Burma 2008 Constitution Null and Void

It did not take a Rhodes Scholar to realize the pending 2010 election in Burma was going to be nothing more than a sham to sugar coat the morally bankrupt regime of Than Shwe. With his minions already buying and threatening the general public into voting “Junta” in the coming October 10 election it is clear nothing has or will change within the borders of Burma. The citizenry was forced to vote on another bogus election in 2008 ushering in a constitution that was not worthy of lining a cat box since it was filled with contradictions and rhetoric. The bottom line in the 2008 constitution was that the Tatmadaw maintained absolute control and the final say in all parliamentary proceedings. In essence nothing would change under the new constitution. The election of 2010 would share the same fate.

On January 26, 2010 Global Action for Burma (GAB) has declared the 2008 Constitution of Burma *Null and Void to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sighting a host of discrepancies. Within this constitution the junta summarily gave themselves amnesty from prosecution for some of the most reprehensible crimes against humanity ever recorded in the modern era. Butchery, rape, torture and genocide were to be ignored under the terms of this fetid document. Surly this was not the will of the people since Gen. Than Shwe hurriedly announced the election during the chaotic aftermath of Cyclone Nargis. Reports of extortion using UN and other relief supplies as bargaining chips to the stricken was one way to coheres votes while others faced the end of a gun barrel. Many never received aid at all and untold thousands died of starvation and exposure. The constitution also paved the way for Than Shwe to attempt to legitimize his criminal regime with the election of 2010. This was critical for international corporations who continue to work in Burma. They are criminally culpable for violating sanctions with human rights violations of their own.

The outcome of the proposed election has already been predetermined by Gen. Than Shwe. From his own mouth he boasted of post election plans and objectives’ proving the election was rigged from the beginning just like the Constitutional Referendum. How far beyond stupid is that? Well, the free world was banking on a positive outcome and that was beyond stupid from a general perspective. The fact the people of Burma voted unanimously for the opposition in a land slide victory against Than Shwe’s regime in 1990 should have been recognized in the first place. Inadvertently governments of the free world empowered Than Shwe by enabling him to continue with his reign of brutality and death on his own people in spite of a legal election Than Shwe sponsored.

Maybe now the United Nations Security Council will recognize the need to nullify the criminally flawed constitution on the solid foundation of facts presented by the GAB. If not, the United Nations will continue to be a party to the genocide of innocent people by legitimizing a criminal regime. From my perspective UN Secretary General Ban ki-moon should recuse himself from any and all proceedings pertaining to issues involving Burma. He has continued to ignore his homeland South Koreas violation of UN sanctions during his tenure at the UN making him personally a part of the problem and not a part of the solution. His involvement with Hyundai and Daewoo reveals a much darker agenda that borders on criminal writhe with human rights violations of its own. It would appear the fox is watching the hen house in Southeast Asia. I pray that I am wrong.

* http://www.scribd.com/doc/25836300/Burma-United-Nations-Security-Council-UNSC-Must-Declare-Burmese-Junta%E2%80%99s-2008-Constitution-as-NULL-and-VOID

Your Devil’s Advocate


Governator Arnold; Send Prisoners to Mexico

Predictably one of the most inept governors to hit the shores of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed sending *US citizens to Mexican prisons. It would appear his solution to everything points to south of the border. He crippled California’s economy with his assault on diesel engines crippling some of the most lucrative ports in the world. His **California Air Resources Board and their bogus data destroyed every other industry that used diesel engines. Sadly the Obama Administration followed suit. The trucking industry lay in ruins as corporatist Arnie point to Mexican trucks that are exempt from environmental laws to take over at a much cheaper rate via NAFTA. But that’s another story.

Here sits Arnold with a grandiose scheme to capitalize on cheap prisons in Mexico. It is bad enough this bonehead was woefully mismanaged California but adding an unconstitutional scheme to send American citizens to Mexican prisons is down right criminal. This Austrian born son of an ***SS Officer has no loyalty to the people he is supposed to serve. And it is clear he is in full support of the New World Order, better known as globalization. Ironically globalization is a thinly veiled form of fascism known in many circles as corporatism.  

So let’s send US citizens to Mexican prisons and while we are at it, lets send a few to Gitmo and the other emptied secret US government prisons around the world while we are at it. Might as well start globalizing the penal system first so any and all opponents of globalization can be quietly tucked away as well, out of sight and out of mind. The notion a US politician would even consider sending US citizens to other nations wreaks of a darker agenda in the first place. Who will step up and support such unconstitutional ideas next? Is this what is in store for all Americans as the Globalization scam comes to pass? Anything is possible since we the people have forgotten the core tenets of democracy it seems. Break out the Ginko Belova boys and girls since memory loss is epidemic in this country.  

Under Arnie’s plan convicts within California’s prison system will be sent to foreign prisons. If we don’t pay attention next will be ideological prisoners since freedom of speech is already on the chopping block. Arnold’s crony George W. Bush paved the way for ideological crimes with his PATRIOT ACT. The current administration went a step further with more restrictive and ominous laws targeting US citizens under the guise of protecting us from terrorists. Fart on concourse B and see where you end up. Unfortunately the real terrorists have hijacked the political system and are purposefully steering our nation into the rocks of financial ruin, ****Disaster Capitalism at it’s best. Their ultimate solution when it is clear we are totally bankrupt will be a Global one that will strip the US of its sovereignty in favor of a New World Order, another Bush axiom by the way.

Sadly, California is a microcosm and the blueprint our current administration is using including the hopelessly corrupt environmental agenda. And if you’re asleep at the wheel America will someday be relegated to the rank of a third world dictatorship likened to the morally bankrupt criminal regime of Burma. Arnold’s corporate ideology is pandemic within America’s political system for his proposal is totally un-American and unconstitutional. What do you expect from a person who has no true loyalties to this nation? And he used to be a nice and polite guy when he dated my friend’s sister in Highland Park California, remember Arnie? Funny how times change.

* http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/california-politics/2010/01/schwarzenegger-send-prisoners-to-mexico.html

** http://weblog.signonsandiego.com/weblogs/afb/archives/030038.html


*** http://www.arnoldexposed.com/

***** http://www.naomiklein.org/main

Your Devil’s Advocate



In an earlier story about Arnold Schwarzenegger it was reported he proposed to send US citizens to Mexican prisons. Further developments indicate the California governor proposed to send Illegal Alien prisoners back to Mexico rather than US citizens. But could this be a precedent making turn of events that could open the door to US citizens being transferred to foreign prisons? Vigilance in all legislation should be at an all time high since wording could quietly eliminate civil liberties.

Your Devil’s Advocate
