Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Possible Release

Aung San Suu KyiWith news *Daw Aung San Suu Kyi may be released to organize her party for the pending election by Senior Burmese Diplomat Min Lwin, I am both happy and fearful. The last assassination attempt on Aung San Suu Kyi made by the junta on May of 2003 is a grim reminder of what the junta is capable of. The need for tight security should be on everybody’s roster if her release comes to pass. Fact is she should have security provided by an international contingent of security experts since I’m fearful the junta will try to have her whacked again. We must not forget the Burmese military’s involvement in the fateful assassination attempt of May 2003, notably Lt. Col. Than Han, Chairman of the Shwe Bo District Peace and Development Council who directed the massacre on May 25th.  Over 100 top NLD officials were beaten to death on that fateful day. Fortunately Aung San Suu Kyi survived this attack, to the chagrin of Than Shwe.Smiling Lt Col Than Han during assasination attempt

The photo to the right shows Lt Col Than Han smiling during the massacre and assassination attempt of May 30th 2003

The release of the political prisoners is also on the agenda according to reports and this is also a welcome piece of news. But again, I am very guarded since the junta is not known for doing anything truly humanitarian. Their lives would be in danger as well since they would be in the public sector and subject to assassination as well. With gangs on the streets of Burma funded and supported by the junta “civilians” would have free reign to execute assassinations while keeping the junta’s hands clean. Is this a trick to get Aung San Suu Kyi out in the public sector then killed by some civilian loyal to the junta? Or is Than Shwe truly turning a new leaf? One thing is for certain, we must be vigilant regardless of what is said for the lives of Aung San Suu Kyi and the political prisoners are in the balance.

With her and the political prisoners release the next area of discord would be the Constitution of 2008 since it is inherently flawed and totally unconstitutional. What guarantee’s are there that the junta will relinquish power if they loose the elections in 2010? The fact they lost in 1990 then arrested the winners is a grim reminder of what can be expected if and when the NLD wins again. Credibility is a commodity that is in very short supply within the ranks of the elite class that has enslaved Burma. It’s ironic that word of a possible release has not stopped the arrests and incarcerations of opposition. Tortures continue on all political prisoners in Insein and other prisons around the country. Ethnic groups continue to flee by the droves as the Burmese Army continues their 4 cuts campaign as well as their genocide program.

Is this latest news just another ploy to buy more time for the junta as they prepare for this rigged election? Or are both Aung San Suu Kyi and the political prisoners simply a bargaining chip to extort money from the USA? If they are bargaining chips their lives will always be in jeopardy and true democracy will never come to pass. Only time will tell as we enter into a new phase as Burma spins towards 2010. On the other hand, what if Than Shwe actually decided to alter the course of destiny? If that were the case he would secure his place in the afterlife as well as that of his generals provided it was sincere. When it was all said and done and Than Shwe was sincere in altering Burma’s destiny I would be the first to give him accolades. I would write a piece that would honor his decision to allow Burma to live and be prosperous once again. But until then, I will continue to observe the activities within Burma with a judicious and skeptical eye.

* http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=17187

Your Devil’s Advocate
