Exposing EU Land Grabs Against Indigenous People: EU Exploiting Poor Nations On Behalf of Powerful Corporate Interests – Raymond Finch MEP – NWO EXPOSE’

Election Time Diarrhea

Now that we are close to election time, all of a sudden, politicians are worried about the working class and the issues we were concerned about when these boneheads were elected 2 years ago. Just another round of political incontinence as these flatulists proceeds to lie and lie again with more false hopes and bold faced lies to save their lucrative jobs. This act of political pandering comes from both sides of the proverbial isle unfortunately. The hierarchies of both parties are knee deep in a myriad of forms of graft, it’s almost overwhelming. Sadly they are also pushing for the dubious New World Order, the undercurrent of their true objective. Political squabbles are nothing more than a smoke screen as both sides quietly usher in more unconstitutional legislation under the ruse of economics or terrorism.

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