Burma Spiraling Out Of Control

News about hundreds of *Democratic Karen Buddhist Army soldiers breaking ranks to rejoin their countrymen must have sent chills down General Than Shwe’s spine. This is only the tip of the ice berg since troops from all quarters are sickened by what they have witnesses. As prophesized a wave of conscience is sweeping through the ranks as soldiers come to the realization of what they’ve become, enemies of their own people. Thousands of Chinese Troops bearing sophisticated weaponry have come to reinforce the already present Red Army along the border. Powerless to stop this trend Than Shwe can only sit by and watch as his day of reckoning draws closer and closer.

The noose is tightening around the junta’s neck as they continue to forge forward with the bogus election of 2010. **Thein Sein and other generals have “retired” only to spearhead junta controlled political parties eliminating any hope for a legitimate election. By doing so, Than Shwe has broken the spirit of his Tatmadaw since they secretly wanted to see reform within their beloved Burma. Soldiers tired of being treated like slaves while doing Than Shwe’s dirty work only see futility in fighting for a regime that only rewards an absolute minority. The majority of Than Shwe’s ruling class has become embittered by Than Shwe’s blatant disregard for them while anointing his cronies. This was Than Shwe’s fatal mistake and now he has become a target on many fronts within his own military.

Than Shwe’s axiom of “divide and conquer” has turned against him as ethnic and religious groups come to realize how they have been manipulated into hating each other. Bombings, assassinations and other acts of terrorism that kept groups divided were not random acts perpetrated by opposing groups. These acts were deliberate, calculated and carried out by thugs who were financed by the junta. As groups open dialogue with one another and address divisions it is clear that a third party had exacerbated these issues and caused the situation to escalate. Divide and Conquer was the end result as Than Shwe used ethnic and religious differences to his favor. Why spend money on bullets when you can get the people to kill each other instead? Division has always been Than Shwe’s Weapon of Mass Destruction and ironically this weapon has turned against him. Destiny awaits him and his staunchest followers and it’s only a matter of time before the junta implodes.

Secret dialogue and discussion of amnesty have already begun as generals worry about their future whence Than Shwe dies for they know inherently everything will change. Even from the ranks of his inner circle preparation for the inevitable have been made with outside sources. Like rats abandoning a sinking ship the Exodus continues as officers scramble to secure a future for their families. Than Shwe’s family will truly be alone whence he crosses into the afterlife for they are truly hated by the Tatmadaw. Other close cronies including foreign interests face an equally dismal fate in the near future and their cries will soon rest on deaf ears.

For now Than Shwe will continue to spew out lies through his media outlets offering a false sense of security and control. The only one he will be convincing is himself since everyone else including his astrologer knows the dark reality of what the future will bring. From betrayal he will glean betrayal. It will be a befitting end to Than Shwe and the vermin who pillaged Burma during his reign. I hope Than Shwe is captured alive on video so I can see the look on his face when he realizes it is all over. Thein Sein and his ilk will be equally dismayed as destiny comes to pass. But then again maybe not since some of them have already made plans, if you get my drift, capice? (Wink, wink)

* http://www.mizzima.com/news/inside-burma/3896-troops-break-from-dkba-head-for-border-.html

** http://www.mizzima.com/news/election-2010/3893-pm-now-a-retired-general-leads-usda-party.html

Your Devil’s Advocate
