Feel Good Speeches Adnauseum

After listening to Barack and his side kick Joe it is obvious they are on a mission of damage control. Unfortunately the damage they are touting to alleviate, the plight of the middle class, has already reached epic proportions. The rhetoric they both expounded, though fluffy and all concerning, comes to 10’s of millions of Americans a year to late. Hindsight is 20/20 but collusion with special interests is pure tunnel vision at the expense of the struggling electorate.

They would not have addressed the continued downward spiral of the middle class if a Democrat was elected to the senate in Massachusetts, there is no question. So I venture to state the true nature of this damage control is not for the sake of the middle class but for the sake of their political careers. Writhe with scandalous bail-outs for wealthy corporations and unscrupulous mortgage lenders the Obama Administration have continued the hopelessly failed policies of the Bush Administration. The only difference being; the quality of the speeches. At least we the people got a kiss before we got screwed this time around.

After interviewing a homeless man with two children today it was clear he used to be one of the millions of voters who actually thought Obama would do something to save their homes and jobs. He like so many other desperate Americans flooded the ballot boxes to insure Obama’s candidacy. They were under the impression Barack would help them save their homes from foreclosure and secure their jobs. The urgency to elect a “savior” who cared for the average American reached a feverish pitch in the final days before the election and when Obama won there was a collective sigh of relief. Sadly, they waited and waited for the new administration to address their plights and stem the tide of foreclosures, but to no avail.

During the closing days of the Bush Administration lenders decided to quicken the pace of foreclosures then when Obama took office they redoubled the rate of foreclosures. Arrogance personified is the only way to describe these mortgage lenders as more and more Americans were tossed out onto the streets to fend for themselves. In the meantime Obama granted even more money to these criminally negligent banks and lenders without a peep about the growing number foreclosures. When you realize that foreclosures are the golden calves and economic boon to the mortgage industry it’s a small wonder the president kept mum on the subject.

Think about it for a minute. A person purchases a home for $250,000 then when he/she losses their job and is delinquent on several payments the mortgage lenders foreclose and cease the home. In the case of the homeless man I interviewed, he was only $5,000 from satisfying the debt when his job went to Mexico. Regardless of the fact he paid $240,000 the bank tossed him and his family out on their ear. Then the bank resold the home for another $250,000 keeping the $240,000 plus the $250,000 from the new buyer with a windfall of $240,000 to add to their corporate bottom line. This is happening all over America as we speak and mortgage companies are reaping the spoils.

Now we face yet another round of double speak from President Pinocchio and how he wants to “save” Middle America on Wednesday in his State of the Union Address. If he was sincere in the first place he would have done something whence he first took office, not a year later. Why didn’t he propose a freeze on foreclosures or give the taxpayer a bail-out to save their homes. Corporate thugs got the gold mine and we the people got the shaft. So you better put on your rubber boots because Wednesday is sure to be a speech to behold as the Incredible Mr. Obama offers us another line of malarkey. Personally, I’d rather watch the Simpsons. At least Homer is real, d’oh!

Your Devil’s Advocate
