Burma Jails Bonehead New Zealander Bar Manager and Cronies For Insulting Religion With Insulting Image of Psyched Out Buddha in Headphones Promoting Booze – Enjoy Your Ngapi Stupid

Is the DKBA Evolving?

The stunning move by the *Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) to reverse their decision to be Than Shwe’s Border Guard Force (BGF) has offered a glimmer of hope for the beleaguered Karen people. This courageous move by the DKBA to defy Than Shwe is evidence this ceasefire group may not be as reprehensible as once perceived. Granted, crimes against innocent people have been committed by some elements of the DKBA but this revelation shows there is a moral side to this organization. It was known than many DKBA and KIA soldiers had mixed opinions about killing their own

The Venerable Ashin Thuzana, spiritual leader of the DKBA, voiced his opposition to Than Shwe’s BGF. With this statement it would appear that Buddhism may have arisen from its darkest hour as this courageous abbot stood by the tenets of Buddhism. In turn, the DKBA stood by their spiritual leader in this hotly controversial decision.  According to the Irrawaddy one DKBA official was quoted as saying;

“We don’t agree to the plan because our monk doesn’t accept it.”

This quote said volumes about the DKBA in light of all the negative press about them in the past. From human trafficking to drug manufacturing the DKBA has been accused of some of the most heinous crimes against humanity. The death of a 17 year old boy at a border crossing still resonates within the refugee communities along the border. Does this revelation show that there still is honor within the DKBA? Time will be the task master and hopefully the DKBA can evolve past the sorted past perpetrated by some of their soldiers, provided the DKBA moves in a reconciliatory direction. But trust will be hard fought by the Internally Displaced People who fled for their lives from DKBA mortars and waltzed through mine fields to the safety of Thailand. Even in the most positive of scenarios villagers still bare the scars and mourn the loss of loved ones who succumbed during the DKBA’s bloody onslaughts of the past.

There is no question this turn of events will not bode well with the excommunicated thugs of Naypyidaw. Than Shwe’s perverted rendition of Buddhism has dishonored the faith on many plains. His continued assault and arrest of Buddhist monks has proven him to be a fraud and an enemy to true Buddhism. He has also shown that he is an enemy of the people and a traitor to Burma. Torture, rape and genocide will be Than Shwe’s legacy for millenniums to come. Small wonder he and his merry band of vermin were excommunicated from Buddhism. He might be able to lie his way around Burma and act out Buddhist traditions but in all reality he is a fetid reprehensible creature who taints every temple he and his filth steps into. Fortunately Than Shwe and his ilk will face their just rewards whence they crosses over to the afterlife.

The DKBA’s possible defection is only the tip of the iceberg since there is much dissention within the Tatmadaw and Than Shwe’s inner circle. Shwe has begun giving away national assets to select cronies while other generals observe with secret disdain. The abyss between Than Shwe’s elite class and the soldier has widened beyond the point of no return. Than Shwe will paint a picture of progress and harmony within his ranks but nothing could be further from the truth for his regime is a ticking time bomb. The media has long since lost its credibility with the people of Burma. Than Shwe only lies to himself and unwitting outside observers with his grandiose prevarications and bold faced lies. Thein Sein’s assault on **Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has only fortified the publics resolve for freedom. Sadly for Sein he is considered a babbling fool and mindless mouthpiece of Than Shwe by citizens from all ethnic groups and political persuasions.

News of the DKBA’s withdrawal from the bogus border guard force will most likely be withheld from the public but that’s business as usual in the land of lies. I can only hope the DBKA’s departure from Than Shwe’s Border Guard Force is legitimate and sincere. In earnest all Karen’s must be united as one people regardless of religion, custom, or clan if they ever hope to defeat Than Shwe. Ethnic alliances throughout Burma for a common cause will neutralize Than Shwe’s most powerful weapon, division. A multi cultural force united in the cause for freedom yet diverse and sovereign within their ethnic and religious protocols will be the formula for victory in Burma. If this is not accomplished now eventually Than Shwe will rid Burma of all ethnic minorities because this is his ultimate objective. It is time for the fighting peacock to awaken.

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=17885

** http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=17886

Your Devil’s Advocate


Issues with Phyu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narapati’s Death

With the increased secret arrests of Buddhists monks all over Burma I find it more than coincidental that a prominent monk ends up dead. This event raises my eyebrows to say the very least since assassination are commonplace and they come in a wide variety of sources including biological. Car wrecks, suicides, diseases of every sort and the tried and true “disappearances” go unchallenged. Families who make waves simply vanish, provided they are not well known.

Gen. Than Shwe’s Roadmap to Disciplined Democracy is nothing more than a journey on a vicious circle of deception. In a show of defiance he has quietly continues collecting men, women and children then locking them away. The notion he had Phyu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narapati killed is a very viable possibility. With government agencies at his beckoned call a coroner would only be writing his death sentence if he revealed the true nature of the monk’s death. True to form there would be an intentional leak verifying the junta’s participation in this act of barbarism to show the world he was not fearful of the consequences of excommunication. From all indicators Than Shwe would win another psychological victory against the west since the west’s response would be another impotent gasp and angry letter repudiation. Theoretically of course.

Clearly Than Shwe wants to set up a “sweet deal” with the US and the free world just like his chums in North Korea have. With the growing concern over Burma’s burgeoning nuclear ambitions Than Shwe has stacked the deck and the west is playing with marked cards. The west’s dismal failure in dealing with North Korea and its continued atrocitious human rights issues has all but neutralized his fear of reprisal. Now in plain sight he continues to murder the ethnic minorities throughout the country while kidnapping kids for sexual favors and soldiers in his enslaved military. The world had become enablers while pandering to the illusion of hope.

With a xenophobic dictator who does not trust his closest aids and generals you have to wonder what Phyu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Narapati said in private that may have ushered his execution. Other people faded into obscurity or simply died of freak accidents or diseases when they posed a threat to the junta even his close friends. Knowing his demise is near has placed a sense of urgency in his quest for absolutely loyal generals to protect his family from the inevitable consequences when he is dead. Hiding his fear by lashing out against the opposition has also revealed his soft underbelly. Sadly there is nothing he can do to alter his personal destiny and the consequences for his actions against Buddhism. What the free world could not accomplish since Than Shwe took control of Burma will be done in a twinkling of an eye for his time is near. Wonder why his astrologer did not warn him about that?

Your Devil’s Advocate


General Mecchadihtti Than Shwe, A Condemned Man

Shwe death










 With the *All Burma Monks Alliance declaration of the excommunication of Than Shwe, his generals and all soldiers who ally themselves with him at least Than shwe will not be alone in the afterlife. Compounded by what’s been called the Curse of the Three Pagoda’s even his soothsayer’s stand powerless. In fact, his astrologers share the dubious honor of excommunication as Pattanikujjana, (the refusal of accepting offerings by this group of people by turning their bowls over), reigns throughout Burma and the world.

In effect the Tatmadaw, (Burmese Military) has become an enemy of Buddhism severing the only link with Burma as a nation. They are no better than the colonizers who enslaved this nation in the past. But in all reality Buddhism was nothing more than a tool to control the masses. I am still haunted by the rape and butchery of a 5 year old girl whose body was then place in a Buddhist temple like some kind of sacrifice or offering. This is not Buddhism and is more reflective of the rituals performed by followers of Kali, The Dark Mother. So in some convoluted way Than Shwe made it official who he and his legions really are because they surely are not Buddhist, never was and never will. And now they all share Than Shwe’s eternity of unspeakable hells in the afterlife.

Though Than Shwe and his motley crew of thugs, rapists and murders went through the motions of being Buddhist they were only fooling themselves. There are no secrets within the confines of the spirit world and the truth is known by every type of being that walks on the other side. Some are almost rabid with excitement in anticipation of Generalissimo Supermo Mecchadihtti Than Shwe’s arrival and have prepared a very “warm” reception whence he arrives. His revered Tatmadaw also are in for the surprise of their new eternity whence they cross over. Every one of them will have their own personal receptions to look forward to. If they forgot exactly who they murdered, that is not a problem for they will soon be reminded. The spirits of the afterlife have pulled all the stops in preparation of their arrival.

Every nuance of their conduct has been recorded. No details have been overlooked or ignored and soon they will cry out in agony but it will not be short lived as in the case of their innocent victims. They will exist suffering in pain and agony exactly like the people they killed but it will last for an eternity. I see their journey in my visions and I hear the spirits as they giggle with excitement with a hint of revenge in their voices. They say, “We are waiting for you Than Shwe for death is inevitable”. Like the old street adage goes, you can run but you can’t hide and one day soon Than Shwe will scream out in pain as his body is ripped apart over and over again while spirits play with his entrails laughing at his cries for mercy, forever. His crew will face their own horror as their fallow cries go unanswered as they reap what they have sown on Earth for an eternity. Now that they are excommunicated from the Buddhist faith they will be less than alone in the afterlife. They will enjoy their own personal hells for they condemned themselves in the high court of humanity. It is a befitting fate since the universal law of retribution is just and always gets their man. And Kali, The Dark Mother, will be waiting.

* http://www.burmesesangha.com/

Your Devil’s Advocate
