More Dark Secrets from China

Hillary and Ugyhur

Predictably China is coming loose at the seams these days. It would appear they are having trouble silencing the Uyghur people in Xingjiang. Racism is the key issue since China has treated them like second class citizens. Accounts of being forced to work for poor pay and horrific working conditions has circulated for years. During a peaceful demonstration the paranoid Chinese government took drastic measures killing scores of innocent people and arresting thousands. The death toll is rising as the mounting violence continues. Sadly the government has given Chinese civilians a green light to harass this persecuted ethnic group.

What will be interesting to see are the international corporations who’ve capitalized on these people. China already has a dismal track record with their Gulag System or slave labor camps. The Falun Gong sect has been targeted for years with harsh and inhuman treatment. Members have been tortured to death, forced into slave labor camps and ultimately used like cattle in the organ transplant industry. This has proven to be a goldmine for the corporations that relocated to China. Small wonder Walmart and other corporate turn coats are profiteering in China. How could anyone else compete with no labor laws and an endless supply of slave labor? Bill Clinton’s “Favored Nation Status” has really given China the racers edge for sure. Maybe Hillary will “hurt” her other elbow so she does not have to address this issue either. That would be “provocative” of her.

You really have to thank Gen. Than Shwe of Burma and Kim Jong II of North Korea for giving Asia the proper attention it needed though. Now we can appreciate China’s dark secrets and possibly focus on the international corporations who capitalize on slave labor. Chances are these corporations will also be involved in other acts of tyranny around the world as well. Notorious for padding the pockets of tin horn dictators throughout Africa and South America, corporations have been the root cause of wars and civil unrest in the third world for years. Now they are coming to a country near you. Small wonder China did not want to impose any sanctions on Burma, they were as guilty as Than Shwe for the wholesale murder of ethnic minorities, the Uyghur people being one of them.

But it’s not over for China by a long shot. I saw this one coming and I see other groups readying their assault. Wonder how these international corporate executives would feel knowing they are in mortal danger from the very people they’ve enslaved and allowed China to torture. They may have hid all this from the US press but there are millions of witnesses to the atrocities they have committed. China will undoubtedly lower the boom on these Uyghur demonstrators but others will soon be popping up. The cat is out of the bag though and China will be under the microscope like Burma is. Compound the fact natural disaster will soon paint a different financial picture on China’s corporate bottom line and China’s future looks dismal at best. Maybe Chinese officials are using the same astrologer as Than Shwe.

The Xingjiang riots themselves show China’s racial bias if anyone was paying attention. When the Uyghur people were peacefully demonstrating the Chinese government killed scores of them while making mass arrests. But when the Han Chinese, armed with bats, lead pipes and shovels marched down the Uyghur district towards a mosque beating people and destroying shops the Chinese military only pleaded with them to cease and desist. It’s an old fashioned race riot and it’s only the beginning since China will soon be powerless to stop them. Racial inequities prevail throughout China. Soon it will not be safe for any foreign investors. Just so we get those discount prices is all that matter anyway.

Your Devil’s Advocate
