The Forgotten American’s

After all the dust has settled and the confetti swept from the floor neither Democrat nor Republican mentioned the on going plight of Americans who continue to be tossed out of their homes. Foreclosures have increased and have become a cottage industry as advertisement after advertisement boasts of “available” homes to be auctioned off. It is funny, in a dark sort of way, how wealthy corporations can get bail-out after bail-out as well as stimulus money while taxpayers struggle to keep their homes and some semblance of dignity.

Not one peep came from the mouths of our politicians when it comes to the 10’s of millions of Americans who’ve lost or will loose their homes and that is in excusable. What will it take for these boneheads to ask for a freeze on foreclosures? People lost their jobs from the lack of good governance by politicians who were supposed to work on behalf of the people not corporations. Now jobs and opportunities have gone to countries with no labor laws or environmental constraints leaving their loyal employees behind to fend for themselves.

Though it’s not a good vision I know we will soon be at odds with China placing US corporations who have relocated to Asia in the crosshairs of Chinese wrath. And it will serve them right when they are arrested and their assets ceased by the Chinese Communist Party. Their greed will have paid dividends for the callous disregard they showed the US workers. The price for cheap slave labor will be their lives in many cases and I will have no pity on them since they had no pity on us. Hey I don’t write these visions, I only report what I see and like it or not we are heading towards war and it will not be pretty for westerners who will be caught in the crossfire. Ironically some will be taken captive and never seen again. Chances are they will be working in slave labor camps they once profiteered from and it will serve them right.

According to businessmen who’ve worked in China they witnessed the military building and building their arsenal. Many heard scuttlebutt about the future war with the West from Chinese handlers. Tensions are growing stronger by the day between the West and Asia. It almost appears intentional since the West is trying to push Russia’s buttons as well. What have we become? It would serve Tony Blair and Bill Clinton right to be enslaved in one of the many Gulags since they sold their countries industrial might and jobs to China. Their minions Gordon Brown and Barack Obama would fit right in as well. And their pleas for help would go unanswered just like the Americans and Britons who lost their homes and jobs to Chinese interests.

But all good things must come to pass since Earth Changes will soon take center stage throwing the aspirations of all nations in a quagmire as disasters alter the course of their histories. In fact, Earth Changes will alter the course everyone’s histories. I find solace in knowing Ma Earth will have the final say though. One thing I can tell you for sure, people will survive the changes. It will truly be a new world order but not the new world order our corrupt politicians were bargaining for either. Now that’s “Change We Need”. Bada Bing, Bada Bang, Bada Boom.

Your Devil’s Advocate


Ushering In The New World Order

What was supposed to be the State of the Union Address turned into a partisan attack on the Republican Party and the Supreme Court last night when Barack Obama lashed out at his dissenters. He used the podium to continue to stump for his Healthcare and criminally flawed environmental agendas in an act of defiance. “I don’t quit” was the apparent theme and true to form he continued his campaign rhetoric about helping the middle class. Except for the jabs he made, this so called State of the Union Address sounded like other more eloquent speeches he’s made during his unending campaign, writhe with promises and false hopes, again.

Noticeably he was pandering to the crowd about Bank reforms but he failed to mention how he and Gordon Brown wanted to impose taxes and control banks internationally. This scheme would take banks and financial concerns out of the hands of sovereign nations and into the hands of a small group of corporatists with no national loyalties. Banking on the fears of economic collapse and other fraudulent claims, their scheme would force the vast majority of legitimate financial institutions to pay fees and taxes for the crimes of an absolute minority of institutions who were bailed out including AIG. Absent was Hillary Clinton who was rubbing noses with Gordon Brown as they continued to stump for “Global” controls of all financial institutions in London. It is funny how he failed to bring up this attempt strip nations of financial sovereignty in favor of the New World Order.

His stimulus packages, notably the Renewable Energy scheme, have given the lion’s share of US taxpayer money and jobs to China to the tune of over $850,000,000. But the most reprehensible crime both the Democratic and Republican party are guilty of is not addressing the continued foreclosures of American’s homes. Why is it so hard to put a freeze on foreclosures? The banks are not hurting for money nor do they need shelter and food for their families. Simply put, foreclosures are the cash cows of the lending industry and both Democrats and Republicans at the top of this pyramid scheme are cashing in on American suffering. AIG was a classic example of how both sides of the political arena profiteered at the expense of the taxpayer. Of course Obama pitched for his lackey Tim Geitner who earlier that day was grilled for his criminality in the AIG fiasco. Body language tells volumes and Geitner was lying his butt off.

Be prepared for President Pinocchio’s pitch for a global solution for those nasty bankers who crippled the US economy. Just remember that it was only a few banks that were not solvent and if you did your homework you would know that members of both parties were heavily invested in these fraudulent banks including AIG. The reality is, if these banks were left to fail, like they should have, other legitimate banks would have been picked up the slack. Securities would not have disappeared causing a financial melt down like these thugs claim. They were only protecting their cash cows and personal retirement accounts, not ours. Chris Dodd and Tim Geitner should have been marched to jail for their roles in the intentional destruction of the US economy. And to think our government was trying to broker a deal that would protect AIG from disclosing their records. How far beyond stupid is that?  

Sure Obama is pulling out of Iraq, GW Bush made sure to reintroduce corporations into the country. Funny how GW brought corporations back to Iraq on the very same day Saddam Hussein tossed them out back in the 70’s. Obama failed to also mention that troops pulled from Iraq would be headed to Afghanistan. And now there is a proposal to bribe the Taliban with $500,000,000 of US taxpayer dollars. What about all those fluffy speeches about how the Taliban was the bad guy? Apparently that was simply for public consumption to justify war for profit. Don’t forget Gitmo and his defunked plan to close that hell hole while giving terrorists American rights in the process. Speaking of GI’s he also made the claim that he pushed an improved GI Bill of some kind. Sadly he also failed to mention that GI’s continued to complain that the government was lax in answering the phones and returning calls for the vast majority of GI’s with tried to take advantage of this fabled GI Bill. This is a scandal unto itself if anyone was paying attention.

So its business as usual in the land of corruption as our steward’s move forward in crippling our economy since it’s Disaster Capitalism as usual. We will be pushed to the brink of starvation then offered a steak. Sadly it will be laced with arsenic since it will be the Trojan Horse of Globalization and the New World Order. Obama’s Irish side of his lineage is showing since it is obvious he has kissed the blarney stone and has prevaricated his way into the hearts of millions with more false hopes and veiled threats. Like it or not his State of the Union was a power play as he prepares to strike a fatal blow on the Constitution of the United States of America.

People will buy into the corporate scheme to Globalize though. Like lemmings society will compromise their liberty for a little financial reward. This was a part of prophecy as well since it was said that mankind would willingly march to the gates of tyranny. But it was also said Ma Earth would throws a monkey wrench in the works humbling all of humanity. Money would become worthless and not a spot on Earth would be spared from change. Globalization is tyranny at its best and the New World Order is a fascist concept. Remember what Benito Mussolini once said;

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”

Personally, it is exciting to watch as the time of change takes hold but no one is paying attention. To witness prophecy come to pass right before my very eyes is awesome to say the very least. Surviving the tumultuous events that lay in store for humanity is really a non issue for me. Our time on Earth is but a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of things. But it is heartening to know this era of lies and greed will soon come to a close and I am happy knowing that the time of retribution is at hand for all of humanity. But don’t think it’s going to be an easy ride since everyone will face these turbulent times in equality since material wealth will have no meaning. We all will forage for sustenance and shelter.

The millions of homeless and forgotten Americans are already well prepared to survive the coming Earth changing events. One day all of humanity will be humbled as survival becomes the order of the day. Many people will choose suicide over foraging for the basics of survival such as clean drinking water and food. Others will adjust and continue on as a new tribe of people. So in retrospect we really can’t place blame on Barack Obama, Gordon Brown or the rest of these corporatists for they were selected to guide humanity down the path of false idealism and material consequences. It was their destiny to be the Pied Pipers who rallied people to their own demise for that was prophesized as well. They will usher in the New World Order, that is a given. But I can guarantee the New World Order will not be the one they are expecting and you can take that to the bank Paisan, capice?

Your Devil’s Advocate
