Coping with Supernatural Whizz-Bang’s

So some spirit moved your ashtray across the table and they keep whispering your name in a haunting surreal tone. While you’re trying to sleep someone pulls all your blankets off and the room gets freezing cold. Then they decide to look spooky and threaten you or your loved ones with morbid and horrific tales of death. For some, this type of encounter sends folks over the edge running down the street screaming at the top of their lungs in their boxers. Others “submit” to this unknown force only to be a conscript and do this apparitions bidding on earth, be it slaughter your family with a ball peen hammer or play Justin Bieber albums in the nude, gads talk about demonic possession. With the spirit world on a collision course with our plain of existence encounters of any kind are sure to increase and may people are sure to loose their sanity. If only someone gave them a heads up on dealing with Whizz-Bang spirits.

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Earth Changes, Paranormalization and Pizza

The time of change really is not a bad thing when you think about it. Cleaning the slate isn’t the best way to describe it but that is what it is. Call it an act of G*D, devil or just pure coincidence one thing is for certain, the Earth is changing radically in all plains of existence not just the physical. The reality of this ebbing cycle will soon dispel the myths of man with the harshest of its reality. Hopefully people will read the signs and seen the tide of change that has permeated every facet of existence or will they? Not everyone is destined to survive the transition but on the other hand not everyone is going to perish when pandemonium reigns across the globe. Survival will take on a new dimension as more and more people interface with elements of the supernatural. Surviving the onslaught of paranormal events will test the sanity of many people who will not be able to cope. If they don’t get a handle on it the paranormal aspect of change will be a cataclysm unto itself.

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