UCDS Students Begin Petition Drive for California Valley Miwok Tribe


In a commendable show of solidarity, University of California, San Diego college students have launched a petition directed to the California Legislature in support of the beleaguered California Valley Miwok Tribe. Leave it to college students to stand and fight for justice when others turn a deaf ear though. I salute their dedication and fortitude as they stand with the Miwok Tribe and fighting corrupt BIA and political officials in collusion with a casino mogul.

UCSD Students Rock!

Hopefully awareness will no longer be an issue since it is clear the mainstream media has all but ignored the Miwok’s cry for justice. I’ve included a copy of the UCSD petition statement along with a direct link to the petition for your convenience.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Justice for the California Valley Miwok Tribe

To: California Legislatures

We the students of UCSD, our friends, and allies stand in solidarity to the injustice that is occurring to our brothers and sisters of the California Valley Miwok Tribe (CVMT). They are a federally recognized Tribe, (listed in the Federal Register and in the Dept. of the Interior/Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal Leaders Directory, Winter 2009), yet they received an eviction notice to leave their tribal lands TODAY JUNE 17!

The entire tribe, elders and children included, is going to be removed by force from their land with no place to go. They are forced to barricade themselves in the tribal office. Using filing cabinets and anything else they can use to secure the building in hopes to protect their culture, their people, and basically everything they have.

We ask that Miwok tribe be allowed to stay in the land they have lived on for 7 years and be given the chance to dialogue with the appropriate legislatures and/or officials about the matter.

If you can help; by all means contact Silvia Burley, Chairperson of the California Valley Miwok Tribal Council, at 209 931 4567

Thank you,

From the Office of Local Affairs at University of California, San Diego

For more info:




Petition Link:
