No Secret to Reconciliation

The ball is still in General Than Shwe’s court when it comes to beginning the process of reconciliation. The steps required have been well documented and the terms were quite simple according to the “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration;

 1. Release all political prisoners
2. Review the 2008 Constitution
3. Reopen NLD and ethnic nationalities offices
4. Recognize 1990 election result
5. Establish political dialogue

At the very minimum the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the political prisoners to establish a true dialogue would show that the junta was sincere. Anything short of this spells just another round of rhetoric and excuses from the regime. It would also mean the dialogue that has already transpired from world leaders was nothing more than feel good lip service buying critical time Than Shwe needed to pull off the bogus election in the first place. Is this all nothing but another elaborate scheme?

The notion the world is looking hopefully towards a positive outcome from the sham election indicates Than Shwe won the first critical battle in legitimizing his criminal regime. The world bought into the sham election, that is a given. In essence the world sided with Than Shwe in rejecting the will of the Burmese people by ignoring the election results of 1990, an election sponsored by Than Shwe yet not honored because he lost overwhelmingly.

The world as a whole has become enablers for a grotesquely barbaric criminal regime who continues to murder and rape its own citizens. With good reason since the world has blood on their hands as well. With major nations of the free would still vested in Burma the notion sanctions had a chance to succeed is simply preposterous. The United Nations has proven to be hopelessly corrupt with its merry band of thugs who pander to the whims of the World Trade Organization and Than Shwe. Ban Ki-moon and his Korean connection boasts about sanctions and types up letters of disdain yet his Korean business associates continue to prosper on the backs of an enslaved nation.

On a positive note *China did step up to the plate since China’s Vice President Xi Jinping was quoted telling Than Shwe China wanted “political stability, economic development and national reconciliation”. Further VP Xi Jinping stated;

“China believes the Myanmar side would settle the relevant problems through peaceful ways such as dialogues and consultation so as to guarantee the stability in its border area with China,”

That would be real spiffy if China is sincere.

Has China become an enabler for Than Shwe with critical lip service designed to show face to a world of consumers? After all, China’s Achilles Tendon is the international consumer for without them their economy would surely falter sending China spiraling downward. Their economy is much frailer than they allude to and internal strife is at the red dragon’s door step. China is also turning into a desert from mismanagement of its soil, another Achilles Tendon? With the consuming world more aware of China’s human rights violations their continued support for a wholesale butcher would be unlikely. China has become codependent and any disruption in commerce would be devastating.

The average consumer has become isolated from their leadership in a world that has begun colonizing via Globalization. Greed prevails where humanity once stood as profiteers find ways to skirt sanctions in Burma but it is still the consumer who holds the weapon of economic mass destruction, the all mighty dollar. As citizens of the world connect the dots and identify the common enemy, corrupt politicians, China will undoubtedly be in the crosshairs as well since jobs and industries were handed to China by these politicos to the chagrin of the consumers around the planet. The end result will be sanctions imposed by the consuming public crippling China’s once bustling economy since governments have done nothing. Awareness of China’s total disregard for human rights is growing at a lightening pace. Burma and Than Shwe inadvertently placed China and her secrets under the microscope for all to see and discern. If China were to broker true reconciliation and dialogue in earnest this would ease some of the pressure from the purchasing public. If China is playing a charade to assist Than Shwe the price will be paid at the check out counter, were the true economical battle is being fought. Just remember that every dollar not spent on Chinese goods by individuals will make a difference. This axiom will work on international corporations who also leech off the public.

With commercial properties pending foreclosure around the world the dynamic of this financial disaster will far out shadow the mortgage crisis, there is no question. The next financial disaster is looming just around the corner and this will be China’s death nil since it will be easy to write Chinese goods off for a host of valid reason. Burma will just be the last straw. If all the facts were known, China has caused great harm to Indigenous populations around the globe as it is. Thanks to Than Shwe China has become vulnerable since he opened the flood gates of public opinion and this will surely have negatively effect in China’s cash flow.

Small wonder VP Xi Jinping smacked Than Shwe up side the head and told him to get his act together. There is more at stake than Than Shwe’s xenophobic ego. Than Shwe’s actions will directly affect China’s booming yet frail economy. I’ve already excluded over $500 in Chinese and select Korean goods in one month. And it was not hard since I bought better quality merchandise though a bit more spendy but you get what you pay for eh. Others are following suite and soon there will be more as People Power Sanctions snowballs around the globe. Its all about the money and it is time to fight fire with fire. If China is not careful their goods will rot on shelves in every store on the Earth. And China will have General Than Shwe to thank for the notoriety.


Your Devil’s Advocate
