Than Shwe, Arrest All Opposition Before Election

In order to secure the proposed election of 10-10-2010 Than Shwe invented a new law intended to criminalize any and all opposition. Under the guise of Anti-Terrorism Than Shwe announced a new law that will undoubtedly classify anyone who opposes his criminal regime as terrorists. The end result will be the arrest and murder of any and all people who even think the word democracy.

Through the *Department of Transnational Crime, Police Col. Sit Aye announced the new law that is sure to raise the ire of all human rights groups around the world. The law was designed to criminalize every aspect of opposition and in essence making everyone who opposes Than Shwe a criminal. To offer support to the NLD would be a crime. To speak about opposition candidates in a positive way would be a crime. And it goes without saying to vote against the junta would also be a crime. In fact it would be up to the junta to determine what constituted an act of terrorism. This new law smells like the bogus constitution that is filled with double talk that ultimately gives the junta free reign to do as they see fit.

Through all the double talk and contradictions this new anti-terrorism law is nothing more than a veiled threat to all opposition parties who dare to oppose Than Shwe in his sham election. Basically, if you choose to run against any of his selected junta candidates you can be deemed a terrorist and tossed in prison for the rest of your life. The law is nothing more than a tool solely designed to justify the continued arrest of opposition leaders and pro democracy advocates.

The reality is there is no election proposed on 10-10-2010. What is going to happen on 10-10-2010 will be a well rehearsed stage act designed to give the illusion of an election. A sham is a sham is a sham is a sham no matter how Than Shwe tries to dress this bogus election. Personally, I entertain the idea he chose to use October 10 as the day of the election since there is significance on this date. Granted it’s not exactly what Than Shwe is hoping for since the planetary alignment or stars are not in his favor. In fact he and his criminal regime are doomed and there is no power on Earth or the spirit world that can alter this destiny for it is the completion of a cycle. But since he is controlled by the whims of his astrologers he does not have a clue, only what they tell him. Now I hope he lives long enough to see what is in store for his regime on 10-10-2010.  

Than Shwe will undoubtedly read what I have to say since I am his personal psychic whether he likes it or not and I tell what I see and not what he wants to hear. I don’t need fortune tellers since I walk with the craft and see clearly his future as well as that of his family. So chances are he will rebuke what I said, like he always does, he will terrorize and possibly kill a few more innocent people in the process just to show how tough and un-intimidated he is. He will only secure the destiny of his family whence he is dead and he will witness his family members being dragged through the streets of Rangoon city by their legs with a blue Toyota pick up truck. Only thing is, Than Shwe will already be in the afterlife languishing in a vat of boiling blood. He will cry out for mercy for his family members only to be offered a glimpse of their death masks at the moment they die.

Oh well, what comes around goes around and Than Shwe will reap exactly what he has sown. It’s funny in a dark way to note that many of his generals secretly what his family dead. No matter how many times he reshuffles his cadre he will die surrounded by enemies and his family will soon follow.


Your Devil’s Advocate


Haitian’s Are No Fans of Clinton or Bush

Though Bill Clinton arrived with a plane full of supplies his history with the Haitian people has been marginal at best. George W. Bush scored even lower in the popularity scale. Bill’s romance with hopelessly corrupt Haitian president Jean Bertrand Aristide clearly identified Bill as part of the problem and not part of Haiti’s cure. So it is a small wonder his arrival along with George W. Bush was more of a mixed bag of emotions rather than jubilation like the media purports. Just remember, a drowning man will reach for the hand of the devil himself in desperation.

Last year Bill Clinton’s trade mission to Haiti left many Haitians with a bad taste in their mouths. All they saw was international corporate interests eager to capitalize on cheap labor and the lack of environmental laws. Haitians commented on how western industries were preparing top build sweatshops with Bill Clinton as their flamboyant front man. Disdain is a kinder way of describing how this impoverished island felt about Bill Clinton being appointed as envoy to Haiti. Dismayed by the United Nations choice islanders resigned themselves to more corruption, at their expense.

Tensions between the elite class and the vast majority of impoverished islanders have been simmering for quite some time. The powder keg of anti American sentiment had a little fuse and now that Obama marched into Haiti with waves of soldiers it is only a matter of time before America is involved in yet another conflict. Regardless of America’s good intentions resentment for America and the emissaries (Bill and George) are on the rise. Clearly aid has been hampered by logistical concerns as US forces struggle to distribute food and aid to the needy and sadly unreasonable blame will be placed on American shoulders. Humanitarian assistance will soon give way to bloodshed. With in excess of $600 million dollars already donated to Haiti there is little accountability as corruption and fraud lends a predictable hand.

For Haitian’s this disaster was nothing more than an excuse for international corporate interests to encroach on this beleaguered nation and force their will on starving people. Contrary to popular belief Bill and George are not the poster boys of the poor by any means. They represent all that is wrong in the world and are the faces of corporate greed and the New World Order. Now that word got out about France and Doctors Without Borders lodged complaints about the US and its management of assistance to Haiti. This may be the fodder that ignites the powder keg of violence. Where people should be thankful there is resentment and growing anger.

The fact people were looting since day one after the disaster was an indicator that this was not going to be a clear cut humanitarian mission. On the contrary the disaster has become the rallying call for anarchy and civil unrest. Bill embraced Aristide in spite of Aristide’s involvement in illegal arrests, arbitrary detentions, disappearances, killings, crackdowns on political opponents, restraints on free speech and free assembly as well as a host of other human rights atrocities. This has been ingrained in the memories of the people of Haiti and it will not be soon forgotten. In restoring the existing government writhe with corruption or replacing it with another one will undoubtedly place the USA between a rock and a hard place.

Sadly Haiti is destined to suffer more civil unrest no matter which way the political pendulum may swing and the USA will be caught in the crossfire. Bill and the United Nations plan to place industries in Haiti, already deemed sweatshops by locals, will definitely glean more anti American sentiment. Call it a loose loose situation for American diplomacy since we sent the wrong emissaries (George W. Bush and Bill Clinton) to this region in Haiti’s hour of need and the reward will be gauged in the future loss of human life. Obama, what were you thinking?

Your Devil’s Advocate
