Eclipse, Omen or Verification

The pending eclipse of the sun has drawn speculation if this phenomenon was either a good omen or a bad one. From my perspective I see this eclipse as a verification of the inevitable demise of both Than Shwe and his criminal regime. When you consider all the omens we’ve been given in the recent past the eclipse is just frosting in the cake. How many disasters and deaths must occur within sacred pagodas Than and his family tainted before we come to realize real signs from the supernatural? Excommunication from the Buddhist faith was a major blow to Than Shwe since this also included everyone who sided with him as well as profiteered from tyranny. The list of the cursed includes foreign companies and countries I might add.

China, Than Shwe’s cash cow, is in the grips of natural disasters and civil unrest in many regions. The China’s Communist Party is on the brink of internal revolt according to sources on the ground in Beijing. Corruption has dishonored the nation and the spirit of Chairman Mao. Thanks to Than Shwe the world has China under the microscope and this will definitely disrupt commerce in a very real way. China’s economy had not taken roots as of yet and is still very frail. Than Shwe’s disruption comes to China at a very critical time in China’s economical development. China’s plans to sell anything in the US and the free world is in real jeopardy since there is growing momentum to exclude anything that may seem pro junta. Inevitably China has plenty to worry about since they are on the wrong side of this omen as well. Besides, people are growing tired of purchasing items drenched in human suffering.

Fact is, the world of international corporate greed that has supported tin horn dictators such as Than Shwe will face tribulations they never though possible. Other nations who’ve banked on murder and rape to push their financial agendas will face impossible challenges as well. Over the next few years the interests of corporations and the greedy will give way to the whims of nature ushering in the inevitable Time of Change and there is nothing mankind can do about it. Mankind is at destiny’s gate and there is no turning back the clock since mankind will soon reap what they have sown over the years. What comes around goes around as they say on the streets. Everything has a cycle with a beginning and an end and Than Shwe is at the end of his reign both in Burma and in life for it is said he will soon be dead.

I see cycles coming to a close in nations around the world while corporate thugs blindly continue to push for more money and natural resources. They can keep their ill-gotten goods since it is tainted with the blood of human suffering. I have already excluded China and her poisoned defective goods and set my sights on South Korean industries who continue to profiteer from Burma’s tyranny. In the near future money and material wealth will become meaningless since nature will have the final say in the course of human history.

Is the eclipse an omen? Well of course it is and if you pay attention it will usher in a new era and the ultimate demise of greed. But like anything else, the road to peace and humanity will be a turbulent one since nothing is free and there must be sacrifices. It will be darkest before the dawn. Than Shwe sacrificed his afterlife and soul just so he could spend a few short years on Earth in opulence and riches. You can be rest assured his afterlife will be an eternity of pain and sorrow since that is the price he must pay for his reign of greed and tyranny. But it’s a nice thing to note he will not be alone since he has the Tatmadaw and a host of allies who will join him in the future.

Than Shwe has forbidden speculation about the pending eclipse with very good reason. Foolishly he believes if no one talks about it nothing will happen. There is a saying, “You can run but you can’t hide” and Than Shwe is running and running as fast as he can. He can play tough guy all he wants on Earth but the place he is going in his afterlife will make him crawl like a baby. Spirits say that he will cry out for mercy like a child while begging for forgiveness. When he observes his family suffering and tortured like the Karen or Rohingya have he will cry out in agony while spirits toss the blood of his loved ones on his face. Sorry Than Shwe, it’s your turn now. Keep on burning your incense, ringing your bell and chanting your chants General Than Shwe because your fate is written in stone on ancient temples. So is the fate of your loved ones and those who did your bidding. What comes around goes around and soon you will reap your just rewards.

Your Devil’s Advocate
