopped in this elaborate game of chess perpetrated by morally bankrupt BIA officials. And it’s all about the money Paisan, it’s all about the money.

The real issue is tribal sovereignty and not just in California but throughout Indian Country since the Crow Creek Sioux Nation of South Dakota was the victim of an Internal Revenue Service land sale, on sovereign tribal land. That was an absolute violation of tribal sovereignty guaranteed by the federal government, again. The story about the Crow Creek Sioux Nation should be an example to other nations since this is a very dangerous precedent. The violation of sovereign rights is becoming a trend with various unscrupulous politicians and corporate thugs who continue their reign of greed and hatred for the indigenous people of the continental United States of America. Now we have thugs and corrupt politicians with millions of dollars to spend while bankrupting the Miwok Nation.

The prize will be to steal their federal recognition, their name, their lineage and replace them with people who will “play ball” with non native investors. On the bright side there will be a nice shiny casino with their tribal name boldly embossed in lights. Since non natives would assume the role of Miwok people I wonder where the real Miwok would have to go. Would they still be considered American Indian? Or will they be relegated to “Other”? Maybe the feds will move them to Oklahoma and join them to another tribe. But what about all the money the BIA illegally withheld from them to try and starve them out. Will they get their back pay or will the government make a new excuse as to why they do not deserve illegally withheld funds? I just wonder.

The tangled web of corruption places Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid smack in the middle of this scam to steal a tribe’s heritage and their sovereignty according to inside sources. Sadly as the truth evolves it places the Obama Administration in the hot seat since this crime may involve popular Democratic Party officials. Their close relationship with other unscrupulous business associates will undoubtedly come into focus as well. With money and a hand full of corruptible politicians laws will be ignored for the sake of the corporate bottom line across Indian Country since this is only the beginning I fear. But in the case of the Miwok Tribe they will not go down without a fight even if they do not have the deep pockets of a casino mogul to feed their struggle. I have included the latest press release from this beleaguered nation.

Your Devil’s Advocate




Picket the Central California Agency-Bureau of Indian Affairs

The California Valley Miwok Tribe invites you to join us in our open protest against the local Bureau of Indian Affairs, Dept. of the Interior, Central California Agency

Our Tribe is a federally recognized Tribe that is listed in the Federal Register as an Indian Entity Recognized and Eligible to receive services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs.

The Central California Agency — BIA is illegally trying to re-organize a federally recognized Tribe that has never been terminated, that has a Custom and Tradition Tribal Constitution ratified by the Tribe in March 2000. The local BIA has been illegally withholding our Mature Status 638 Contract since 2008 and by refusing to confirm to the California Gambling Control Commission who our duly elected Chairperson is, BIA has caused the CGCC to illegally withhold the Tribe’s Revenue Sharing Trust Fund Monies (RSTF) since 2005.

Our civil rights have been violated. The local BIA is also violating federal law.

We (the “Tribe”) have no money to fund our Tribal Programs; all employees have been laid off since Dec 2007. The Tribe cannot pay its bills, and the only Tribal Property (1% acres of land at 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA 95212) has been foreclosed on. The Sheriff’s Department is scheduled to evict the Tribe and its members off the Tribal Property on January 15, 2010.

We are demanding that our funding be released immediately so we can save our Tribal Property and not be homeless. We are demanding fair treatment by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. We are demanding that an investigation into the inappropriate actions and treatment of
our Tribe, by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

The Dept of the Interior – BIA mission is to “protect and honor its trust responsibilities to American Indians, Alaskan Natives and Affiliated Island Communities”, so why have they failed so miserably with protecting the California Valley Miwok Tribe? Come join us, voice your concerns and issues. Show strength in UNITY!!


John Moss Building – Central Calif. Agency/Bureau of Indian Affairs 650 Capitol Mall,
Sacramento, Calif. 95814


Wednesday, January 6th, 2010 & Thursday, January 7 th, 2010


10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. (each day) followed by a 1 hour Press Conference (each day)

For more info contact the California Valley Miwok Tribe at (209) 931 -4567




National Museum of the American Indian Event

Native Promo

Join Us!

Celebrating a new partnership between the

Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian and Koahnic Broadcasting Corporation in presenting;

“Today in History” on KBC’s

National Native News




National Museum of the American Indian

Potomac Atrium, 4th Street and Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C.

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Enjoy a taste of Alaska!



Eskimo Ice Cream


Fry Bread



Yup’ik Eskimo Dance

By Chuna McIntyre Yup’ik Cultural Expert


For more information call;

907.793.3500 ext. “0”

Warrior Walk Poster copy

Walk With the Warriors Inc.

Commanders’ Update Veterans Day Activities 2009

I) American Indian Veterans Day Vigil Walk (Pentagon to Vietnam Veterans)
II) Celebration of the Native American Indian Heritage Month
III) Honoring the Korean War Memorial
Sponsored by: Walk With the Warriors, Blue Star Mothers, & Gold Star MothersThe event will be Nov..6th., 7th., and 8th.

At: Old Folk-Life Festival Site, NE of Washington Monument, between Constitution Ave & Madison Dr., between 14th and 15th Street.

Schedule of events:
Friday, November 6, 2009 – Setting up Information Center and Headquarter
(VA Benefits, counseling, and blessings will be available, at this site Sat. & Sun.)

Saturday November 7, 2009
Annual Vigil Walk of the Century will begin at the Pentagon and will end at the
Korean War Memorial, Lying of the wreath ceremony will take place as soon as the Vigil Walk arrives.
The Pentagon: Ceremony will take place in the courtyard of the Pentagon.
1) 10:30AM – Master of Ceremonies by; Jake Singer
A) Opening Ceremony: American Indian Pipe Ceremony by Jake Singer Commander
Walk With he Warriors Inc.
B) Invocation: Jack Jackson (traditional Navajo Prayers & Songs)
C) Honorary Speakers:
1) Commanding Officer in Chief, President Barack Obama
2) Commanding Officer of the Pentagon
3) Navajo Code Talkers; (open)
4) Retired Arizona State Senator; Jack Jackson
5) Kim Sowinski
6) Navajo Nation Representative (open)
7) Closing Prayer; Chaplin Allan Pomaville
2) 12:00PM – Vigil Walk to the Korean War Memorial will commence, from the North Parking lot of the Pentagon. (American Indian Society Color Guards and Color Guards from any organizations are welcome to lead the march)
3) 1:00PM – Lying of the Wreath Ceremony at the Korean War Memorial
4) 2:00PM – At the Main Headquarter, Old Folk-life Festival Site
Press Release Conference;
1) Opening Statement by Commander, Walk With the Warriors Inc; Jake Singer
2) Navajo Nation Representative (open)
3) Navajo Nation Washington Office
4) Board Member, Walk With the Warriors Inc; Bob Hrobak
5) Vice Commander, Walk With the Warriors Inc; Angela Barney Nez
6) MOPH member, Vietnam; Leroy Thomas
7) Dilkon Veterans Organization – Felix Tsinijinnie
8) Closing prayer – William Singer, Dilkon Veterans Organization
5) 4:00 PM – 5:00PM Round Dance (Dance of Victory)
6) 8:00 PM – NAC Prayer Service (Teepees Welcome)

Sunday November 8, 2009
1) 8:00AM – Midmorning Brunch
2) 9:00AM – Gourd Dance and Round Dance
3) VA benefit Information, counseling, and blessings. (all day long)
4) Closing down by 5:00 pm.


Maine Act to Establish Native American Veterans Day
read more…………………….


United States Senate Committe On Indian Affaires
Byron L. Dorgan
Vice Chairman-John Barrasso Contact page
See a complete list of committe members and committe actions


There are thousands of Vietnam Veterans that have been able to marry, raise children, and enjoy grandchildren because of the heroic service of military nurses in Vietnam. Please visit:

Please visit our website for further information: www.vietnamwomensmemorial.org

Diane Carlson Evans 866-822-8963 President and Founder Vietnam Women’s Memorial Foundation, Inc. 1735 Connecticut Avenue NW 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20009 www.vietnamwomensmemorial.org
