Issues with Phyu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narapati’s Death

With the increased secret arrests of Buddhists monks all over Burma I find it more than coincidental that a prominent monk ends up dead. This event raises my eyebrows to say the very least since assassination are commonplace and they come in a wide variety of sources including biological. Car wrecks, suicides, diseases of every sort and the tried and true “disappearances” go unchallenged. Families who make waves simply vanish, provided they are not well known.

Gen. Than Shwe’s Roadmap to Disciplined Democracy is nothing more than a journey on a vicious circle of deception. In a show of defiance he has quietly continues collecting men, women and children then locking them away. The notion he had Phyu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narapati killed is a very viable possibility. With government agencies at his beckoned call a coroner would only be writing his death sentence if he revealed the true nature of the monk’s death. True to form there would be an intentional leak verifying the junta’s participation in this act of barbarism to show the world he was not fearful of the consequences of excommunication. From all indicators Than Shwe would win another psychological victory against the west since the west’s response would be another impotent gasp and angry letter repudiation. Theoretically of course.

Clearly Than Shwe wants to set up a “sweet deal” with the US and the free world just like his chums in North Korea have. With the growing concern over Burma’s burgeoning nuclear ambitions Than Shwe has stacked the deck and the west is playing with marked cards. The west’s dismal failure in dealing with North Korea and its continued atrocitious human rights issues has all but neutralized his fear of reprisal. Now in plain sight he continues to murder the ethnic minorities throughout the country while kidnapping kids for sexual favors and soldiers in his enslaved military. The world had become enablers while pandering to the illusion of hope.

With a xenophobic dictator who does not trust his closest aids and generals you have to wonder what Phyu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narapati said in private that may have ushered his execution. Other people faded into obscurity or simply died of freak accidents or diseases when they posed a threat to the junta even his close friends. Knowing his demise is near has placed a sense of urgency in his quest for absolutely loyal generals to protect his family from the inevitable consequences when he is dead. Hiding his fear by lashing out against the opposition has also revealed his soft underbelly. Sadly there is nothing he can do to alter his personal destiny and the consequences for his actions against Buddhism. What the free world could not accomplish since Than Shwe took control of Burma will be done in a twinkling of an eye for his time is near. Wonder why his astrologer did not warn him about that?

Your Devil’s Advocate


The Sewage of Than Shwe

than hell

Clearly Gen. Than Shwe of Burma has distorted and perverted the core teachings of true Buddhism. It does not take a Rhodes Scholar to realize that torture, rape and wholesale murder are not part of the Buddhist curriculum. But like other dictators who chose to enslave their own people through religion or race, Than Shwe simply found someone to reinterpret ancient sacred words of a noble faith. Do not think for one minute he did not physically threaten a monk into forging a new “Death” clause in the Buddhist faith. The fact is, Buddhist monks who subscribe to Than Shwe’s rendition of Buddhism follow out of blind fear according to exiled monks.

The death and destruction at three Pagodas are obvious indicators that Than Shwe is not a Buddhist at all. When I read Buddhist works I also failed to read anything about the justification of deception and barbarism either. Granted, I did not receive Than Shwe’s revised version of Buddhism that justifies lying, stealing, rape and murder. But what I did find was a wonderfully beautiful path or axiom designed to enrich ones life. Maybe the enrich part was taken out of context with Than Shwe for he has enriched himself and a select group of people at the expense of others.

Inside sources stated how Than Shwe and his generals enjoyed emulating the characters in the U.S. film “The Godfather”. The same sources reveled how several generals looked to the orphaned children from Cyclone Nargis as a wealth of new soldiers and servants. The reality of Than Shwe and his spirituality bankrupt government is that it’s an atheist government. The junta forged a religion of death and ethnic cleansing and labeled it Buddhism. There is no honor in murdering innocent people for their land or raping ethnic minorities for the sake of Burmanization. Burmanization is a military mandate where soldiers are required to leave their blood or seed in ethnic communities to purify them into Burman’s. In essence it’s a license to rape, “for the good of the nation”. Maybe someone should give Senator Jim Webb a heads up on the country he is sucking up to.

It comes as no surprise that there is barely a peek being mentioned about the October 2nd deadline for Than Shwe to render a formal apology to the monks for the arrest, torture and murder of monks during the Saffron Revolution. Clearly he does not plan to make any such statements since these monks don’t follow the new and improved Buddhism according to Than. But he is keenly aware of the situation. That is why all the monasteries and Buddhist enclaves are under heavy surveillance as he positions his troops for another possible uprising in October. Truth is a commodity rarely found in Than Shwe’s propaganda machine though. “The New Light of Myanmar” is more like the “New Lies of Myanmar” at the very least. Other junta condoned media outlets must follow strict guidelines where truth and honesty are strictly forbidden.

Than Shwe faces excommunication from the true Buddhist faith if he fails to meet the demands from holy people of a religion he stole the name of. And it is obvious he is trying to conceal this from the people of Burma for without Buddhism in his corner he is nothing. He can turn his back on them but he will not be able to turn his back from the rewards he has cast for himself and others who used a sacred path for monetary gain. I get comfort knowing what Than Shwe and his minions will face whence they cross over to the other side though. Eternity is a far cry from 70 or 80 years of life on Earth and Than Shwe’s reward will be retribution that will last forever whence he dies. Like they say, “what comes around, goes around”, and it could not have happened to a more deserving fellow.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Than Shwe’s Ultimatum

Oct 2

October 2nd has become the iconic day of reckoning for General Than Shwe of Burma. According to sources within Burma Than Shwe has until 12 noon on October 2, 2009 to make a formal apology for the incarceration, beating and murder of Buddhist monks during a peaceful demonstration. If he refuses he will be excommunicated from the Buddhist faith. In essence Than Shwe will be stripped of his most powerful weapon in keeping a nation divided, religion. If he is no longer a Buddhist he can no longer purport the need to rape and murder Christians under the banner of Buddhism.

Without Buddhism to hide behind he will have to find a new excuse for his continued campaign of Burmanization and the wholesale slaughter of all ethnic minorities in Burma. It still astounds the imagination how he managed to justify torture, rape and murder then claim to be Buddhist in the first place. But with a woefully inept United Nations and the continued impotent response from the so called free world, Than Shwe continues his exercise in eugenics unabated. Many corporate controlled media groups have also turned a deaf ear on the plight of Burma for the most part as well.

The October 2nd deadline was proclaimed by the monks yet very little has been mentioned about it in the mainstream press. In the meantime the Burmese military has been beefing up its forces “just in case” of a new and more powerful uprising. Timing is everything since Than Shwe has opened up the battlement lines to the north and has declared war on ceasefire groups who refuse to be border cops. It’s ironic that Senator Jim “One World Order” Webb was making nice with Than Shwe while his goons advanced on Kokang and other ethnic groups. He should have taken a stroll in one of the many under supplied and over filled refugee centers along the border, provided they are not being shelled by the Burmese military.

With the help of the “liars press” bold faced lies about the meeting circulated around the world as Webb made libelous statements about Daw Aung Suu Kyi. John “the moron” Yettaw made grandiose and thinly veiled lies about his encounter with Aung Suu Kyi then made public his book writing aspirations. I can see the book store now, protesters all around with posters and chants. Then there is John making a hasty retreat out the back door. Daw Aung Suu Kyi has long since decried the false and lascivious statements the dumb duo made. As far as Burma’s democracy was concerned, Jim’s visit was a giant step backward. Yettaw’s visit was catastrophic but “with no regrets”, in his words.

With Daewoo investing billions in Burma as of this writing it is clear the worldwide corporate agenda quietly moved forward. Burma, locked in the throws of indentured servitude, continues to be raped by outsiders. Than Shwe betrayed Burma sold her to the corporate world, the ultimate money laundering scheme. Globalization is colonization on a planetary scale and Burma is to rich in natural resources to ignore. It is obvious the fate of Burma has been determined by others. Than Shwe is just a pawn and a scapegoat to the ones who bought him years ago. In all reality sanctions have not been honored from the corporate world. Merger after merger internationally has laced a web of unscrupulously divisive criminals who’ve also managed to bypass U.S. monopoly laws.

Of the top 100 economies of the world at least half are corporations. Imagine corporations with a GDP larger then 80% of the nations of the world. One day you will drive around in a cute Nano by Tata Motors of India. Just don’t forget that Tata Motors is building a facility in Burma for the sole purpose of building medium to heavy trucks for Burma’s Military. The cute little Nano would be soaked in human blood and the suffering of an enslaved nation. The corporate web is all encompassing though. Two English institutions, Land Rover and Jaguar, now share the tainted resume’ in epic human carnage for Tata Motors is their parent company. From Mrs. Beasley’s Cookies to that cool Daewoo big screen TV, corporations doing business with Than Shwe stock our shelves. So when people say sanctions have not worked it’s because they were not enforced in earnest in the first place. In our complacency we’ve become unwitting benefactors of tyranny not only in Burma, but around the world. Lusting for the cheapest price we forget the price that is paid in human suffering.

The world has done nothing to ease Burma’s pain. The cowardly United Nations has exercised selective justice and all but ignored Burma year after year. Feel good speeches, fruitless visits and spineless sanctions have bought the people of Burma nothing but more broken promises. Now the monks of Burma have made their position known as they take destiny into their own hands. Than Shwe must apologies to the Buddhist Monks for the cruel treatment and murder of holy people from a faith he proclaims to be. He has until October 2nd of 2009 at 12 noon Rangoon time. If he ignores this request he will be excommunicated from all of Buddhism. In turn the junta has increased surveillance and security around monasteries and Buddhist enclaves across the country. The fuse has been lit as a nation under siege braces for the future. And the world is oblivious.

Your Devil’s Advocate
