Burma’s Sham Election Spurs Outrage Across the Globe

Photo by Aung Myo Win

From Tokyo Japan to the streets of New York City Political Exiles, Refugees and supporters have staged major protests against Burma’s Sham Election. Already, reports are coming in verifying the fact the junta has resorted to intimidation to coerce voters to vote for one of the many junta supported political parties. Ethnic groups as well as some political parties have been excluded from the whole process. The basic theme for this election is really quite simple, ‘Vote Junta or Pay the Price’. In fact may people have been secretly murdered or placed in irons to keep their influence from tainting an already fixed election. And all the while, the true leader of Burma, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi remains in irons along with thousands of political prisoners.

photo by Aung Myo Win


Thuggery at its best as criminal dictator Gen. Than Shwe’s lackeys continue to coerce and threaten people with dire consequences if they dare to oppose the bogus political parties Than Shwe installed for this rigged election. There will be no winners whence this election is over other than the vermin Than Shwe hand selected to take the reigns when he retires. Just remember, Than Shwe retired his top generals to form sham political parties prior to this crap sandwich of an election. With the aid of a hopelessly flawed revised constitution he has forced an election on the people of Burma only to make Burma appear legitimate. Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. This whole process is a bold faced lie, plain and simple.

Kabuki at its best therefore Than Shwe should win an Academy Award for this orchestrated theatrical production called ‘The 2010 election’ and it should be categorized under Horror. The dark side to this election is the fact blood will flow in secret for those who dared to oppose him in earnest while the frauds continue to walk the streets. Now if you will excuse me, I have to get some more popcorn because the show is not over yet.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Worldwide Participation to Say NO to Burma’s Sham Election

I am forwarding this appeal to the world from Aung Myo Win, Member of Burma Campaign and a Burmese Patriot to halt the bogus election scam being perpetrated by criminal dictator Gen. Than Shwe of Burma. The election is a fraud and a bold faced lie based on a bogus document that was also forced on the belieguresd people of Burma in 2008, The New Constitution.  As of this writing Than Shwe is excluding various ethnic groups, threatening the people at gun point and murdering those who would vote against the thugs he has in place to ‘take over control’ of Burma. Just remember that Than Shwe ‘retired’ a host of his key generals so they could form political parties and sham candidates in this scam to make Burma look legitimate.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is the true leader of Burma, no one else!



Please take this pledge to call at least 5 friends in Burma not to vote.


2010 Elections in Burma are fully rehearsed to legitimise military rule in Burma. The 2008 constitution said it does not guarantee the protection of the rights of Ethnic Peoples, nor Human Rights, nor democratic principles, and so it will not aid the construction of a peaceful democratic nation. The election laws are unfair and unjust.

It is important to tell people of Burma not to go out to vote. The electorate of Burma have the right NOT to vote in the election.

“People have the right to vote as well as the right not to vote.” “Coercing people to vote by force is against the law.” “If people do not want to vote because they cannot see the NLD on the ballot paper and so are not able to vote for this party, then they should not vote.” Q+A Who should I call? At least 5 of anyone you know in Burma.

What if I don’t have any friends in Burma?

Call someone random you can find from following listing websites.

1. http://www.myanmar-yellowpages.com/

2. http://www.myanmaryellowpages.biz/

NOTE: Please be aware of the time difference. If you are calling from aboard, November 7th in Burma will be November 6th in the East, such as USA, UK, Canada, etc.

LEARN more on Burma’s Elections HRW’s comprehensive Q&A on Elections in Burma:  http://ow.ly/34NAv

Election Day Blues for Burma

As we mull over the election results in the United States we should feel fortunate regardless of the results. Sure your guy or gal may or may not have won but you don’t have to worry about incarceration or possibly death for not voting with government sponsored candidates like the people of Burma do. People have been secretly arrested, tortured and murdered in advance of Burma’s 2010 election. As of this writing villagers are poised to loose their homes and face jail if they vote against the junta. Some are being tortured to death as an example to those who might vote contrary to Gen. Than Shwe’s wishes. Sadly the legitimate opponents to Than Shwe’s candidates are marked for either jail time or death for their open stance against Than Shwe’s rule whence the election is over. They will simply disappear after all the commotion has died down. Then the USDP will come knocking on their doors. The only opposition parties that will remain on the streets will be the parties who were bogus from the start of Than Shwe’s theatrical performance, I mean election.

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Burma’s New Flag

Than Shwe is at it again boys and girls. It’s bad enough he and his criminal regime continue to rape and murder their own people. The Sham Election of 2010 is an international farce that is not fooling anyone. Sadly many people have died or simply disappeared in order to make sure his election goes as planned or should I say, rigged? Than Shwe and his merry band of criminals continue to face a wide range of charges including international money laundering for hopelessly corrupt industries working within Burma. Then there is the troubling matter of crimes against humanity since the junta is killing ethnic men, women and children throughout the jungles of Burma and Thailand.

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BURMA: Mingalaba Show, Non-Election Edition

Aw yes, a little shameless promotion to plug my podcast, Mingalaba Show. It’s a special show that focuses on the Sham Election being conducted in Burma (Myanmar) by Generalissimo Than Shwe and his band of thugs. I’ve included a variety of music from  within Burma’s diverse population. I hope you like the show Than Shwe.

Mingalaba Show News and Entertainmment Show

For Pro Democracy Groups inside Burma and the World

Page: http://mingalabashow.podbean.com/

Player Only: Mingalaba Show 107, (NON-ELECTION EDITION)


The good people at ALTSEAN-BURMA released a comprehensive report on the sham election the criminal regime of Burma is staging. Rather than reinvent the wheel I am reposting their information with links to the complete report. The reality of Burma’s plight is really quite simple since there is no government, just a band of criminals who are trying to appear legitimate with this sham election. On the contrary, Burma has already had an election and the people voted for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in 1990. The cowardly Drug Dealer Than Shwe refused to recognize the election and has arrested and murdered anyone who opposed his criminal reign. Aung San Suu Kyi has spent most of  the last 20 years in bondage for the crime of winning the election in a landslide victory. The people of Burma spoke but Than Shwe and the world were not listening.

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Suu Kyi says Nyet to Bogus Election

The true leader of Burma, *Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, adamantly refused to vote in General Than Shwe’s sham election. After all, she was duly elected by the people of Burma in 1990 in an election Gen. Than Shwe sponsored and lost dismally. Than Shwe dishonored himself and the people of Burma by not recognizing the result. In a cowardly act of defiance he kept Suu Kyi in bondage for almost 20 years. His assassination attempt failed of course but only magnified exactly how much of a coward he truly his.

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Burma’s Bogus Election of 2010

You have to wonder if Than Shwe is just plain stupid or he is acting out with arrogance and his mindless ego. I venture to say it’s a little bit of both since he is wasting millions of donated dollars and other emergency aid monies on promoting and implementing an election that fools no one on this planet. Even a blind man can see that Than Shwe and his election are as phony as his criminal regime. Shwe is not the leader of Burma. He never was and never will grace the title of leader. The term scum bag is more appropriate. This election is nothing more than a B Rated second rate production with poor acting and a pointless script. Than Shwe inadvertently showcased to the world exactly how corrupt he and his thugs really are.

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Burma: Than Shwe’s New Election Rigging Force

Like a dark comedy Than Shwe has turned the Union Solidarity Development Association into a political party, the *Union Solidarity Development Party. They will maintain the power to rape, plunder and murder the opposition and those who don’t vote “their” way. The USDP will also enjoy a host of other crimes against humanity the disbanded USDA enjoyed while being Than Shwe’s henchmen. So for the former USDA members there will be few changes other then the additional duty of forcing people to vote for them and all junta backed parties including the bogus National Democratic Force. Ah yes, ballot rigging at its best and the fun has only just begun. Than Shwe plans to send 100,000 Burman to Kachin State to “influence” the election results as well as promote his mandate of Burmanization. (The elimination of ethnic minorities through rape and murder)

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I Stand with Suu Kyi. You’re Either With Us or Against Us

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi made it very clear that we should not honor nor participate in the sham 2010 election of Than Shwe’s. After all, she is the true leader of Burma, not that treasonous National Democratic Force or did some of you already forget that part? She has sacrificed her life for Burma rotting away under lock and key while others second guessed her decision to boycott the bogus election. The morons of ASEAN continue to ramble about the hope of a free and fair election and it makes me sick. Where were those butthead’s when Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was duly elected in 1990 with better than 80% of the peoples vote? An election Than Shwe sponsored by the way.

One day things will change in Burma and there is nothing Than Shwe can do about it for it’s his destiny. When that day comes to pass I will be the first to publish the names of all the countries and corporations who financed Than Shwe and his merry band of drug addicts and child molesters. It will be justice served since secret supporters of Than Shwe on every country on the planet will share the shame and public outrage. From oil companies to car manufacturers Than Shwe has laundered trillions of dollars to hide their total profits. And that will raise a few eye brows as well. The fetid scum does not stop at the city limits Naypyidaw either for the vermin that garners ill gotten gains from Burma is also on the A-List in elite society. When the time of change is complete they will have to face the music from their reprehensible conduct as well. Call it retribution if you like but I always say, “What comes around goes around” and their judgment day is just around the corner.

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Than Shwe’s Election Plan Exposes Rats within the NLD

There is no question the proposed election of 2010 is a total fraud. Than Shwe has already made plans for after the election proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the election is rigged. Generals “retired” and formed political parties to participate in the bogus election while the Union Solidarity Development Association was conveniently converted into the Union Solidarity Development PARTY. Hmm, hopefully you see the charade that is being perpetrated right before your very eyes. Other real political parties that could have disrupted Than Shwe’s rigged election plans were rejected while keeping the ones he is secretly financing.

There is a sliver lining to this in a darkly humorous way though. The formation of the National Democratic Force almost from the second the National League for Democracy was “disbanded” revealed the moles or spies that were within the NLD and there is no question they were the eyes of Than Shwe all along. Small wonder Than Shwe had an almost immediate response to carefully calculated plans by the NLD and Aung San Suu Kyi because he knew about them all along. Chances are these Shwe puppets influenced the NLD’s activities as prescribed by Than Shwe himself. In essence they are responsible for the murderers of countless loyalists and soldiers of Burma’s democratic movement.

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Stand For the Will of the People of Burma


All Burma Monks’ Alliance,

88 Generation Students,

All Burma Federation of Student Unions

No. 7/2010(ABMA+88+ABFSU)

Let’s strongly oppose the 2010 Election which will make

the 2008 Constitution come into operation!


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The National Democratic Force, Fact or Fiction?

Since May 6th when the National League for Democracy was forced to disband there was something strange about it all. Some NLD locations were way too eager to pull the banners off the walls with very little morose. As if nothing happened in the last 20 years the NLD seemed to simply stop for some individuals and it makes me wonder who they really were. Then the birth of the National Democratic Force came into existence under the authority of a criminal regime. The founder of the NDF, Than Nyein, was animate about the notion that the NLD no longer existed. Surely he was aware that only in the junta’s eyes the NLD was gone. Did Than Nyein forget that the junta’s opinions did not matter and that the struggle continued? By participating in the scam election of 2010 he has become just another pattern in Than Shwe’s elaborate tapestry of deceit.

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Burma Spiraling Out Of Control

News about hundreds of *Democratic Karen Buddhist Army soldiers breaking ranks to rejoin their countrymen must have sent chills down General Than Shwe’s spine. This is only the tip of the ice berg since troops from all quarters are sickened by what they have witnesses. As prophesized a wave of conscience is sweeping through the ranks as soldiers come to the realization of what they’ve become, enemies of their own people. Thousands of Chinese Troops bearing sophisticated weaponry have come to reinforce the already present Red Army along the border. Powerless to stop this trend Than Shwe can only sit by and watch as his day of reckoning draws closer and closer.

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Mecchadihtti Than Shwe Curse, Dead Man Walking

With Than Shwe’s astrologer working overtime it is obvious General Than Shwe is nervous about what lay in store for him and his criminal regime. His fate is already carved in stone and it is only a matter of time before the tyrannical dictator of Burma falls. With all those shiny medals on his chest and all the US currency stashed in his secret bunker Burma’s Man of Lies is nothing within the realm of the spirit world. In fact he is regarded as a hopelessly puny man whose retched body would not satisfy the hunger of one of the many demons who await his arrival. Fortunately for the hungry demons Than Shwe has plenty of company to please the pallets of these eager spirits on the other side.

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Than Shwe’s Gift to His Family

Gen. Than Shwe of Burma has made many enemies throughout his Tatmadaw. Many of his generals already have an ax to grind with his family whence he dies. Years and years of playing favorites at the expense of his loyal followers, especially his generals, will soon reap a bitter harvest and he is powerless to stop it. There is no turning back the clock since Than Shwe has murdered some of his most staunch supporters over the years. His paranoia and misguided astrologers pointed accusing fingers placing some generals in prison while others died of mysterious illnesses.

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NLD Say’s Nyet to Than Shwe’s Bogus Election.

With Gen. Than Shwe’s election law’s out in the open it is clear he wrote this garbage solely for the purpose of disallowing Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and anyone else who could spell Democracy from participating in this sham election. The whole world knows how worthless Than Shwe’s literary achievements are including his ever so stupid Constitution of 2008. So what’s the point of an election anyway Uncle Than? Small wonder the *NLD said no way to the election.

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Is Burma at Destiny’s Door Step?

Without a doubt Than Shwe’s election laws are as convoluted and shamelessly bias towards the junta as the Constitution and the 2010 election itself. The Burmese people are in a no win situation. The election laws clearly favor Shwe cronies and conveniently retired generals. Effectively, *the new fees to participate in a bid for political office will be more costly to the chagrin of cash strapped organizations. The junta has made life an act of survival for members of the opposition party as well. Relatives are forced to denounce their own family members or face the loss of employment and literally be starved to death. Fear of being arrested and tortured for even knowing pro democracy advocates has become pandemic throughout the country as the Tatmadaw spins a web of fear around its own people.

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Widespread Disdain for Than Shwe’s Election Law

News of Gen.Than Shwe’s election laws was the final nail on the coffin and the death nil of Burma ever seeing reform. Throughout the country a feeling of dread and disgust was the predictable response whence Than Shwe dumped his election laws on the public. Likened to a police action this new wave of self serving laws made it all but impossible for a truly open election to occur. Reconciliation and its prospects are all but gone with this latest decree from the criminal called Than Shwe for he has planted the seed of revolution in the hearts of millions throughout the country.

More like a dooms day referendum this bogus document outlaws or severely restricts any and all opposition from doing anything that might disrupt Than Shwe’s post elections plans. Excluding candidates, outlawing ethnic groups and a host of other blatant ballot rigging ploys are what make up this piece of garbage called the Election Law. Rumor Than Shwe is suffering mental illness from advanced stages of syphilis have gained credibility since only a mad man would try to pull off such an act of tyranny with this election scam.

International corporations who are vested in Burma are guilty of financing Than Shwe’s latest act of tyranny, there is no question. Corporate heads should be held accountable as well and face a proposed *War Crimes Tribunal since they have continually side stepped world wide sanctions, no thanks to Ban “Corruption” Ki-Moon. It is these very corporations who are pocketing trillions of dollars through the elaborate money laundering scheme of Swift Financial Group of Belgium. It is with the help of the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization that Than Shwe’s tyranny can fund genocide. Their back door operations within Burma have provided a gold mine for corrupt international corporations to glean under the table riches. The IMF and the WTO have become notorious for quietly extorting or bribing third world leaders into joining their Globalization goals at the expense of their citizens. I have interviewed several third world government officials who’ve faced off with these thugs in the past and it is clear the IMF/WTO engage in extortion to gain conscripts.

Corruption is the signature or calling card of the latest scam called Globalization and Burma is a classic example of its final outcome and the IMF/WTO are the masterminds of such tyranny. Outwardly they protest the likes of Than Shwe but in the back door they reap trillions of dollars while stripping nations dry of natural resources and should be held accountable as well. World leaders who march forward with the concept of globalization must be held accountable since they are fanning the flames of tyranny not only in Burma but throughout the third world.

The secret partnership with leaders of the free world and their corporate sponsors has festered into a cancer infesting the world with another bogus doctrine called the New World Order. Burma is reflective of the corporate tyranny Darfur and other places on earth were corporations have converged on third world nations to rob them of natural resources. In order to combat such tyranny the people of the world must stop supporting these corporations for they are only a hand full of people who want to control the planet economically.

With public awareness at an all time high China has everything to loose as consumers from around the world watch for their response to Burma’s plight. The continued enslavement of Tibet has become a lightening rod for consumers as they shop for goods around the planet and Burma has now become a real issue. Chinas response to the plight of the people of Burma will weigh heavily on consumers as the purchasing public watches. Sadly China like so many other nations is wracked with corruption within its own government as corporations bribe their leadership to turn a deaf ear on their exploits.

Than Shwe’s elaborate scheme to legitimize his illegal insurgency of Burma has also become a lightening rod. If people were to connect the dots they would discover the IMF/WTO is the cancer that has infected the globe with their international monetary takeover of the planet. Greece is a classic example of *Disaster Capitalism since her economy was completely destroyed only to pave the way for a “Global” solution. But the real prize is Burma since she is loaded with natural resources and the IMF/WTO wants to legitimize their members before the New World Order is finalized.

It would appear the one shining light within the sewage of the United Nations leadership is The United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights is Tomás Ojea Quintana. At the very least he has taken a stand against Than Shwe and his bogus election. Others simply ignore the cries from within Burma. His proposal of an International Tribunal on War Crimes in Burma was commendable and at this juncture is the only hope for the citizens of Burma.

It is time to arrest Than Shwe and his motley crew of criminals for they do not speak for the people of Burma, they represent corporations. It is also time to arrest corporate CEO’s who have profiteered on the bones of an enslaved nation. Only then will we eliminate tyranny in Burma. Also, we will begin the process of eliminating global tyranny masked as Globalization since the players are the same band of corporate thugs who finance genocide in Burma. Pascal Lamy of the WTO should do his time in Soledad Prison located in Central California for his part in this globalization scam. It would serve him right to be someone’s “soul mate” for the rest of his morally bankrupt life for what his organization has financed around the world.

Than Shwe’s election law is nothing more than Ox dung, Burma’s version of a “Crap Sandwich”.

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=18013

Your Devil’s Advocate


Press Release from Burma Campaign UK

Aung San Suu Kyi Barred From Burma Election
Burma’s dictatorship have finally published laws governing so-called elections later this year. The new laws ban Aung San Suu Kyi from taking part in the elections, as she has a conviction following the sham trial last year after an American man swam to her house. The Burma Campaign UK is calling on the United Nations Security Council to take action, as even countries sympathetic to the generals can no longer claim the elections will be free and fair. You can view our media release here: http://www.burmacampaign.org.uk/index.php/news-and-reports/news-stories/aung-san-suu-kyi-election-ban-final-nail-in-coffin-for-burma-elections/16
Campaign Success! – UN Burma Expert Backs Calls For Inquiry Into War Crimes
The UN Special Rapporteur on Burma has called for a UN Commission of Inquiry into possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma. For years the regime has been raping and killing civilians, recruiting child soldiers, and using hundreds of thousands of people as slave labour. Now we need to persuade the British government to support the call for a UN inquiry.
Take Action:
If you live in the UK, you can write to your MP asking them to sign a Parliamentary motion calling on the government to support an inquiry. Already 178 MPs have backed the motion.
Wherever you live, you can write to the British Foreign Secretary.  

Details on both actions are at:
Burma Campaign’s Zoya Phan Honoured As Young Global Leader
This month we have received some good news. Zoya Phan, International Coordinator of Burma Campaign UK, has been honoured as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, famous for their annual economic summit in Davos. The award is a recognition of the effective work she does at Burma Campaign UK, campaigning for freedom in Burma. The Burma Campaign UK depends on the public for donations. Please make a donation today to support our work. You can donate online at:
Thank you for your support.

Anna Roberts
The Burma Campaign UK

Gen. Than Shwe Distributes Toilet Paper (Election Laws)

Like the Constitution that was forced down the throats of the enslaved Burmese people Than Shwe’s *Election rules are not worth the paper they are written on. Filled with double speak ultimately giving his Election Commission special powers to exclude anyone or organization who could spell democracy, this document is just another sham. The long awaited election laws are just more of the same old crap he has been feeding the people of Burma for years. Regardless of all the double talk within this bogus document Than Shwe will have the final say as to who can run, who is qualified and what organizations are legitimate in his eyes, period. The election has been fixed before the first ballot was even printed.

Granted the paper was not bad quality and the ink that was used did adhere to the paper but the contents of the written word were an insult to your intelligence. Sorry Than Shwe, not everyone buys into your bogus scam of white washing all your international investors with a carefully calculated election. Fact is, people from around the world are coming to know more and more about Burma and the reprehensible cretin called Than Shwe. With this awareness comes the knowledge of all the corporations who line the shelves of every store on the planet with commodities drenched in human suffering. Politicians will soon feel the wrath since it is clear world leaders have only showboated their concerns for Burma while perusing more lucrative pursuits such as Iraq.

Humanity has taken a back seat as material greed became the axiom of choice for all of civilization. World leaders have mastered the art of false hopes and bold faced lies to mask their pettiness and greed. The United Nations must own a paper mill since Worthless Ban Ki has sent a bazillion letters of disdain to Than Shwe with absolutely no response. And I cringe when I hear he sent another stupid letter to Than Shwe. How far beyond stupid does Ban Ki-Moon think people are? Why should Than Shwe care what Ban or anyone else has to say in the first place? After all the empty talk and bravado the free world has mustered over the years it is obvious everyone is blowing smoke with no intention of saving Burma. Apparently the United Nations Security Council is as full of hot air as the rest of the world since they do absolutely nothing but write empty resolutions. They sound tough and determined but when it comes to walking their talk it is clear they are all talk.

Guess I can’t blame them though. After all, they are invested in Burma in one way or another. Burma has become the greatest source of laundered money in history. Oil companies and the myriad of international corporations reap the golden harvest of under the table cash and lucrative black market perks. Than Shwe only reports a fraction of his nation’s GDP. In turn these firms report only a fraction of their profits while hiding their under the table bounty with the assistance of **Swift Financial Group of Belgium. The UN was bought off long ago and Ibrahim Gambari walked away with a fabulous million dollar Burmese Ruby and pockets full of Euro’s for his efforts to buy Than Shwe critical time with intentionally fruitless visits according to insiders. It was said greasy old Gambari also had his pick of starlets from the entertainment industry, complements of the Grand Pimp himself, Than Shwe. Now Scambari is lining his pockets on another UN sponsored cash finding mission. Bogus Ban managed to overlook major Korean corporations that flourish in Burma regardless of impotent sanctions he imposed. Refugees have identified foreigners and corporations who’ve committed crimes against humanity including rape, torture and murder. But Worthless Ban simply turned a deaf ear.

Than Shwe will undoubtedly have surveillance videos, photos and recordings of the indiscretions committed by his corporate guests. I know if I was in his shoes I would since extortion is a lucrative business as well. That is probably why world leaders are praying for Than Shwe’s death since they fear what he would say in a curt of law if by change he ever faced a tribunal. Than Shwe could implicate government officials from around the world that are invested in Burma. The Rockefellers flag ship Chevron is waste deep in carnage and blood money. Daewoo and Hyundai also share the dubious honor if financing genocide. The ***list of corporations continues to grow with the blessings of the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund. So in reality what does Than “The Sham” Shwe have to worry about? All the players are dirty and they have a vested interest in robbing Burma of her natural resources. Like it or not the people of Burma are receiving nothing more than lip service with empty promises while corporations from around the world reap the harvest of genocide.

In 2008 Than Shwe went through the motions of having a constitutional referendum where they extorted and beat voters into agreeing to the new constitution. People were hungry and suffering after Cyclone Nargis so Than Shwe used donated food to extort votes in the hard hit regions. In cases where people did not want to vote yes to the constitution they died of starvation, disease or were simply murdered. Humanitarians who were burying the bodies of the dead were arrested and placed in prison. Some were tortured to death and never heard from again, just for burying a body. Than Shwe did not want to spoil a good photo op so he could plead for donations. Burma’s army filled its ranks with orphaned children to the joy of sexual deviants within Than Shwe’s Tatmadaw. Some children were systematically raped while others were simply tortured to death by sadistic soldiers like in the case of a 5 year old girl (Nang Sap) who was abducted. Her lifeless body was found raped and butchered and placed at the Ho Mong Temple like some kind of a ghoulish offering. In any event Than Shwe passed the bogus Constitution. It simply had many useless words since the constitution gave absolute control to a hand full of generals who would have absolute power to veto even a majority vote. Of course, Than Shwe would have the final say on any parliamentary decision or vote so what was the point of having a constitution in the first place. It was all an elaborate scheme to show legitimacy and sugar coat the foreign investors and corporations.  

The 2010 Election is inherently flawed and is nothing more than a sham since it was based on the garbage written in the constitution. And like the constitution absolutely everyone involved with this election must be approved by Than Shwe and his SPDC. The Election Laws are just as bogus as the constitution and not worth the time it would take to flush it down the toilet. Going through the motions of having an election is just a charade for the benefit of the international corporations who have defiantly ignored any and all sanctions while financing Than Shwe’s campaign of ethnic cleansing. But there is a ray of hope even in the darkness of Burma’s plight. Natural events will soon seize the moment in not only Burma but around the world as Mother Earth cleanses herself of all that causes her discomfort like hemorrhoids called Than Shwe. The time of great change is at hand and there is nothing that vermin like Than Shwe and the most powerful world leaders can do to stop it. Within the Native American traditions the Phoenix will rise as a new cycle of life begins and from my vantage point I also see the awakening of the fighting peacock as well. And no matter how much man tries to alter this destiny it will come to pass with a vengeance. The filth and vermin from around the world such as Than Shwe will meet their destiny. And that day is just around the corner. The signs from all dogmas point to this time in mankind’s history and you, Than Shwe, are the fool if you can’t figure that out by now. At least you will not be alone for your minions will soon follow. Don’t you just love a happy ending?

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/highlight.php?art_id=17986

** http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=3595

*** http://www.burmacampaign.org.uk/index.php/burma/dirty-and-clean-list-pf/dirty-list/no-contact-details

Your Devil’s Advocate


Burma 2008 Constitution Null and Void

It did not take a Rhodes Scholar to realize the pending 2010 election in Burma was going to be nothing more than a sham to sugar coat the morally bankrupt regime of Than Shwe. With his minions already buying and threatening the general public into voting “Junta” in the coming October 10 election it is clear nothing has or will change within the borders of Burma. The citizenry was forced to vote on another bogus election in 2008 ushering in a constitution that was not worthy of lining a cat box since it was filled with contradictions and rhetoric. The bottom line in the 2008 constitution was that the Tatmadaw maintained absolute control and the final say in all parliamentary proceedings. In essence nothing would change under the new constitution. The election of 2010 would share the same fate.

On January 26, 2010 Global Action for Burma (GAB) has declared the 2008 Constitution of Burma *Null and Void to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sighting a host of discrepancies. Within this constitution the junta summarily gave themselves amnesty from prosecution for some of the most reprehensible crimes against humanity ever recorded in the modern era. Butchery, rape, torture and genocide were to be ignored under the terms of this fetid document. Surly this was not the will of the people since Gen. Than Shwe hurriedly announced the election during the chaotic aftermath of Cyclone Nargis. Reports of extortion using UN and other relief supplies as bargaining chips to the stricken was one way to coheres votes while others faced the end of a gun barrel. Many never received aid at all and untold thousands died of starvation and exposure. The constitution also paved the way for Than Shwe to attempt to legitimize his criminal regime with the election of 2010. This was critical for international corporations who continue to work in Burma. They are criminally culpable for violating sanctions with human rights violations of their own.

The outcome of the proposed election has already been predetermined by Gen. Than Shwe. From his own mouth he boasted of post election plans and objectives’ proving the election was rigged from the beginning just like the Constitutional Referendum. How far beyond stupid is that? Well, the free world was banking on a positive outcome and that was beyond stupid from a general perspective. The fact the people of Burma voted unanimously for the opposition in a land slide victory against Than Shwe’s regime in 1990 should have been recognized in the first place. Inadvertently governments of the free world empowered Than Shwe by enabling him to continue with his reign of brutality and death on his own people in spite of a legal election Than Shwe sponsored.

Maybe now the United Nations Security Council will recognize the need to nullify the criminally flawed constitution on the solid foundation of facts presented by the GAB. If not, the United Nations will continue to be a party to the genocide of innocent people by legitimizing a criminal regime. From my perspective UN Secretary General Ban ki-moon should recuse himself from any and all proceedings pertaining to issues involving Burma. He has continued to ignore his homeland South Koreas violation of UN sanctions during his tenure at the UN making him personally a part of the problem and not a part of the solution. His involvement with Hyundai and Daewoo reveals a much darker agenda that borders on criminal writhe with human rights violations of its own. It would appear the fox is watching the hen house in Southeast Asia. I pray that I am wrong.

* http://www.scribd.com/doc/25836300/Burma-United-Nations-Security-Council-UNSC-Must-Declare-Burmese-Junta%E2%80%99s-2008-Constitution-as-NULL-and-VOID

Your Devil’s Advocate


Than Shwe, Arrest All Opposition Before Election

In order to secure the proposed election of 10-10-2010 Than Shwe invented a new law intended to criminalize any and all opposition. Under the guise of Anti-Terrorism Than Shwe announced a new law that will undoubtedly classify anyone who opposes his criminal regime as terrorists. The end result will be the arrest and murder of any and all people who even think the word democracy.

Through the *Department of Transnational Crime, Police Col. Sit Aye announced the new law that is sure to raise the ire of all human rights groups around the world. The law was designed to criminalize every aspect of opposition and in essence making everyone who opposes Than Shwe a criminal. To offer support to the NLD would be a crime. To speak about opposition candidates in a positive way would be a crime. And it goes without saying to vote against the junta would also be a crime. In fact it would be up to the junta to determine what constituted an act of terrorism. This new law smells like the bogus constitution that is filled with double talk that ultimately gives the junta free reign to do as they see fit.

Through all the double talk and contradictions this new anti-terrorism law is nothing more than a veiled threat to all opposition parties who dare to oppose Than Shwe in his sham election. Basically, if you choose to run against any of his selected junta candidates you can be deemed a terrorist and tossed in prison for the rest of your life. The law is nothing more than a tool solely designed to justify the continued arrest of opposition leaders and pro democracy advocates.

The reality is there is no election proposed on 10-10-2010. What is going to happen on 10-10-2010 will be a well rehearsed stage act designed to give the illusion of an election. A sham is a sham is a sham is a sham no matter how Than Shwe tries to dress this bogus election. Personally, I entertain the idea he chose to use October 10 as the day of the election since there is significance on this date. Granted it’s not exactly what Than Shwe is hoping for since the planetary alignment or stars are not in his favor. In fact he and his criminal regime are doomed and there is no power on Earth or the spirit world that can alter this destiny for it is the completion of a cycle. But since he is controlled by the whims of his astrologers he does not have a clue, only what they tell him. Now I hope he lives long enough to see what is in store for his regime on 10-10-2010.  

Than Shwe will undoubtedly read what I have to say since I am his personal psychic whether he likes it or not and I tell what I see and not what he wants to hear. I don’t need fortune tellers since I walk with the craft and see clearly his future as well as that of his family. So chances are he will rebuke what I said, like he always does, he will terrorize and possibly kill a few more innocent people in the process just to show how tough and un-intimidated he is. He will only secure the destiny of his family whence he is dead and he will witness his family members being dragged through the streets of Rangoon city by their legs with a blue Toyota pick up truck. Only thing is, Than Shwe will already be in the afterlife languishing in a vat of boiling blood. He will cry out for mercy for his family members only to be offered a glimpse of their death masks at the moment they die.

Oh well, what comes around goes around and Than Shwe will reap exactly what he has sown. It’s funny in a dark way to note that many of his generals secretly what his family dead. No matter how many times he reshuffles his cadre he will die surrounded by enemies and his family will soon follow.

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=17623

Your Devil’s Advocate


No Secret to Reconciliation

The ball is still in General Than Shwe’s court when it comes to beginning the process of reconciliation. The steps required have been well documented and the terms were quite simple according to the “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration;

 1. Release all political prisoners
2. Review the 2008 Constitution
3. Reopen NLD and ethnic nationalities offices
4. Recognize 1990 election result
5. Establish political dialogue

At the very minimum the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the political prisoners to establish a true dialogue would show that the junta was sincere. Anything short of this spells just another round of rhetoric and excuses from the regime. It would also mean the dialogue that has already transpired from world leaders was nothing more than feel good lip service buying critical time Than Shwe needed to pull off the bogus election in the first place. Is this all nothing but another elaborate scheme?

The notion the world is looking hopefully towards a positive outcome from the sham election indicates Than Shwe won the first critical battle in legitimizing his criminal regime. The world bought into the sham election, that is a given. In essence the world sided with Than Shwe in rejecting the will of the Burmese people by ignoring the election results of 1990, an election sponsored by Than Shwe yet not honored because he lost overwhelmingly.

The world as a whole has become enablers for a grotesquely barbaric criminal regime who continues to murder and rape its own citizens. With good reason since the world has blood on their hands as well. With major nations of the free would still vested in Burma the notion sanctions had a chance to succeed is simply preposterous. The United Nations has proven to be hopelessly corrupt with its merry band of thugs who pander to the whims of the World Trade Organization and Than Shwe. Ban Ki-moon and his Korean connection boasts about sanctions and types up letters of disdain yet his Korean business associates continue to prosper on the backs of an enslaved nation.

On a positive note *China did step up to the plate since China’s Vice President Xi Jinping was quoted telling Than Shwe China wanted “political stability, economic development and national reconciliation”. Further VP Xi Jinping stated;

“China believes the Myanmar side would settle the relevant problems through peaceful ways such as dialogues and consultation so as to guarantee the stability in its border area with China,”

That would be real spiffy if China is sincere.

Has China become an enabler for Than Shwe with critical lip service designed to show face to a world of consumers? After all, China’s Achilles Tendon is the international consumer for without them their economy would surely falter sending China spiraling downward. Their economy is much frailer than they allude to and internal strife is at the red dragon’s door step. China is also turning into a desert from mismanagement of its soil, another Achilles Tendon? With the consuming world more aware of China’s human rights violations their continued support for a wholesale butcher would be unlikely. China has become codependent and any disruption in commerce would be devastating.

The average consumer has become isolated from their leadership in a world that has begun colonizing via Globalization. Greed prevails where humanity once stood as profiteers find ways to skirt sanctions in Burma but it is still the consumer who holds the weapon of economic mass destruction, the all mighty dollar. As citizens of the world connect the dots and identify the common enemy, corrupt politicians, China will undoubtedly be in the crosshairs as well since jobs and industries were handed to China by these politicos to the chagrin of the consumers around the planet. The end result will be sanctions imposed by the consuming public crippling China’s once bustling economy since governments have done nothing. Awareness of China’s total disregard for human rights is growing at a lightening pace. Burma and Than Shwe inadvertently placed China and her secrets under the microscope for all to see and discern. If China were to broker true reconciliation and dialogue in earnest this would ease some of the pressure from the purchasing public. If China is playing a charade to assist Than Shwe the price will be paid at the check out counter, were the true economical battle is being fought. Just remember that every dollar not spent on Chinese goods by individuals will make a difference. This axiom will work on international corporations who also leech off the public.

With commercial properties pending foreclosure around the world the dynamic of this financial disaster will far out shadow the mortgage crisis, there is no question. The next financial disaster is looming just around the corner and this will be China’s death nil since it will be easy to write Chinese goods off for a host of valid reason. Burma will just be the last straw. If all the facts were known, China has caused great harm to Indigenous populations around the globe as it is. Thanks to Than Shwe China has become vulnerable since he opened the flood gates of public opinion and this will surely have negatively effect in China’s cash flow.

Small wonder VP Xi Jinping smacked Than Shwe up side the head and told him to get his act together. There is more at stake than Than Shwe’s xenophobic ego. Than Shwe’s actions will directly affect China’s booming yet frail economy. I’ve already excluded over $500 in Chinese and select Korean goods in one month. And it was not hard since I bought better quality merchandise though a bit more spendy but you get what you pay for eh. Others are following suite and soon there will be more as People Power Sanctions snowballs around the globe. Its all about the money and it is time to fight fire with fire. If China is not careful their goods will rot on shelves in every store on the Earth. And China will have General Than Shwe to thank for the notoriety.

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=17439

Your Devil’s Advocate


More Charges for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi?

As people speculate about the possibility this latest meeting between Aung San Suu Kyi and the junta may bare fruit, I beg to differ. Quite the contrary I see something more devious in the works. With dialogue being tossed around about the possibility Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD were *secreting news to the west it is obvious Gen. Than Shwe is about to pull of another distraction while tossing Suu Kyi into further peril. Smells like the same ole crappola.

Junta thugs have already begun tossing allegations at Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD for leaking letters sent to Than Swine citing the NLD’s Special Announcement published on September 28 of this year. The innocuous letter simply outlined Aung San Suu Kyi’s willingness to cooperate with the junta. Chan Mya Aye, the author if the scathing article also noted events previous to this dating back several years in the state run media where the story appeared. Sen. Than Shwe is quietly building a case around Aung San Suu Kyi in yet another effort to keep her out of the publics eye while he proceeds with the sham election of 2010.

So I venture to say we are about to go through another atrocitious and shameful event. Aung San Suu Kyi will be the sacrificial lamb as the junta forges ahead with a new sham trial to complement the sham election. The world will be shocked and in disbelief. The hopelessly corrupt United Nations will fire off another round of worthless letters of rebuke outlining sanctions. It is funny, in a dark way, how Kim Bi-moon’s cronies in South Korea don’t need to abide by international sanctions though. Daewoo has become fabulously wealthy working with the junta over the years. And their products line shelves around the world. Daewoo employees were also noted for their cruel if not barbaric treatment of Burmese citizens as well.

Yes, politicians will get back on their soapboxes and make more feel good speeches then lob spineless idle threats at the criminal regime of Burma. And all the while Aung San Suu Kyi will loose her home and be relegated to Insein Prison for the rest of her life because she violated the terms of her house arrest. The NLD will be considered an outlaw organization along with other pro democracy groups and end up in prisons around Burma. The Karen, Wa, Kachin and other ethnic groups will be killed off or turned into slavery. Their women will be systematically raped by scores of Burmese Soldiers to “purify” these hopelessly impure ethnic women. Children will continue to be used in the military as slaves and sex objects by the junta. Possibly Tata Motors will build a “Nano” plant along side their military truck division already inside of Burma. Speaking about Tata, don’t be surprised if Tata moves the Land Rover and Jaguar plants out of England and into Burma as well. Slave labor is much cheaper and more profitable, just look at China and their lucrative Gulag system.

Than Shwe is a victim of habit and only a fool can’t see that he has something up his sleeve. Baiting the press with words of concern over Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD’s alleged improprieties are nothing more than a precursor for future litigation in Burma’s kangaroo court system. Like they say, “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst”, and I have a feeling things are about to get even more stupid in Burma as this sham election unfolds.

* http://www.mizzima.com/news/inside-burma/3139-nld-denies-using-media.html

Your Devil’s Advocate


Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Possible Release

Aung San Suu KyiWith news *Daw Aung San Suu Kyi may be released to organize her party for the pending election by Senior Burmese Diplomat Min Lwin, I am both happy and fearful. The last assassination attempt on Aung San Suu Kyi made by the junta on May of 2003 is a grim reminder of what the junta is capable of. The need for tight security should be on everybody’s roster if her release comes to pass. Fact is she should have security provided by an international contingent of security experts since I’m fearful the junta will try to have her whacked again. We must not forget the Burmese military’s involvement in the fateful assassination attempt of May 2003, notably Lt. Col. Than Han, Chairman of the Shwe Bo District Peace and Development Council who directed the massacre on May 25th.  Over 100 top NLD officials were beaten to death on that fateful day. Fortunately Aung San Suu Kyi survived this attack, to the chagrin of Than Shwe.Smiling Lt Col Than Han during assasination attempt

The photo to the right shows Lt Col Than Han smiling during the massacre and assassination attempt of May 30th 2003

The release of the political prisoners is also on the agenda according to reports and this is also a welcome piece of news. But again, I am very guarded since the junta is not known for doing anything truly humanitarian. Their lives would be in danger as well since they would be in the public sector and subject to assassination as well. With gangs on the streets of Burma funded and supported by the junta “civilians” would have free reign to execute assassinations while keeping the junta’s hands clean. Is this a trick to get Aung San Suu Kyi out in the public sector then killed by some civilian loyal to the junta? Or is Than Shwe truly turning a new leaf? One thing is for certain, we must be vigilant regardless of what is said for the lives of Aung San Suu Kyi and the political prisoners are in the balance.

With her and the political prisoners release the next area of discord would be the Constitution of 2008 since it is inherently flawed and totally unconstitutional. What guarantee’s are there that the junta will relinquish power if they loose the elections in 2010? The fact they lost in 1990 then arrested the winners is a grim reminder of what can be expected if and when the NLD wins again. Credibility is a commodity that is in very short supply within the ranks of the elite class that has enslaved Burma. It’s ironic that word of a possible release has not stopped the arrests and incarcerations of opposition. Tortures continue on all political prisoners in Insein and other prisons around the country. Ethnic groups continue to flee by the droves as the Burmese Army continues their 4 cuts campaign as well as their genocide program.

Is this latest news just another ploy to buy more time for the junta as they prepare for this rigged election? Or are both Aung San Suu Kyi and the political prisoners simply a bargaining chip to extort money from the USA? If they are bargaining chips their lives will always be in jeopardy and true democracy will never come to pass. Only time will tell as we enter into a new phase as Burma spins towards 2010. On the other hand, what if Than Shwe actually decided to alter the course of destiny? If that were the case he would secure his place in the afterlife as well as that of his generals provided it was sincere. When it was all said and done and Than Shwe was sincere in altering Burma’s destiny I would be the first to give him accolades. I would write a piece that would honor his decision to allow Burma to live and be prosperous once again. But until then, I will continue to observe the activities within Burma with a judicious and skeptical eye.

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=17187

Your Devil’s Advocate


North Korea’s Rust Bucket Changes Course

N Korean shipThe rust laden ship *(Kang Nam) Kim Jong II sent towards Burma has altered its course and is headed back from which it came according to US Navy officials who are tracking the rusted ship. It has also slowed down considerable, possibly to conserve on fuel.

As the US and international the international community ponder where and why it has altered its course it is obvious to me this was only a distraction. Fact is if people would remember, Burma sent one of it’s thugs to North Korea just prior to Kim Jong II’s saber rattling exercise. Clearly this tactic was meant to distract the attention of the world from the bogus trial of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi proving how desperate Gen. Than Shwe is.

Aung San Suu Kyi posses a threat to his self made election since her presents in the political arena would surely guarantee his defeat AGAIN. The notion the 2010 election is anywhere near legal is preposterous as it is since it’s only a vehicle to legitimize the criminal regime of Than Shwe’s Burma. International corporations who continue to glean a handsome profit from the enslavement of the people of Burma are also eager to legitimize the regime. To some very real degree the rest of the world had bought into this sham election by their dialogue about having an open election in the first place. They seem to forget that only real election Burma had was a dismal defeat of Than Shwe and his regime with 80% of the votes going to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy party. And the election was sponsored by Than Shwe himself.

To further his cause Than Shwe has indicted Aung San Suu Kyi on charges she violated the terms of her house arrest with the wholly questionable intrusion of John Yettaw into her compound. She was already in confinement for the crime of surviving an assassination attempt orchestrated by the junta. Her first arrest was for wining the election in 1990. She has already spent 13 of 19 years in confinement for the crime of winning the hearts of her people fore she truly has become the beacon of democracy.

The world did nothing when she was arrested for winning the election in the first place causing thousands of people to be murdered in secret by the junta. World wide negligence was also responsible for the whole sale arrests of pro democracy advocates throughout the enslaved nation. The aftermath of ambivalence by the world was also responsible for the wholesale genocide that continues to this day with all the ethnic minorities of Burma. The Karen continues to be murdered as the Burmese military and its allies wage war on this ethnic group. Soon others will face genocide as well.

The use of rape and murder on ethnic woman has become standard operating procedure as well as the induction of children into the military. And this was conducted under the watchful eyes of the United Nations and the free world. The criminal regime has taken full advantage of the world’s lackluster response and operates with impunity while the world continues to do nothing. Waves of humanity are filling the already burgeoning populations of these refugee camps in an exodus of epic proportions. The junta continues to shell positions inside of Thailand’s borders. Now supplies are running very short and there is no doubt hunger and disease will soon plague these desperate human beings.

On a positive note Kim Jong II’s exploits have only solidified a well known fact that North Korea and Burma are partners in crime. Both leaders need to be arrested like the common criminals they truly are and the people held hostage within these respective nations must be liberated. Unwittingly Than Shwe’s bogus trial has also reveled China’s soft underbelly and how frail their economy truly is. It also exposed the fact China is a partner in crime as well since China utilizes slave labor and continues to silently arrests its citizens then torture and murder them. Also under the microscope are all the international corporations who’ve invested in both China and Burma who capitalize on the slave labor and the lack of environmental concerns. In essence Than and Kim have opened up a can of worms or Pandora’s Box that will not soon be closed. Now China faces the wrath of public opinion as consumers are made aware of their tyranny as well.  

On the other side of the coin the world continues to make crap filled speeches and useless sanctions against Burma and North Korea, much like they’ve done many times before. The lackluster and almost cowardly response by the UN and Ban Ki-moon has already given the junta the green light to increase its arrests and continued acts of genocide against its own people. The ultimate insult to injury was the return of Ibrahim Gambari who all but sold out the Burmese people by endorsing the bogus election 2010 election. His only contribution to Burma was to give Than Shwe the needed time to find a solution to the Aung Suu Kyi problem. Reports from sources within Burma have also noted that Gambari was in the presents of young beautiful starlets and was given a priceless ruby for his efforts by Than Shwe.

Is the world going to be a party to Than Shwe’s scheme to legitimize his criminal regime by giving him the time needed to eliminate Aung San Suu Kyi before the election? It is sad to note that the worlds impotent response to thugs like Than Shwe and Kim Jong have opened the door to a new wave of tin horn dictators who ignore the voices of the people they were once entrusted to protect. And it’s about the money and ruthless corporations who glean the natural resources at the expanse of the indigenous populations. Honduras is a clear example of how the cancer has spread from Asia to South America. The response to Than Shwe and Kim Jong will dictate the course of history and the course of humanity. If we continue to respond with spineless sanctions and allow international corporations to continue to fund Burma we will fan the flames of tyranny.

* http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gPE2T6srY36AqSumfp9KStLWUnAQD9956V482 

Your Devil’s Advocate


Kim Jong II and a Hill of Beans

Kim and Burma

North Koreas alliance with the criminal dictator of Burma, Than Shwe, has been known in circles in Burma for years. Only now is it becoming apparent to the rest of the world. Than Shwe’s alliances go much deeper as people begin to follow the money as China, Russia and other “secret allies” begin to surface. By all rights Russia and China should have recused themselves from voting on UN Sanctions pertaining to Burma because of their blatant conflict of interest. They are deeply involved financially and have everything to gain by the criminality perpetrated by Than Shwe’s criminal regime. The scuttlebutt over North Korea’s acts of stupidity by both Russia and China is nothing more the lip service and nothing more.

It was only obvious North Korea offered Burma the critical distraction they needed. The A-Bomb/bottle rocket scare was deliberate to mask the Aung San Suu Kyi disaster that back fired on Than Shwe. It also hid the fact the military regime has launched a new offensive on the ethnic minorities throughout the region, the Karen being one of them. His offensive has also targeted ceasefire groups who opposed the liquidation of their sovereignties and converting them into nothing more than border guards. Now Kachin State is being fortified by *Burmese troops in preparation for war. Ironically Burma and the Kachin were still trying to hammer out a deal. Apparently the junta already made their decision while using the negotiations as a smoke screen to build its troop strength in the region.

Also masked by Kim Jongs nonsense is the fact the Burmese military has increased its recruitment drive of **child soldiers throughout the region. And the United Nations response is to send the corrupt Ibrahim Gambari back to Burma after his disastrous self serving visitations in the past. Likened to a vacation Gambari will most likely enjoy the company of another Burmese starlet to pass the time with while recieving another priceless ruby, according to sources who’ve witnessed this in the past.

While these calculated distractions take hold, left in obscurity is the trial of Daw Aung Suu Kyi and all the criminality that goes with this sham of a trial. The reality is the UN as well as the well intended nations of the world have become partners with Than Shwe as they inadvertently condone the illegal sham election in 2010. The notion that there could be reconciliation or even a fair election is preposterous to say the least. The fact Than Shwe’s Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) has already begun the process of buying ***votes should be an indicator the election will be rigged at the very least.  

Arrests of Daw Aung San Suu Kui and celebrants of her birthday continue under the smoke screen of Korea’s distract-a-news. Paranoid Than Shwe has further disrupted his upper echelon by shifting his generals around in a feeble attempt to have the most loyal next to him when he dies. Ironically his attempts will be futile since destiny can not be altered and he is on course to meet his fate for he only alienated some of his staunchest supporters. Soon Burma will have their “Night of the Long Knives” a befitting demise of Than Shwe if cancer does not take him out first.

Like they say, “Three strikes and you’re out”. With three Pagodas mired in unprecedented loss of life and the collapse of one, Than Shwe secured his fate. He will be the talk of the town during Taungbyone Nat or Spirit Festival in August. Taungbyone is a paranormal event where soothsayers and mediums come together. If only his astrologer would have told him of the price one pays for petitioning forces of the spirit world to retain power for payment is due. Adolf Hitler as well as Pol Pot learned the hard way. Soon Than Shwe will join their ranks as they enjoy the fruits of their genocide as revenge from their victims reigns for an eternity.

With all the discussion over the Iranian election and the voice of the people by the world over you’d think this would offer focus on Burma. After all it was a clear majority that voted for Daw Aung Suu Kyi. With the Muslim clerics fully supporting President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from the very beginning it was clear he won. When you consider the fact Iran is a radical Muslim state followers vote accordingly and Mir Hossein Mousavi was out of the loop, plain and simple. So I question if this is yet another distraction of some kind so the world does not have to deal with Burma and its flagrant acts of criminality. It would appear the world is full of words and is easily misguided. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon should take a stand and not cower behind the sofa or is the UN part of the money laundering operation of Burma as well?

Burma’s junta continues to rape and murder in their blatant acts of genocide as Daw Aung Suu Kyi faces trial for winning the hearts of a nation. On the bright since, international corporations continue to invest in Asia while divesting in the parent nations they once resided. Soon Than Shwe will be sporting a Humvee, GM will be selling cars from China and Daewoo will continue to fill shelves with electronic goodies we don’t need. After all, it’s all about the money and the corporate bottom line. By our ambivalence to the cries of the Burmese people we will in essence seal out fate as we empower financial concerns over humanity.

* http://www.kachinnews.com/index.php/news/925-junta-deploys-fresh-troops-secretly-in-kachin-state-.html

** http://www.kachinnews.com/index.php/articleopinion/341-burmas-children-still-forced-into-army-.html

*** http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=16147

Your Devil’s Advocate
