Latest News From the Miwok Nation

Please Spread this document around so the world knows what is happening to this sovereign tribal nation

Your Devil’s Advocate



United States Department of the Interior              January 21, 2010

Attn: Ken Salazar, Secretary — Indian Affairs

1849 C Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20240


The California Valley Miwok Tribe Officially Request to be removed from the Jurisdiction of CCA/PRO BIA and be immediately allowed to join the Self-Governance Consortium

Dear Secretary Salazar;

The California Valley Miwok Tribe officially request to be removed from the jurisdiction of the Central California Agency — Bureau of Indian Affairs (CCA/BIA). Previously, we (the “Tribe”) requested to be put in the jurisdiction of the Northern or Southern California BIA Agencies , but since the Regional Director at the Pacific Regional Office in Sacramento California has done nothing to step in to protect our Tribe from the abuses inflicted upon us by the CCA/BIA, and due to the fact that, we (the “Tribe”) have had to endure so much pain and suffering (for instance our Mature Status 638 Contract being illegally stopped (FY2008/2009/2010), and our Revenue Sharing Trust Fund (RSTF) monies illegally being withheld since 2005), we feel that the local BIA has failed miserably in protecting our inherent and civil rights as federally recognized American Indians. Our Members are suffering due to Tribal monies being illegally withheld.

CCA/BIA has continually allowed outside (Big Gaming Developers to interfere into our Tribal Affairs) and we as a federally recognized Tribe had to stand alone to fight off this vicious attack on our sovereignty and our very existence as a Custom and Tradition Tribe. We (the “Tribe”) officially complained to Department of the Interior Officials and to the Inspector General’s Office about our personal and confidential information being distributed out through FOIA from the Central California Agency-BIA office and we have yet to see anything done regarding this blatant violation of trust and responsibility, what ever happened to our right to privacy? We whole-heartedly believe that we would not be treated fairly within the CCA/PRO jurisdiction and am requesting that the Department of the Interior — Indian Affairs remove us from the jurisdiction of the Central California Agency/Pacific Regional Office and allow us to go into the Self-Governance Consortium with other federally recognized Tribes that deal directly with the Department of the Interior-Indian Affairs in Washington DC.

We (as in our earlier requests) desire to be in the Self Governance Consortium (with the other 260+Tribes). We, the “Tribe” believe that the Self-Governance Consortium will not only protect our inherent rights as a federally recognized Tribe, but will also protect our Tribe and its members as a sovereign Tribal Nation.

We have no reason to trust or believe the Central California Agency (CCA) or Pacific Regional Office (PRO) Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Tribe feels that the only way it will be safe is to be in the consortium and be self governing. We, the “Tribe” foresee nothing but continued suffering in our future if we are to remain under their “abusive thumb” jurisdiction of the CCA/BIA. Please APPROVE our Official Request.



Silvia Burley, Chairperson

California Valley Miwok Tribe (Physical Address) 10601 Escondido Pl., Stockton, CA 95212 , .


Cc: via FAX

President Barack Obama

White House Inter-Governmental Affairs

Larry Echohawk, Assistance Secretary — Department of the Interior — Indian Affairs

Self Governance Communication and Education (SGCE)

BIA-Office of Self Governance

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs

Senator Dianne Feinstein, California

Senator Barbara Boxer, California

Congressman Jerry McNerney, California

Congressman Henry Waxman, California

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California

Rosette and Associates, PC (Tribal Attorneys)

National Congress of American Indians

Native American Heritage Commission

Committee on Natural Resources — Office of Indian Affairs

United States Department of Justice — Civil Rights Division

U.S. Department of Justice — Tribal Justice in Safety in Indian Country

Inter-Tribal Council of California

Tribal Alliance of Sovereign Indian Nations

Native American Rights Fund

American Indian Chamber of Commerce

California Indian Legal Services

Office of the Navajo Human Rights Commission

Seminole Tribe of Florida

Sac & Fox Nation of the Missouri in Kansas

Quinault Tribe

St. Regis Mohawk Tribe

Crow Cree Sioux Tribe

Calaveras Band of Mi-Wuk Indians

Calaveras County Mountain Miwuk

United Native Americans Inc.

California Association of Tribal Governments

National Indian Gaming Commission

National Indian Justice Center, California

Attorney General’s Office, California Department of Justice

Dept. of Health & Human Services – Indian Health Services, California Area

Northern California Indian Development Inc.