The good people at ALTSEAN-BURMA released a comprehensive report on the sham election the criminal regime of Burma is staging. Rather than reinvent the wheel I am reposting their information with links to the complete report. The reality of Burma’s plight is really quite simple since there is no government, just a band of criminals who are trying to appear legitimate with this sham election. On the contrary, Burma has already had an election and the people voted for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in 1990. The cowardly Drug Dealer Than Shwe refused to recognize the election and has arrested and murdered anyone who opposed his criminal reign. Aung San Suu Kyi has spent most of  the last 20 years in bondage for the crime of winning the election in a landslide victory. The people of Burma spoke but Than Shwe and the world were not listening.

Now Burma lays in ruins as a hand full of morally bankrupted criminals rob the country of its natural resources and sells these assets for pennies on the dollar. Unscrupulous corporations continue to violate the sanctions imposed on Burma while Than Shwe continues to paint a picture of legitimacy for his fraudulent regime.

Burma’s 2010 Election is a complete fraud. Than Shwe continues to violate his bogus rules and people continue to disappear. Death reigns in Burma as Asia’s most reprehensible scum rapes and murder their own people. Than Shwe and his ilk have no honor and have disgraced the nation they once were sworn to protect, not enslave. Support for the election is support for tyranny.

ALTSEAN-BURMA are a legitimate organization and I support their efforts.



Altsean-Burma has released a briefer titled “Burma’s 2010 Elections: The story so far”.
This briefer shows that despite the SPDC’s repeated pledges for “free and fair” elections, indicators for election monitoring based on EU, UN, and OSCE guidelines point to the contrary. The SPDC election laws and conduct of the SPDC Election Commission have caused the dissolution of parties that won 84% of seats in the last election, and disenfranchised at least 1.5 million voters.

  • The SPDC election laws are not in accordance with international standards and prevent the exercise of fundamental freedoms and political rights.
  • Election laws bar over 2,000 political prisoners from being members of political parties. The NLD and other parties would have had to expel their imprisoned leaders, such as Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, to be eligible to participate.


  • The SPDC Election Commission has not acted in an independent, impartial, and transparent manner.
  • A number of political parties and candidates have been barred by the Election Commission’s discriminatory restrictions.
  • The Election Commission financial requirements and tight deadlines for candidate registration hindered the political parties’ ability to field candidates.
  • The Election Commission has canceled the polls in more than 3,300 villages in ethnic areas, disenfranchising around 1.5 million voters.


  • The SPDC has limited the ability of political parties, candidates, and their supporters to campaign. Regime authorities have detained those who have spoken out against the polls.
  • Regime officials have harassed, intimidated, and coerced party candidates and their supporters and engaged in vote buying schemes.
  • The junta-proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) has liberally used state resources and relied on state institutions, civil servants, and SPDC officials for the party’s campaign activities.


  • The SPDC Censorship Board has unjustifiably limited the ability of independent media to report on election issues and developments.
  • State-owned media has tightly restricted media access of candidates and political parties.
  • State-run media have failed to provide sufficient information to enable voters to make an informed voting decision.

In conclusion, the post-election scenario remains dire, regardless of the margin of victory enjoyed by junta-aligned parties. The 2008 constitution justifies impunity and guarantees military control over national and local government.
The briefer is available at:

Yours, in solidarity,
