General Mecchadihtti Than Shwe, A Condemned Man

Shwe death










 With the *All Burma Monks Alliance declaration of the excommunication of Than Shwe, his generals and all soldiers who ally themselves with him at least Than shwe will not be alone in the afterlife. Compounded by what’s been called the Curse of the Three Pagoda’s even his soothsayer’s stand powerless. In fact, his astrologers share the dubious honor of excommunication as Pattanikujjana, (the refusal of accepting offerings by this group of people by turning their bowls over), reigns throughout Burma and the world.

In effect the Tatmadaw, (Burmese Military) has become an enemy of Buddhism severing the only link with Burma as a nation. They are no better than the colonizers who enslaved this nation in the past. But in all reality Buddhism was nothing more than a tool to control the masses. I am still haunted by the rape and butchery of a 5 year old girl whose body was then place in a Buddhist temple like some kind of sacrifice or offering. This is not Buddhism and is more reflective of the rituals performed by followers of Kali, The Dark Mother. So in some convoluted way Than Shwe made it official who he and his legions really are because they surely are not Buddhist, never was and never will. And now they all share Than Shwe’s eternity of unspeakable hells in the afterlife.

Though Than Shwe and his motley crew of thugs, rapists and murders went through the motions of being Buddhist they were only fooling themselves. There are no secrets within the confines of the spirit world and the truth is known by every type of being that walks on the other side. Some are almost rabid with excitement in anticipation of Generalissimo Supermo Mecchadihtti Than Shwe’s arrival and have prepared a very “warm” reception whence he arrives. His revered Tatmadaw also are in for the surprise of their new eternity whence they cross over. Every one of them will have their own personal receptions to look forward to. If they forgot exactly who they murdered, that is not a problem for they will soon be reminded. The spirits of the afterlife have pulled all the stops in preparation of their arrival.

Every nuance of their conduct has been recorded. No details have been overlooked or ignored and soon they will cry out in agony but it will not be short lived as in the case of their innocent victims. They will exist suffering in pain and agony exactly like the people they killed but it will last for an eternity. I see their journey in my visions and I hear the spirits as they giggle with excitement with a hint of revenge in their voices. They say, “We are waiting for you Than Shwe for death is inevitable”. Like the old street adage goes, you can run but you can’t hide and one day soon Than Shwe will scream out in pain as his body is ripped apart over and over again while spirits play with his entrails laughing at his cries for mercy, forever. His crew will face their own horror as their fallow cries go unanswered as they reap what they have sown on Earth for an eternity. Now that they are excommunicated from the Buddhist faith they will be less than alone in the afterlife. They will enjoy their own personal hells for they condemned themselves in the high court of humanity. It is a befitting fate since the universal law of retribution is just and always gets their man. And Kali, The Dark Mother, will be waiting.


Your Devil’s Advocate
