Election Time Diarrhea

Now that we are close to election time, all of a sudden, politicians are worried about the working class and the issues we were concerned about when these boneheads were elected 2 years ago. Just another round of political incontinence as these flatulists proceeds to lie and lie again with more false hopes and bold faced lies to save their lucrative jobs. This act of political pandering comes from both sides of the proverbial isle unfortunately. The hierarchies of both parties are knee deep in a myriad of forms of graft, it’s almost overwhelming. Sadly they are also pushing for the dubious New World Order, the undercurrent of their true objective. Political squabbles are nothing more than a smoke screen as both sides quietly usher in more unconstitutional legislation under the ruse of economics or terrorism.

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Than Shwe Song and Dance Routine

Shwe Dance

It would appear that the only beneficiary to all these meetings in Burma will be the caterers. With Daw Aung San Suu Kyi still under house arrest, political prisoners continue to be tortured and increased secret arrests of monks and opposition go unreported. Not much has changed in fact things only got worse according to insiders. On the bright side Than Shwe succeeded in buying critically needed time and fostered pseudo legitimacy for his bogus 2010 Election and regime. The shine of US diplomacy has lost its luster in the public’s eye as another round of Gambari’esk meetings fill news feeds with more false hope. Burma and her patriots remain in bondage. The fact *Kurt Campbell and Scot Marciel will hopefully visit Daw Aung Suu Kyi and opposition leaders separate from the junta delegates nullifies the purpose of the meeting in the first place.

U.S. politicians were sweet talking mass murderers while rescuing John “The Fraud” Yettaw, the man who torpedoed Suu Kyi’s legitimate bid for freedom. There is much speculation about the junta’s true role in this caper. There are eye witnesses to suggest much of the Olympic swimming escapade was fabricated but that’s another story. In the meantime the onslaught continues. The **Free Burma Rangers have reported scores (1,500) of Internally Displaced People (IDP) fleeing into the jungles living only on ancient skills in the latest round of eugenics. Nursing wounds sustained in the numerous attacks, these helpless people have been forced to scavenge in the jungle for sustenance and shelter while keeping vigil for junta death squads. The jungles are peppered with anti personnel mines and field amputations are common place for Free Burma Ranger Surgical Teams. But let’s forget that part and pretend the junta is a legitimate entity in the grad scheme of things. We might as well forgive Hitler’s holocaust and the millions of innocent people who also perished under the watchful of the world’s greatest nations.

The world media has been artificially mum about the continued onslaught of the Karen and other ethnic groups. Feel good political hog wash has filled the air waves with distortions and blatant lies. First hand information from the Free Burma Rangers painted a completely different picture gleaned from the pallet of human suffering. To be a journalist in Burma is to type with the keyboard in front of you and a gun barrel pressed to the back of your head. There are other courageous journalists and news groups though. They share many of the same risks as the Rangers. Only they don’t perform field surgeries with night vision gear behind enemy lines.

With an arsenal of advanced and chemical weaponry, (provided by China, India and North Korea), men of Burmese Army Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 599, Infantry Battalion (IB) 73 and IB 39 have intensified ethnic cleansing operations. Between October 9-10 mortars rained down in the Nwa Lay Ko, Giblayta and Saw Poe Ta regions as Burmese troops shot their way into the lives of villagers. As we fawned over well intended yet futile misguided engagements death reigned as villagers cried out to an ambivalent world. The bottom line is this, without Aung San Suu Kyi and her delegation at the table with all players, including Than Shwe, there is no legitimacy to the dialogue. The junta does not reflect the will of the Burmese people, not by a long shot. If the world honored the will of the people back in 1990 Than Shwe would have been hanging out in Paris with his wife and a couple retired generals. But alas, it would appear the free world is just as full of green house gasses as the mindless 2008 Constitution, the cornerstone of the 2010 Election.

Than Shwe has murdered his way into Burmese politics violating every tenet of human rights imaginable in his reign. The free world has done nothing but offer sanctions to “most” industries while coddling others who skirt the international mandate. Filled with feel good speeches and broken promises after the election of 1990 the Burmese people take words from the west with a grain of salt but still keep just an inkling of hope. Apparently so does the junta and cohort Kim Jong II of North Korea who already cashed in on the Gullible’s Travel’s of neophyte western diplomacy.

Than Shwe’s astrologers are struggling to plot a new course with the least amount of tribulation but it’s impossible and they know it. The excommunication of Than Shwe and his military has placed him in a new light. Actually this exposed him for what he actually is and it is not Buddhist. Than Shwe is a traitor to his nation and has betrayed the core tenets of his mission as a general, to protect and defend the people of Burma. Religion was only a tool of manipulation and his presents in pagodas have been met with deadly results. Following the path of evil will glean rewards that will last an eternity. By perverting a sacred dogma such as Buddhism he has cursed himself as well as all who chose to follow him into the caldron of retribution.

Than Shwe knows he lied to everybody around him, even his wife. He seeks out soothsayers so they can help him find his path as well as buy him time in their sacred incantations and spells. It is his astrologers who are actually at the reigns of power in Burma and Than Shwe is only their disciple. They know Uncle Than’s days are numbered and are also poised with anticipation for his demise. It is almost laughable that Than Shwe does not have magic of his own and has to borrow it. He draws magic from other dubious sources as well but none of his magic is actually his. And there is no way he can reinvent and mold any religion to justify what he has done to the people of Burma. One thing is for certain; Than Shwe will not be alone and he will share his misery with his staunches supporters whence they cross onto the other side. And they better bring their asbestos toe shoes.

* http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2009/oct/131137.htm#burma

** http://www.freeburmarangers.org/Reports/2009/20091030.html

Your Devil’s Advocate


Burma’s New Sham Democratic Party

2010 VOTE copy

With Than Shwe’s bogus 2010 election just around the corner credibility has become a major issue. And with good reason since the junta did not like the outcome of the election of 1990 even though they sponsored it. You remember, that’s the election Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy won a landslide victory over Than Shwe’s regime. Sadly the voice of the people was not recognized by Gen. Than Shwe and the world was asleep at the wheel.

The proposed election of 2010 was designed to give Burma a white wash or sugar frosting and give Than Shwe’s criminal regime a semblance of legitimacy. The other benefit to the election was to give criminally negligent corporations who’ve ignored international sanctions some breathing room from public opinion. Credibility has not been in Than Shwe’s favor and the world knows the election is a sham. But in spite of this fact Than Shwe devised a newer scheme in an effort to give his bogus election the look and feel of a real election. It’s called the Democratic Party and they will place a candidate in the running for the 2010 election. Talk about a rigged election. Why even waste the money on ballots in the first place since Than Shwe has guaranteed his generals will win no matter who runs, except the true opposition. After all, true opposition is either in prison, dead or in hiding so they are effectively out of the running, so far.

Mya Than Than Nu, the daughter of U Nu; Nay Yee Ba Swe, the daughter of late Prime Minister Ba Swe; and Cho Cho Kyaw Nyein, the daughter of late Deputy Prime Minister Kyaw Nyein are the spearheads of this new attempt to give the bogus election of 2010 a face lift. Did Than Shwe really think he was going to slip this one by the world audience or is he as stupid as many of his generals says he is? I will leave that open to debate. Anyway, these three gals are going to run a staged opposition under the banner of the new *Democratic Party.

With the children of his cronies running the opposition I truly doubt these gals will want to give up the opulent life they lead or do time for winning the election like Aung San Suu Kyi. The sins of their fathers will not be an issue regardless of their blood soaked histories. Ethnic cleansing as well as wholesale genocide will not be an issue either since the 2010 elections will also provide amnesty to generals for all their heinous acts of brutality. Yes, it will be an election to behold as Than Shwe pushes to legitimize his criminal regime. And there sits the UN’s Ban Ki-moon hiding under the sofa hoping it will all go away and pinheads like U.S. Senator Jim Webb who can’t see past their wallets.

The fix is already in since the junta forced a new and totally unacceptable Constitution onto the people of Burma in 2008. Through threats of death and starvation Than Shwe coerced people to vote yes as well as fix ballot boxes. Nothing like gun barrel politics to usher in more restrictive and totalitarian rules to keep a nation in bondage. With the Three Stoogettes (Mya, Nay and Cho) at the helm of the new Democratic Party the elections will be the mockery of the century but sadly the joke will be on the people of Burma.

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=16788

Your Devil’s Advocate


Lady of the Lake Speaks

Aung San Suu Kyi

Through her attorney Nyan Win, Aung San Suu Kyi’s stance on sanctions has not changed since 2007. When poised with remarks in a British newspaper that she was considering lifting the tourism embargo in Burma, she simply said no one has spoken to her about it at all. This quite a contrast to the remarks made by US Senator Jim Webb when he clearly stated;

 “I don’t want to misrepresent her views, but my clear impression is that she is not opposed to the lifting of some sanctions,”

 Further, during Webb’s visit with Daw Aung Suu Kyi it was all too apparent he was more interested in China’s growing “Fearful Influence” in Burma. Aung San Suu Kyi found Webb’s “fearful influence offensive and offered a rebuttal to his terminology in reference to China. She wanted good relations with China and the rest of the bordering countries as well as the international community. *Nyan Win quoted;

 “She said China is Burma’s neighbor and wants to be a good friend of Burma. She said she did not see China as a fearful influence.”

 Clearly Senator Webb was referring to China’s pipeline and other vested interests in the region. It should also be noted that Webb has opposed sanctions and promoted commerce with the criminal regime claiming sanctions have failed. The reality is sanctions have not been honored by many nations including the US and UK. India’s Tata Motors, the parent company of UK’s Land Rover and Jaguar, is building a heavy truck plant in Burma to facilitate Than Shwe’s military needs. Tata is also heavily invested in Briton making the UK an unwitting partner in genocide, if you think about it. The list of countries and corporations who are lining the pockets of Than Shwe’s criminal regime is staggering. So the notion sanctions have not worked is ludicrous since true sanctions have not been honored from the very beginning, just lip service.

Now Webb is going to report to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with his “facts”. The one fact still remains; Daw Aung San Suu Kyi maintains her and the National League for Democracy’s position on all points including sanctions and true reconciliation. She maintained that she has always kept the door open for dialogue with the regime.

Now, that the junta successfully placed Aung San Suu Kyi out of the running for the sham 2010 election. Reconciliation and the democratic process have been replaced with the bogus roadmap to nowhere by the regime. Than Shwe’s 7 Steps have obviously stepped backwards. The United Nations has proven to be as impotent as ever as they have more meetings and review tons of eye witness accounts of genocide and crimes against humanity. Burma continues to be placed at the back of the line while the world addresses recent acts of genocide and human rights violations in other parts of the globe.

It was ironic that while Jim Webb was making nice with the regime 10,000 residence in Sham State evacuated to China, thousands of Karen fled with their lives. Rape and murder continue to be the signature of Than Shwe’s Burmanization Program as genocide continues unabridged by the international community. It’s all about the money anyway, why fool ourselves. If it’s not profitable it’s not worth fighting for. Morality and ethnics has no place in current society, only the corporate bottom line. With the edict of Economics over Humanity it is clear help for Burma will not come from the outside world. The cries of the innocent will continue to fall on deaf ears and the world will continue to walk in the shadow of cowards and false hopes. The fate of Burma rests in the hands of the courageous and it is up the people to reawaken the Fighting Peacock for they are truly alone.

Senator Jim Webb’s visit to Burma has been hailed as a major coup for the criminal regime. The junta’s propaganda machine has hailed Webb’s meeting as a major milestone in renewing relations with Burma. But in all reality it was a major blow to the democratic movement and a big win for the junta. Webb gave the green light to the continued wholesale murder of the ethnic minorities within Burma as well as the continued arrests of all political opposition. And that’s the bottom line.

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=16589

Your Devil’s Advocate


Insult to Injury

Sen Webb

When Senator Jim Webb flew to Burma and bartered for the release of John William Yettaw he condoned torture, rape and genocide. Also, Webb offered a hint of legitimization to the criminal regime of Than Shwe. Though well intended his efforts added insult to injury to an already suffering nation and I have to ask, how far beyond stupid are you?

Not only did Sen. Webb pour salt in the wound of a suffering people he facilitated the release of a criminal. The criminal succeeded in keeping Daw Aung San Suu Kyi imprisoned for at least 18 more months to the joy of the morally bankrupt junta. With thousands of Americans locked away in foreign countries on a variety of crimes why release John William Yettaw? Unlike the two journalist captured in North Korea, John was guilty as charged for violating the law. John plunged the democratic movement into chaos with his infinitely stupid and callous act.

This only posses more questions rather than solutions for the people of Burma. There is no question the controversy over John Yettaw’s has been raging since it is believed he was part of a conspiracy to eliminate all opposition before the sham 2010 election. It is plain as the nose on ones face the junta was involved in this carefully orchestrated plot to have Aung San Suu Kyi’s sentence extended. Now thanks to John William Yettaw, Aung Suu Kyi will spend 18 more months in bondage conveniently out of sight and out of mind. What does Sen. Webb have to gain from this abhorrent act of betrayal? Is he invested in corporations that wish to rob more natural resources from Burma? Is he part of a much grander scheme to legitimize the criminal regime of Than Shwe’s? Webb’s efforts only rewarded a criminal who dashed the hopes of 50 million people. John William Yettaw committed a most heinous crime against the people of Burma, there is no question. John should have served his sentence like so many other American’s who’ve violated the law in other countries. The fact a US senator went out of his way to “save” John Yettaw suggests a much darker picture that borders on conspiracy.

Senator Jim Webb disgraced the tenets of democracy by his pandering to the whims of Burma’s criminal regime. This deplorable act of betrayal will leave deep scars in the hearts of millions who’ve looked to the United States for guidance and help during their time need. It is sad to note that Burma’s struggle for democracy was kicked in the teeth by the very country they wanted to emulate in democracy. It will be interesting to see who actually profits from this slap in the face because it will not be the people of Burma or the United States. Thanks for nothing Senator Jim Webb.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Outrage over Aung San Suu Kyi’s Conviction

Than Baby

The world is outraged over Daw Aung Suu Kyi’s conviction. Here we go again with lofty speeches and more letters of sanction. My question is where was the outrage when Aung Suu Kyi won a landslide victory in the first place? Where was the outrage when she and her cabinet were arrested for winning the election? And where was the outrage when it was discovered ethnic minorities were being systematically raped and murdered? It would appear the world is more concerned with talking points than any actual solution to Burma’s plight.

 Though the trial had a multitude of questionable facts involved it was clear John William Yettaw invaded Aung Suu Kyi’s compound. Whether John was dropped of at the compound in a cab or actually swam does not escape the fact he was there. Revelations on both sides of the ocean also showed he was there once before. We can all speculate all we want to and possibly come up with more heinous conclusions but it’s not going to amount to a hill of beans. I’ve heard this dialogue over and over adnauseum with absolutely no results other than feel good speeches and a push for more cash donations. But I do see a window of opportunity in this verdict though.

People are missing the boat I fear since Sr. Gen Than Shwe did something rather peculiar. After the verdict was read, Burmese Home Minister Maung Oo entered the fray with a prepared order by Than Shwe reducing the sentence from 3 years to 18 months. Daw Aung Suu Kyi was not remanded to Insein Prison like originally planed. The junta did not sell off Aung Suu Kyi’s compound and she was given TV access and news papers to read. Toss in the option of possible early release and you have a verdict that was much less than expected. It also showed a glimmer of home in the reconciliation process. So I am very thankful for the results since it was much better than I expected by a long shot.

For Than Shwe to make such a bold statement about General Aung San and to commute part of the sentence was unheard of according to political exiles. Call it intentional and calculated or simply a change of heart, this could have been a much worse ending and we would still have been powerless to stop it. The United Nations has proven to be just as much talk as the rest of the world when addressing Burma. Ban “I’m a man of action” Ki-moon still has done nothing. The United Nations needs a warehouse to store all the statements and eye witness accounts of genocide and human rights violations within Burma. Yet they will conduct another meeting; propose more fruitless sanctions and fire off another nasty letter of concern to the regime. Politicians will stand on their soap boxes and denounce the verdict while looking good in the press’s eye but they will offer no solutions.

If ever there was a time Sr. Gen. Than Shwe had an opportunity to show face, it is now. With the verdict in, Than Shwe can make true reconciliation a reality if he chooses to. The lightened sentence also had a provision for early release. Possibly we can squeeze this into the reconciliation process if we look at what we got rather than what we did not.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Than Shwe’s Propaganda Machine Working Overtime

Desperate to counter the growing number of nations waking up to Than Shwe’s dark murderous secrets, Than Shwe’s minions of hate have begun producing fresh lies and fabrications. The *KNU/KNLA Peace Council just fired off a report making some of the most outlandish and completely silly claims to date. Of all things they urged Thailand to work with them in returning the Karen to their homeland since, “The war is over”. Nothing could be further than the truth as innocent villagers continue to flee for their lives or face extinction.

It should be noted the KNU/KNLA identified crimes against humanity of a wide variety that denoted their activities rather than throw blame on others. It is obvious they are desperate to defuse the findings Angelina Jolie will relay to the world since she actually visited the innocent victims of genocide. She will be a most credible witness to the crimes against humanity fore she had the attention of half a million survivors. Compound this event with the arrival of French Foreign Minister Rama Yada and you have a powerhouse of credibility that will surely sway international public opinion. Than Shwe’s secrets will soon be reveled like never before marking the beginning of the end of his murderous empire. One by one his allies will secretly ask for immunity if they testify against their former boss at the War Crimes Tribunal.

In a futile attempt to sound legitimate the KNU/KNLA lashed out at the evil media calling them liars, fabricators and masters of propaganda. This was humorous to say the least since they targeted the British Broadcasting Corporation, Voice of America, Radio Free Asia and the Irrawaddy along with others calling them terrorists. If anything these organizations were the bastion of truth. Like a pot calling the kettle black they exposed their true nature and magnified the true purpose of Than Shwe’s latest literary disaster The New Light of Myanmar better known as The New Lie of Myanmar. This is a propaganda machine filled with lies designed to promote confusion. They went on to accuse the KNU, student groups, exiles, refugees and anyone else who opposed the criminal regime of causing unrest and acts of terrorism. Personally I find it laughable since this verified my suspicions of who actually robbed the convoy of trucks on the Mandalay-Muse trade corridor. This was a carefully planned operation to offer news for the New Lie of Myanmar and cause conflicts between ethnic groups.

There is no question Than Shwe is in the process of getting religious groups and ethnic groups to fight among themselves. With this distraction Than Shwe can move his criminal agenda forward and erase the election results of 1990 with his corrupt 2010 election. With prisons emptied he now has room to make more secret arrests of anyone or group who opposes the elections. If you recall, last year he freed 2,000 prisoners only to arrest members of the opposition. The Constitutional Referendum was a classic example of strong arm politics at its best. He intimidated and murdered for votes.

Those who voted against the Referendum received no Cyclone relief though most of the aid was sold on the black market according to eye witnesses. And as we all know Naypyidaw, The Pagoda of Death and his cyber city was financed with aid money. It was also reported he has well over 3 billion dollars “in reserve” that did not manage to reach Nargis victims so far. And the KNU/KNLA had the gall to say pro democracy groups and news organizations were involved in terrorism. It is their mentor General Than Shwe who is guilty of all the atrocities they tried to blame on others. And it is Than Shwe and his murderous thugs who will soon meet their dark destiny. Maybe if Than Shwe’s fortune tellers told him the truth he would have reconciled and begun the process of healing Burma.

His plan to divide the country before the elections is doomed to failure since he has managed to cause conflicts on several of his borders. This was not part of the equation and will surely alter his plans. With unrest on all levels of his government he is running out of allies. Now his generals are looking over their shoulders because Than Shwe has grown paranoid. Quietly Than Shwe is shuffling his cabinet out of fear fore no one is safe in his inner circle, anymore. Soon he will be surrounded by enemies.

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/highlight.php?art_id=15324

Your Devil’s Advocate
