Buy Chinese Goods and Die

In yet another round of recalls for poisonous children’s toys US Product Safety authorities scramble to investigate *children’s jewelry tainted with deadly poison, again. Ironically China’s export earnings have skyrocketed causing an uptick in Asian markets. From deadly Chinese manufactured dog food, date rape laced children’s toy and hundreds of millions of board feed of toxic dry wall China has made a profitable living selling Americans and the free world contaminated, sub-grade and down right lethal products. But the price was right, or was it?

Quality control in China is almost non-existent since corruption has become rampant throughout the Chinese Communist Party and government officials as a whole. Cumulatively China has cost the US consumer billions in their wide ranging defective products. The housing crisis was compounded by the fact millions of homes were built with defective and toxic drywall that literally eats electrical wiring making a new home useless and unlivable. Who will absorb the cost for this disaster, the US taxpayer? For pet owners the loss of their beloved pets from hopelessly contaminated animal products was a priceless loss indeed. Medical expenses and funeral costs for the children who were poisoned by these goods was insult to injury for families who’ve lost a loved one for they paid the ultimate price for cheaper goods.

The date rape drug found in children’s toys was the epitome of China’s inability or intentional disregard for public safety in the western world. How far beyond stupid are we to continue to buy potentially dangerous if not deadly products from a nation with no regard for quality control? The face China sold software to US power companies that are loaded with Trojans should have been a wake up call since now our power grid is hopelessly compromised. The list of contaminated, defective and deadly goods from China staggers the imagination by its shear magnitude.

But it’s all about lower prices and the corporate bottom line since many US retailers pay pennies on the dollar for China’s ravenously defective and bogus goods. You get what you pay for and cheaper prices all but guarantee your products will be made without those costly issues of quality control. After all, they are cheap for a reason. Possibly it’s because slave labor does not put their heart into their work and secretly sabotage their jailer’s products. What ever the reason, it is the consumer who continues to feel the brunt of China’s inability to keep deadly products off Canadian and US shelves. There is no question other nations have shared in China’s defective and tainted goods. How many children have died around the world already? You may not have heard about China’s tainted baby formula that killed many Asian kids in the recent past. And there are more horror stories that don’t make the front page or go un reported.

Many third world nations don’t have consumer laws and many more people may have already died in obscurity. With the US suffering a trade deficit since the very beginning it is clear the only people to truly profit from the sale of bogus Chinese goods are corporations and China of course. They buy this trash for less than pennies on the dollar and shove them in the consumer’s faces for just a few dollars less than quality goods. Ah but it’s all about the money and the life of the consumer has no relevance in the corporate eye. With US and UK industries moving jobs to China soon trusted familiar brand names will succumb from cheap labor and Chinese products they’ve placed their once trusted names on.

In any event people do not pay attention and the price they pay may very well be the loss of their family members or pets. But by the time these consumers realize their mistake, it will be too late. The fact many of these products are made with little or no quality control should have been a red flag. Buying Chinese goods over quality made items costs the consumer way more since they have to replace the defective item they bought in the first place. The item they passed over to save a few bucks would have been cheaper in the long run since they would not have to replace it in the first place.

Fanning the flames of China’s growing economy is not necessarily a bad thing provided the products were quality. But to continue to buy from a country with such a fetid track record for selling deadly and defective goods is ludicrous and beyond all sensibilities. The fact China continues to violate every tenet of Human Rights and continues to commit crimes against humanity should have been another red flag. This makes the worldwide consumer a financier of brutality and crimes against humanity when you do the math. Corporations have gone out of business for a fraction of the continued public safety issues China has been guilty of. Why China gets a free pass on product safety still puzzles all watchdog groups who monitor China’s crimes against the consumer. Corporations turn a deaf ear on consumer complaints and only when there is death to innocent victims do they respond. But in a world that revolves around the corporate bottom line issues of product safety are placed in the same category as Human Rights since these issues are not cost effective.

On a positive note we should all thank Bill Clinton for his continued lobbying for China’s best interests around the world and for giving China “Favored Nation Status”. After all, it was he who opened the floodgates of US and Canadian job losses.


Your Devil’s Advocate


UCDS Students Begin Petition Drive for California Valley Miwok Tribe


In a commendable show of solidarity, University of California, San Diego college students have launched a petition directed to the California Legislature in support of the beleaguered California Valley Miwok Tribe. Leave it to college students to stand and fight for justice when others turn a deaf ear though. I salute their dedication and fortitude as they stand with the Miwok Tribe and fighting corrupt BIA and political officials in collusion with a casino mogul.

UCSD Students Rock!

Hopefully awareness will no longer be an issue since it is clear the mainstream media has all but ignored the Miwok’s cry for justice. I’ve included a copy of the UCSD petition statement along with a direct link to the petition for your convenience.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Justice for the California Valley Miwok Tribe

To: California Legislatures

We the students of UCSD, our friends, and allies stand in solidarity to the injustice that is occurring to our brothers and sisters of the California Valley Miwok Tribe (CVMT). They are a federally recognized Tribe, (listed in the Federal Register and in the Dept. of the Interior/Bureau of Indian Affairs, Tribal Leaders Directory, Winter 2009), yet they received an eviction notice to leave their tribal lands TODAY JUNE 17!

The entire tribe, elders and children included, is going to be removed by force from their land with no place to go. They are forced to barricade themselves in the tribal office. Using filing cabinets and anything else they can use to secure the building in hopes to protect their culture, their people, and basically everything they have.

We ask that Miwok tribe be allowed to stay in the land they have lived on for 7 years and be given the chance to dialogue with the appropriate legislatures and/or officials about the matter.

If you can help; by all means contact Silvia Burley, Chairperson of the California Valley Miwok Tribal Council, at 209 931 4567

Thank you,

From the Office of Local Affairs at University of California, San Diego

For more info:


Petition Link:


Than Shwe’s Black List Grows

Though insiders close to Than Shwe are deeply aware of his growing “Black List” they may not be aware of Than Shwe’s “other” black list since he is spying on his spies as well as his most trusted confidants. The death sentences his kangaroo courts just mustered against two of his officers was a veiled threat and warning to the growing numbers of generals who are eager to see him dead. Sadly for Than Shwe he is only stirring the pot of his own destiny for he can’t alter the inevitable. He is going to die and all his detailed plans for after his demise will be summarily tossed out of the window.

He is well aware of the dissention in the Tatmadaw since he planted agents within the ranks to spy on his troops and generals. Quietly Than Shwe is maneuvering to oust other generals who could possibly pose a threat to his posthumous decrees. He has targeted his closest friends for observation including his cronies Tay Za since it was rumored Tay was bad mouthing the junta to business associates abroad.

Tay Za also stirred some very bad blood within the ranks of Than Shwe’s generals. No one is spared from his paranoid eye since he has reservations about his family relations. With the presents of another black book or two there is no question Than Shwe has everyone under surveillance and spying on each other. It’s actually kind of funny in a dark sort of way. Maybe Than Shwe had his pet poodle “Cynthia” tailed by his “special” agents. After all, a xenophobic murdering dictator can’t be too careful these days.

Than Shwe will continue to shuffle and reshuffle his cabinet up until the moment he dies or is murdered. Like an elaborate game of Russian Roulette each general will look down the gun barrel hoping for an empty chamber. Who will be next to face a death sentence? At least he will have his closest allies and generals waiting for him whence he arrives in the afterlife. Granted he had them killed in the first place. It is a guarantee that there is a multitude of angry spirits on the other side who purposely did not continue their journey just so they could personally thank him. Apparently the spirits of the people he murdered have a black list of their own and it is my guess Than Shwe is at the top. Imagine that.

I just love a happy ending.

Your Devil’s Advocate
