The California Valley Miwok Tribe Fights Eviction

CALL US 209 931-4567 day or night!!! Fax us at 209 931-4333

Please join us. We need your support!!! Alert the Media!!! We need singers, dancers, drummers, sweat leaders, story tellers, flute players, etc…. Come by and show your support. We will also have a candle light vigil after sunset.

Help us stop the Eviction!!!

Most Sincerely,

Silvia Burley, Chaiperson
California Valley Miwok Tribe
10601 Escondido Pl
Stockton, CA 95212


The California Valley Miwok Tribe

“The official and legitimate Tribe”



Help the California Valley Miwok Tribe

Keep Their Land — Stop The Eviction!


California Valley Miwok Tribe – Tribal Land

10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA 95212


Friday, January 15

th, 2010


Gathering at the Tribal property throughout the day followed with a

Candle light vigil to be held after sunset

I hour Press Conference starting at 3:00 pm


We humbly ask that everyone please bring your medicines, drums, candles, lighters,

wood, lawn chairs, and sleeping bags. Please dress warm. We are asking for singers,

dancers, storytellers and drummers. Also donations of water & non perishable foods,

flash lights, batteries, etc… (Need a portable generator with propane).

All Individuals, Media, Tribes, and/or Organizations are welcome

Our Tribe is facing the threat of a forced eviction on Jan 15 th1 2010

Please join us! We need community/public support!

For more information contact the

California Valley Miwok Tribe at (2091931-4567



California Valley Miwok Tribe (physical address) 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA 95212


Stockton, California, The California Valley Miwok Tribe once again is facing the

threat of eviction off its Tribal Property located at 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton,

CA 95212.

Stockton is in the top 5 across the nation regarding homes being foreclosed upon.


Miwok territory covers 10 counties and our Tribe is fighting to retain its 1






of land. It is our homeland, our history here in San Joaquin. We do not want to

lose our land. Our people are being threatened to be thrown out in the street (by

the San Joaquin Sheriff’s Dept.) on January 15, 2010.

We are asking for the community to join us. We are asking for One West Bank to

hold off on moving forward with the eviction. We have a lawsuit against the

California Gambling Control Commission that will be heard on February 9, 2010 in

which we anticipate our Revenue Sharing Trust Fund Money being released. That

means, the Tribe can pay to keep its property.

We are asking that One West Bank give us the extra time to have our day in court

and to have the chance to save our land. We (the “Tribe”) have had so much

taken from us in the past that it may only be 1 1/2 acres of land but it means

everything to us.

You may help by contacting Governor Schwarzenegger and tell him that the

California Valley Miwok Tribe (a federally recognized Miwok Tribe) is fighting off

being thrown out in the street due to foreclosure of their Tribal Property because

of the California Gambling Control Commission illegally withholding their Revenue

Sharing Trust Fund Money for the past 5 years. Tell the Governor that the Miwok

people are in a dire situation and that CGCC will not release our funding because

they say they are waiting for the local BIA to say who the Tribal leader is, but the

BIA says they have no jurisdiction or mandate to tell CGCC anything.

President Obama needs to intervene on our behalf and put a stop to the abuses

the local BIA has been inflicting upon our Tribe. RELEASE OUR FUNDS!!!

For more information, contact the California Valley Miwok Tribe Tribal Office:

209.931.4567 Fax: 209.931.4333



China’s BYD Auto Sent to Invade Struggling US Auto Markets

With US industries moving to China for cheap labor and no environmental laws it is clear China and ruthless industrialists have targeted the US again. This time they plan to sell cars made in China further crippling the western industries. Knowing what we do about China’s reputation for selling tainted milk, deadly dog food, bogus dry wall and a host of other tainted and deadly products, *BYD should offer us spectacular auto accidents and more untold loss of life. But since it’s all about the corporate bottom line the loss of life is simply collateral damage and well worth the profits.

US and Canadian jobs and industries have been moved to China leaving the western hemisphere in economical shambles. Since Bill Clinton opened the flood gates of China’s sub standard goods the US and Canadian consumer has paid dearly in the loss of life and defective products. With recalls coming from once quality manufacturers who chose to utilize China’s burgeoning slave labor resources it is clear pride in manufacture has gone by the wayside. Likened to trash in a wrapper Chinese goods have flooded the market place with their cheaper and sub standard goods killing people and pets. The Chinese drywall fiasco added in crippling the housing markets with drywall that destroys wiring and poses major health risks. And this was not an isolated event since millions of homes have become unfit for human or beast from the contaminated drywall.

Insult to injury is the beat way to describe this calculated move to push Chinese cars on the US market. With China deeply encrusted in crimes against humanity, volumes of atrocities are accredited to their portfolio. It is clear their products are drenched in human suffering with China’s bustling Gulag system. The world has grown complacent and only worry about saving a few bucks regardless of how many people died in the manufacture of cheap goods. It is obvious to see why the world as a whole will suffer in coming years for their ambivalence. Knowing what China does to retain cheap prices should have been a major red flag for all consumers but it was not. In fact people have made excuses to justify why they continue to buy goods that are drenched in tyranny making them enablers and financiers of rape, murder and slave labor. Since they support China and China’s human rights violations, in turn they will enjoy the fruits of their ignorance. This is the Time of Change and everyone on Earth is rallying to one side or another either consciously or sub consciously. It’s all about good or evil and the side you choose will affect your destiny. What appears cheap now will garner a hefty price.

It will be interesting to note who jumps on China’s bandwagon to sell these road bombs. Who wants to side with torture, rape and murder? We shall soon see since it was rumored Volvo was considering a working partnership with Chinese tyranny. In any event the culprits of greed will soon make themselves shamelessly known as agents for China’s economy and traitors to their homeland. With blood on their hands they will sell Chinese garbage at the expense of US and Canadian workers who were betrayed by the countries they helped build.

So I guess its OK to sell out our nations industries and workers for the sake of the corporate bottom line. US auto industries who’ve abandoned America for China also plan to sell their cheap second rate junk back to America. Ironically China’s electric cars are targeted for US consumption while they continue to drive Hummers and other gas bombs. What about all the global warming hog wash? Guess it only matters if you come from America since we are the bad guys; just ask our president and Hillary Clinton. They will tell you its all America’s fault.


Your Devil’s Advocate
