Burma’s New Flag

Than Shwe is at it again boys and girls. It’s bad enough he and his criminal regime continue to rape and murder their own people. The Sham Election of 2010 is an international farce that is not fooling anyone. Sadly many people have died or simply disappeared in order to make sure his election goes as planned or should I say, rigged? Than Shwe and his merry band of criminals continue to face a wide range of charges including international money laundering for hopelessly corrupt industries working within Burma. Then there is the troubling matter of crimes against humanity since the junta is killing ethnic men, women and children throughout the jungles of Burma and Thailand.

Crimes against women has become an art form since his perverted and sadistic military rape at their leisure under the banner of Burmanization where soldiers are ordered to ‘leave their seed’ in ethnic villages. Usually they simply rape than torture their victims to death so the seed just rots in the jungle anyway. The use of child soldiers is another charge they face since kids are forced into the military not only to fight Than Shwe’s war but also for sex items by officers within Than Shwe’s ranks of elite child molesters. His alchemists continue to design and manufacture drugs of every kind while he pretends to be eradicating them. All he eradicates is the competition.

So now Than Shwe and his band of cut throats and thieves concocted a new flag for Burma. The colors are Red, Green and Yellow and appropriately so.

YELLOW represents the color of cowardice Than Shwe and the regime continue to show with their wholesale murder of unarmed Karen villagers and other ethnic undesirables who live on resource rich land.

GREEN represents the color of money he and his thugs lust for and will do anything to get, even at the cost of their own nation. After all; there is no honor within the junta.

RED represents the blood of the hundreds of thousands of innocent Burmese civilians and monks Than Shwe has murdered in order to eliminate everyone who stands in his way.

You’d think Than Shwe was a duly elected official for all the banter he and his thugs spew but he is not. He is a charlatan and a fraud that needs to be tried and convicted for crimes against humanity. So do his band of thugs for they are all cowards who kill innocent unarmed people for personal monetary gain. Hmm, guess that makes them candidates for membership in the World Trade Organization since that seems to be a requirement for enrollment. China is a member and a classic example of thuggery and corruption at the cost of their people. Ah but that’s another long story.

Your Devil’s Advocate
