Coping with Supernatural Whizz-Bang’s

So some spirit moved your ashtray across the table and they keep whispering your name in a haunting surreal tone. While you’re trying to sleep someone pulls all your blankets off and the room gets freezing cold. Then they decide to look spooky and threaten you or your loved ones with morbid and horrific tales of death. For some, this type of encounter sends folks over the edge running down the street screaming at the top of their lungs in their boxers. Others “submit” to this unknown force only to be a conscript and do this apparitions bidding on earth, be it slaughter your family with a ball peen hammer or play Justin Bieber albums in the nude, gads talk about demonic possession. With the spirit world on a collision course with our plain of existence encounters of any kind are sure to increase and may people are sure to loose their sanity. If only someone gave them a heads up on dealing with Whizz-Bang spirits.

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Earth Change Round-Up

Nothing like watching prophecy unfold before my very eyes I always say. Ma Earth has already begun to cleanse herself of all that causes her discomfort with a little help from her friends, earth, wind, rain and fire. The sun and space are poised to perform a show that will stagger the imagination. Man’s interface with the spirit world is in full swing with a garden variety of good and bad spirits. The growing war between these entities has spilled out onto our plain of existence. The interaction with these entities will surely play on sanity with catastrophic results. Greed reigns over humanity as a hand full of billion and trillionaires manipulate almost every aspect of life for fun and profit. Tens of millions of people are facing starvation, death and plague in epic proportions with no relief in sight. Food is becoming scarce from crop failures, locusts, floods, fire and drought on every continent on the planet. And conflicts of every kind are breaking out around the world as the sun sets on civilization. Or maybe it’s just another coincidence.

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Lucifer’s Discount Demons

I don’t think there is enough discussion on the growing interface between the spirit world and our plain of existence. The paranormal side of this era of change is more than equally as dynamic as the physical one, I might add. Regardless of how a person tries to ignore this growing supernatural interface eventually they will need to come to terms with its reality or loose their minds needlessly. If you actually read your sacred writings you would already know the spirit world is very much alive and you need to be paying attention, especially now. If you are not paying attention, some bad spirit may convince you to whack your neighbor with lawn darts. Your only defense, “The devil made me do it”, but in all reality you was just stupid. And now you’re on death row or in the morgue. For all the education people have these days you’d think they had the common sense not to listen to any spirit who coerces them into shooting up their neighborhood or something just as lame. Just because they are spirits don’t mean squat.

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Earth Changes and the Wave of Madness

Santa Muerte


Predictably a wave of madness has entered into the fray as human beings are confronted by less than desirable spirits. The interface between the spirit world and our plain of existence will continue to get more pronounced as time wears on. Yup, this is also a part of prophecy during the time of change. People who have no clue or concept of the spirit world are undoubtedly going off the deep end as they are influenced into committing some of the most heinous crimes imaginable. The slaughter in Arizona is only a public example of what is happening in America and around the globe for people are loosing control and paying more attention to the “voices” in their heads. Continue reading

Earth Changes, Paranormalization and Pizza

The time of change really is not a bad thing when you think about it. Cleaning the slate isn’t the best way to describe it but that is what it is. Call it an act of G*D, devil or just pure coincidence one thing is for certain, the Earth is changing radically in all plains of existence not just the physical. The reality of this ebbing cycle will soon dispel the myths of man with the harshest of its reality. Hopefully people will read the signs and seen the tide of change that has permeated every facet of existence or will they? Not everyone is destined to survive the transition but on the other hand not everyone is going to perish when pandemonium reigns across the globe. Survival will take on a new dimension as more and more people interface with elements of the supernatural. Surviving the onslaught of paranormal events will test the sanity of many people who will not be able to cope. If they don’t get a handle on it the paranormal aspect of change will be a cataclysm unto itself.

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Dark Humor, Earth Changes and a Piece of Fry Bread

From the perspective on my people it is almost comical that this so called civil society can not see the signs that were taught to them within their respective dogmas. Signs of change swirl around almost daily yet a hopelessly ambivalent world fails to recognize the obvious. Granted, some people I have interviewed told me point blank they don’t care to recognize them and would rather die obliviously. Religions and belief systems from around the world hold the key to surviving the times that lay ahead but I guess these folks have not paid attention to these minor details or chose not to. How far beyond stupid is that eh?

I find this darkly humorous since these people don’t really follow the axioms of their dogmas. They cheery pick ideologies and scriptures that suit their needs then ignore the others that are to inconvenient. So, for these people the Time of Change will be the End of the World because money and material gain will have no meaning in the future. There is some poetic justice in this, don’t you think? For my people this era will remain the Time of Change and I welcome its arrival. Don’t think my people corner the market on the key to survival, not by a long shot. But there are some commonalities within all dogmas that are actually quite simple and I don’t think you have to slaughter your first born son either. I am tempted at times but that does not have anything to do with Earth Changes.

Surviving these times is no secret but one must have a very real spiritual connection. Simply dumping cash in offering plates will not buy spirituality nor guarantee safe passage in the coming days of pandemonium. The list of catastrophic events, both Earth bound and Stellar, will stagger the imagination and one’s sensibilities. Many events are still not known to modern science. The impossible will soon become the possible and we will wish explorers did not burn all the codices of ancient civilizations. Events will cross over into the paranormal aspect of our existence as well. Things we chose to consider foolish or ridiculous will wreak fear into the hearts of millions who never were taught the realities of the spirit world. Dealing with the supernatural will become common place for those who truly grasp this concept. Knowing which spirit is good or bad will be a major issue since this is where the key to surviving the changes lay. And that’s the long and the short of it, lock stock and tomahawk.

Whether you’re Celtic, Comanche or Kachin it’s all the same spirit world and basically the rules of engagement don’t change. The only real differences are the traditions that lead to the same end. If you expect to survive the Earth Changes then you had better know how to recognize the spirits that will approach you in the future. Sadly, for many people just the mere sight of a spirit will send them under their beds or grasping their bottle of Zoloft. People already freak out over space dudes whizzing around in their Dixie Cups and that is just plain silly. The secret to survival is knowing which spirit or entities are good or bad because we either heed their warnings or not. Sounds too easy but in all reality the key to survival is a simple one. But you must have absolute faith within the path or dogma you walk since you will have to ask (within your tradition) if a spirit is cool or not. You will need to have absolute faith within your dogma and accept the answer you receive. Once you have your answer you either listen to this spirit or tell this charlatan to bug off since there will be a bazillion false messengers eager to lead you astray.

One of the greatest falsehoods in all of civilization is the notion any one religion or dogma is better than the other. You need to get of this hobby horse of religious ego and except the fact the Creator sent messengers to all cultures in the universe. There is no such thing as a Holy War no matter what country purports this great lie. Small wonder we are living in the Time of Change. Mankind has bent religions to suit their world domination and monetary needs at the expense of humanity. But that will soon come to a close for Earth Changes will dominate the landscape as Ma Earth flexes her muscle and spanks humanity.

The key to survival is written on rocks, papyrus and paper. The time of change has been prophesized for untold millennia’s. The consequences of man’s greed were also foretold in a bazillion stories in every language in the universe. Signs of every kind were also foretold and they all share the same end. There is no altering the course of destiny of humanity at this juncture. It is foolish that world leaders have chosen to place monetary concerns over the concerns of human beings. They should be preparing their people for the inevitable catastrophes that are in store for all of mankind. Laughably this was also a part of prophesy as well since many people will be lead to their doom by false prophets and slick talkers.

As for me, I’ll just hang out with my family munching on some fry bread smattered in Indian butter, drink some tea and listen to our drum group. If a messenger (spirit) asks us to leave in order to avoid a flood, tornado or other life threatening event we will ask the Creator if this messenger was actually sent in a good way. If the messenger is a fraud I will swipe the last piece of fry bread before my cousin gets it. He always gets the last piece anyway. But if the messenger was sent to us by the Creator we will do as we have done for thousands of years and move our people to safety. We will build another village and resume our lives until the next messenger comes to us.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Eclipse, Omen or Verification

The pending eclipse of the sun has drawn speculation if this phenomenon was either a good omen or a bad one. From my perspective I see this eclipse as a verification of the inevitable demise of both Than Shwe and his criminal regime. When you consider all the omens we’ve been given in the recent past the eclipse is just frosting in the cake. How many disasters and deaths must occur within sacred pagodas Than and his family tainted before we come to realize real signs from the supernatural? Excommunication from the Buddhist faith was a major blow to Than Shwe since this also included everyone who sided with him as well as profiteered from tyranny. The list of the cursed includes foreign companies and countries I might add.

China, Than Shwe’s cash cow, is in the grips of natural disasters and civil unrest in many regions. The China’s Communist Party is on the brink of internal revolt according to sources on the ground in Beijing. Corruption has dishonored the nation and the spirit of Chairman Mao. Thanks to Than Shwe the world has China under the microscope and this will definitely disrupt commerce in a very real way. China’s economy had not taken roots as of yet and is still very frail. Than Shwe’s disruption comes to China at a very critical time in China’s economical development. China’s plans to sell anything in the US and the free world is in real jeopardy since there is growing momentum to exclude anything that may seem pro junta. Inevitably China has plenty to worry about since they are on the wrong side of this omen as well. Besides, people are growing tired of purchasing items drenched in human suffering.

Fact is, the world of international corporate greed that has supported tin horn dictators such as Than Shwe will face tribulations they never though possible. Other nations who’ve banked on murder and rape to push their financial agendas will face impossible challenges as well. Over the next few years the interests of corporations and the greedy will give way to the whims of nature ushering in the inevitable Time of Change and there is nothing mankind can do about it. Mankind is at destiny’s gate and there is no turning back the clock since mankind will soon reap what they have sown over the years. What comes around goes around as they say on the streets. Everything has a cycle with a beginning and an end and Than Shwe is at the end of his reign both in Burma and in life for it is said he will soon be dead.

I see cycles coming to a close in nations around the world while corporate thugs blindly continue to push for more money and natural resources. They can keep their ill-gotten goods since it is tainted with the blood of human suffering. I have already excluded China and her poisoned defective goods and set my sights on South Korean industries who continue to profiteer from Burma’s tyranny. In the near future money and material wealth will become meaningless since nature will have the final say in the course of human history.

Is the eclipse an omen? Well of course it is and if you pay attention it will usher in a new era and the ultimate demise of greed. But like anything else, the road to peace and humanity will be a turbulent one since nothing is free and there must be sacrifices. It will be darkest before the dawn. Than Shwe sacrificed his afterlife and soul just so he could spend a few short years on Earth in opulence and riches. You can be rest assured his afterlife will be an eternity of pain and sorrow since that is the price he must pay for his reign of greed and tyranny. But it’s a nice thing to note he will not be alone since he has the Tatmadaw and a host of allies who will join him in the future.

Than Shwe has forbidden speculation about the pending eclipse with very good reason. Foolishly he believes if no one talks about it nothing will happen. There is a saying, “You can run but you can’t hide” and Than Shwe is running and running as fast as he can. He can play tough guy all he wants on Earth but the place he is going in his afterlife will make him crawl like a baby. Spirits say that he will cry out for mercy like a child while begging for forgiveness. When he observes his family suffering and tortured like the Karen or Rohingya have he will cry out in agony while spirits toss the blood of his loved ones on his face. Sorry Than Shwe, it’s your turn now. Keep on burning your incense, ringing your bell and chanting your chants General Than Shwe because your fate is written in stone on ancient temples. So is the fate of your loved ones and those who did your bidding. What comes around goes around and soon you will reap your just rewards.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Living near a Galactic Burger Joint

For many people living in the southern reaches of Utah and Colorado the news of cattle mutilations comes as no surprise. Since the 60’s accounting’s of animal mutilations has been common among ranchers. Along with a wide variety of encounters by stellar visitors this region has always been a hot bed of phenomena’s of all kinds. From abductions, sightings, mutes and a gambit of other types of encounters, I’ve heard myriad of tales and experienced a few of them as well.

The bottom line is, yup space dudes are out there and they have been for centuries. Apparently some of these celestial vato’s have chummed around with some earthlings for quite some time now. From medieval paintings and accounting’s apparently they have chosen to ally themselves with the so called elite class including kings and rulers. It is interesting to note European rulers and elite class kept the common man separated from this wealth of knowledge for centuries. On the other hand tribal people from around the world have known of space travelers both good and bad since time immemorial. Much of the Earthly populations are still kept in total darkness about this reality these days making them a perfect target for some slick talking stellar being in a shiny ship. Imagine some space dork telling you he is your G*D or something. He ain’t my G*D and it would not be the first time I told one of them ego based life forms the contrary.

I know there are many different visitors, some are good and some are not so good. But for the most part they have the same quagmire of emotions as us. Ego, greed, love and compassion are just a few of the attributes they share with their Earth Bound friends. Granted they can fidget with atoms and zip through worm holes with their fancy gadgets but it’s all mechanically explainable and not from the realm of the supernatural or the spirit world. Their “magic” is nothing more than a blend of mechanics in future tense. Manipulating brain waves as well as advanced technology are really nothing more than parlor tricks in the grand scheme of things. So they have cool goodies that zip them from one galaxy to another. Oh boy, they know the secrets of the universe. Actually there are not secrets, we are simply too primitive to utilize or understand them. That’s all we need is for a corporation to discover the so called secrets of the universe only to find a way to make a profit from it. Humanity would continue to take a back seat proving exactly how primitive we really are. Planet Earth, ruled by the Money G*D, oy vey!

Experiencing what I have over my lifetime I can safely say there are two types of so called paranormal accounts. One is with space dudes and the other is with spirits. Space dudes are much like us since they are only as privy to the spirit world as we are. Spirits within the realm of the spirit world are a completely different entity and no matter how much advanced technology space people use they are still not privy to the spirit world. Some space travelers are very well aware of the spirit world and walk in a good way while others are solely into technology. In reality from a tribal point of view, there is no paranormal in the first place since we walk with the spirit world on a daily basis. Space guys are bunched up in the same heap as us humans since they are no better than us and wracked with the same ills and frailties. They just have fancier toys.

Stories from all tribal cultures speak of both good and bad space folks and medicine people have dealt with them and spirits with great success. Kings and rulers have coveted their connection with space dudes solely for the purpose of world domination likened to the new world order we are experiencing today. There is no question these rulers have sided with travelers who were less than noble at best. If these alien beings were so benevolent then why did they side with tyranny and material lusting fools? Surely if these guys were “all that” they would not have shared technology with these petty kings and presidents. So I venture to say when the time comes that governments reveal their connection with alien beings I will not be impressed since I already know they are hanging out with “Boneheads from Space”.

After speaking with professionals from various nations it is clear I am not the only one who is totally aware of this alien deal though.  Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of Japans prime minister had the courage to speak out about her abduction by stellar travelers. From Marine Corp fighter pilots to first responders I’ve heard stories that would wow the imagination by the intensity of their alien encounters. Locals in my region experienced many different encounters but for fear of ridicule by the press they say little in the public sector. Fact is most of what we see and experience is rarely shared with the outside world. A few months ago a *friend had one of his cows mutilated not 100 miles from the latest mutilation in the **San Luis Valley, Colorado. That garnered national attention though. The first mutilation I saw was in 1977 and no one said a word since we were experiencing a rash of mutilations but did not want to be labeled as crack pots. Funny part about these mutilations was the fact there were no flies or coyote tracks around the dead animals. They rotted away without any animals eating on the carcass.

The reality of this alien invasion should be a no brainer since they have been here for thousands of years now. There are way more beings than the standard gray’s and brown’s I might add. Many are poised here on Earth for an event that will definitely get non believers attention. This is the message I was given on more than one occasion and I know others were given this tidbit of info as well. Funny part about all this is the fact it’s all been recorded and prophesied over the millennium by many ancient cultures and is a very real part of traditional teachings in coping with good and evil. In accepting the fact there is visitors from other worlds, dimensions or whatever here on Earth one must realize that they come on all shapes and sizes. Some even look like us. Most important issue should be if they are good or bad, not if they exist. A district judge came up with another theorem that I found intriguing since he was convinced these people were not from space at all. His contention was that they were from Earth, possibly an advanced civilization from several ice ages ago. Regardless of origin there are good entities and bad ones. If they actually are from Earth that does not change the fact they are still Boneheads if they chose to share their technology with corrupt people.

Knowing we are living in the time of change it is easy to draw a conclusion that the dynamics of world change will take on a new dimension as we come to realize we are not alone. As nature revolts while Ma Earth cleanses herself of all that causes her discomfort it is heartening to know that good also has its allies (space or Earth bound) to assist mankind when the crappola hits the fan. The harbingers of world domination and greed who’ve allied themselves with beings of an equally fetid nature will ultimately be defeated for it is written, “The meek shall inherit the Earth”. In my culture it is said after the Earth has cleansed herself of all that causes her discomfort a new tribe will emerge from the ashes of humanity past. So don’t be too impressed by space or any other dudes sporting spiffy junk since they will be in the same pot as us during the time of change. The good guys will be doing good things for those who can see while the bad dudes guide their followers down the path to their own demise. After all, this is prophecy.

Personally I could give a flying crappola where these guys come from since evil is evil regardless of their mailing address. In a way I can see the judges’ point since why would any truly benevolent being want to hang out here with us buttheads anyway? We lie, steal, rape and continue to murder people for material wealth and land in a thinly veiled mask of religion or patriotism. Surely an advanced culture from a distant star would not care to stop in and share their knowledge with the likes of us. So just maybe these so called stellar beings did come from a distant civilization in Earths past. That would explain why they have not evolved past war, ego, pettiness and greed that prevailed for the last few thousand years. It would explain why they chose to share their technology with bogus kings, rulers and presidents for they are no better. But if by chance they traveled a zillion light-years to visit our hopelessly corrupt planet you have to ask them, “How far beyond stupid are you?”

And one more thing while I’m thinking about it,

“Go to Burger King eh”



Your Devil’s Advocate
