Why I Fight For Burma



I’ve been asked why I’ve decided to take a stand for the people of Burma. I pondered this question for a moment then I explained exactly why.

A little over 150 years ago my people along with the rest of the Indigenous population of the United States of America were under siege. With the pseudo religious axiom of Manifest Destiny the US Government declared war on us allowing for the wholesale murder of our sovereign nations. From the land of the Lenapi, Lakota, Cheyenne, Apache and a multitude of other noble tribes we were hunted down like animals.

We were hunted down, tortured raped and murdered in the secret holocaust that killed millions of my brothers and sister in this hellish bloodbath. Children were raped and cut to ribbons while pregnant women had babies carved out of their bellies while U.S. Soldiers laughed and joked. Civilians were offered rewards for our scalps while soldiers paraded through their towns with human body parts ornamenting their ponies and uniforms. And the media pumped the papers full of lies to fostered support for the genocide of those “pesky savages”.

Lusting for the funny yellow medal that makes the white man crazy, soldiers under the stewardship of General George Armstrong Custer they invaded tribal land that was promised by treaties. The Black Hills became a killing field as well as the rest of Indian Country. Screams of agony echoed throughout the land while anyone who could carry a rifle shot innocent men women and children in their slept, as they ate or hunted. Even on territory promised to tribes in the waning years of the holocaust such as Oklahoma the land was opened up to settlers in the most criminal acts of land theft in U.S. history. People were murdered in clod blood by settlers who brought wagons and built farms and communities with no regard for treaties.

Rivers ran with the blood of my people as the land grab continued. Manifest Destiny was their divine right to take what they wanted even though the land was promised to us. Eventually many of our nations ceased to exist and their histories ripped from history books. They could not take away our oral tradition and we remember what they have done to us and the myriad of tribes that disappeared from the face of this Earth. All that remained of these tribes were names in a subdivision street or ally. The countryside was filled with mass graves where the Cavalry buried our slaughtered people, out of sight and out of mine. Many events were never recorded or the facts skewed to justify our demise.

The once bountiful buffalo was all but exterminated in part to destroy our food supply and to introduce their tasteless fat laden cow from English cattle barons. Herds used to span as far as the eye could see. Eye witness accounts told of trains stopped for over a day as herds many miles wild and untold miles long would cross the railroad track.  Photos of these so called great buffalo hunters sitting on gigantic piles of carcasses adorn museums to this day. Speaking about the railroad, people would ride the train and take pot shots for sport at Indians who were simply watching the locomotive roll through they land. People would wager who would shoot the most “savages” on a trip killing fathers, mothers and children in their wake.  

To add insult to injury we were victims of biological warfare with cholera infested blankets that were distributed to our people on the paltry reservations they finally gave us. The locations were wind driven with no game or a means to survive the cold bitter months. Rancid and putrefied food was distributed to us while greedy brokers kept the good. And the whole world looked on with ambivalence and distain as the media masters pumped out lies after lies with their tabloids raising even more negative press against us. Only after the advent of the 20th Century did the U.S. Government stop a program of rewarding people with $900 for Indian skulls robbed from our graves Government anthropologists were feverishly trying to prove we were sub human. This is only a tiny glimpse of the stories that abound with much more gruesome tales of genocide, betrayal and survival against all odds. All that remains is a fraction of the Indigenous populations who once lived on this land. The few buffalo that survived are relegated to ranches never to roam the plains again.

My uncle once told me that we are related to the coyote since no matter how hard the white man tried to kill us off we still returned. The shooting has stopped for the most part. We are relegated to reservations and in many cases still struggle to survive. But we are still here, witnesses to mans greed and the wholesale slaughter of innocent men women and children. It was one of the greatest acts of genocide in world history. From the tip of Alaska to the tip of South America untold millions of Natives were slaughtered in cold blood by Europeans hunting for gold, land and a multitude of natural resources. In the south the genocide continues throughout Central and South America for gold, oil and other natural resources. So I guess I should feel fortunate living in relative safety, but I’m not so inclined.

When I first met a Karen villager I was curious about their culture so I queried through my interpreter Madam Butterfly. I was taken back by what I heard because it was a carbon copy of what happened to our people in the Americas. The ghoulish and barbaric details brought tears to my eyes because I saw my own relations in these soft spoken tribal people. I was introduced to the political exiles that spent their young years in Insein prison. They were tortured and beaten to till they did not move on a daily basis for the crime of wanting freedom and democracy. An elder told me an ancient story about 7 fabled brothers within their Asian tradition. Then I was told that I and all the Natives of the Americas were descendants of the eldest brother, (Shaun htoi Gam). It was a very intriguing yet humbling story.

As I looked into the eyes of their children I could see my cousins, nieces and my beloved sister who I used to call the Chinaman because of her pronounced Asian features. That’s when I decided to take up this cause and make the world aware of the atrocities that befell these innocent and kind people. The eldest brother has come back home to help his people.

A lot of water has passed under the bridge of life and I’ve traveled many miles since that fateful day. With a wealth of resources including intelligence and advanced technology at my disposal I’ve taken up the cause with a vengeance. Whether they are Kachin, Mon, Karen, Wa, Rvwang or the multitude of tribes who face extinction they are my people. I will utilize my resources in both Asia and the free world to accomplish the common goal, freedom from bondage. I have many aces up my sleeve and some spooky little friends who are already in the trenches fighting for Burma’s democracy. One day I will be drinking tea at a quaint little café with my brother Myo Thein in Rangoon City. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will be dedicating a new hospital down the street. I can smell the nga pi wafting in the air now.

Kyay Zu Tin Pa Te

Your Devil’s Advocate


General Mecchadihtti Than Shwe, A Condemned Man

Shwe death










 With the *All Burma Monks Alliance declaration of the excommunication of Than Shwe, his generals and all soldiers who ally themselves with him at least Than shwe will not be alone in the afterlife. Compounded by what’s been called the Curse of the Three Pagoda’s even his soothsayer’s stand powerless. In fact, his astrologers share the dubious honor of excommunication as Pattanikujjana, (the refusal of accepting offerings by this group of people by turning their bowls over), reigns throughout Burma and the world.

In effect the Tatmadaw, (Burmese Military) has become an enemy of Buddhism severing the only link with Burma as a nation. They are no better than the colonizers who enslaved this nation in the past. But in all reality Buddhism was nothing more than a tool to control the masses. I am still haunted by the rape and butchery of a 5 year old girl whose body was then place in a Buddhist temple like some kind of sacrifice or offering. This is not Buddhism and is more reflective of the rituals performed by followers of Kali, The Dark Mother. So in some convoluted way Than Shwe made it official who he and his legions really are because they surely are not Buddhist, never was and never will. And now they all share Than Shwe’s eternity of unspeakable hells in the afterlife.

Though Than Shwe and his motley crew of thugs, rapists and murders went through the motions of being Buddhist they were only fooling themselves. There are no secrets within the confines of the spirit world and the truth is known by every type of being that walks on the other side. Some are almost rabid with excitement in anticipation of Generalissimo Supermo Mecchadihtti Than Shwe’s arrival and have prepared a very “warm” reception whence he arrives. His revered Tatmadaw also are in for the surprise of their new eternity whence they cross over. Every one of them will have their own personal receptions to look forward to. If they forgot exactly who they murdered, that is not a problem for they will soon be reminded. The spirits of the afterlife have pulled all the stops in preparation of their arrival.

Every nuance of their conduct has been recorded. No details have been overlooked or ignored and soon they will cry out in agony but it will not be short lived as in the case of their innocent victims. They will exist suffering in pain and agony exactly like the people they killed but it will last for an eternity. I see their journey in my visions and I hear the spirits as they giggle with excitement with a hint of revenge in their voices. They say, “We are waiting for you Than Shwe for death is inevitable”. Like the old street adage goes, you can run but you can’t hide and one day soon Than Shwe will scream out in pain as his body is ripped apart over and over again while spirits play with his entrails laughing at his cries for mercy, forever. His crew will face their own horror as their fallow cries go unanswered as they reap what they have sown on Earth for an eternity. Now that they are excommunicated from the Buddhist faith they will be less than alone in the afterlife. They will enjoy their own personal hells for they condemned themselves in the high court of humanity. It is a befitting fate since the universal law of retribution is just and always gets their man. And Kali, The Dark Mother, will be waiting.

* http://www.burmesesangha.com/

Your Devil’s Advocate


China’s Checklist of Current Human Rights Atrocities


Human rights atrocities continue with greater zeal than even in the land of lies and dishonor, China. Ambivalent to the world around them key corrupt so called Communist Party members and officials continue to rape China, ethnic minorities and anyone who dares to simply think differently. The list is staggering for Falun Gong, Christians, Muslims and anyone who opposes corruption by government officials are summarily tossed into slave labor camps, tortured, raped and used as organ donors.

China’s hedge against inflations and their artificially low currency are direct results of the utilization of slave labor. The disgrace of celebrating 60 years of totalitarian rule has marred the landscape of New York City as many New Yorkers asked, “Why our Empire State Building”. Many likened this show of colors as the 9-11 of American Democracy while others believed it was the true colors of America to come. Red is for the color of blood and human suffering committed by corrupt politicians. Yellow represents the color of cowardice typically shown by the greedy as they masked the true nature of their being by arresting or debasing those would reveal them. And it’s all about the money.

Mao Tse Dong and the spirit of true Communism have long since been destroyed by the very people who claim to be Communists. The great deception of the masses by Corporate Fascists has enslaved this once noble nation. Life in China is likened to the pre-Boxer Rebellion as millions are used for the monetary gain of an absolute minority. The façade of Communism has been revealed by China’s elite class as their fears and paranoia ushered in a new era of tyranny. The new nationalists have joined ranks with international corporatists in the latest form of fascism. More appropriately China should have celebrated Hitler’s birthday rather than besmirch the name of Mao Tse Dong.

Catering to international corporate terrorists and the quest for economical domination has exposed China’s true Imperialist agenda. Beyond a shadow of a doubt China has joined the ranks of economic parasites and the latest form of Oligarchy cleverly disguised as the New World Order. Their reward will be a new Boxer Rebellion. With natural disasters at China’s doorstep revolution is sure to ensue as the laws of retribution wait in bold askance to strike at the core of China’s cancer.

By no means is China alone for this disease has infected the globe for Globalization is Oligarchy. The swine’s of Imperialism have infected the ranks of the worlds hierarchy and deceived their electorates and it is all for the corporate bottom line. To colonize the world through the axioms of Globalization has exposed the corporatists for what they are, common thugs and criminals against humanity.

The Falun Gong are only a fraction of the victims this New World Tyranny has enslaved and murdered for the Uyghur face a similar fate. The good citizens of China have learned to be silent for they know what lay before them if they ever speak out of turn. The Falun Gong courageously documented China’s high crimes against humanity while facing persecution even in the United States. Birds of a feather flock together and China’s list of business associates and world leaders is nothing more that a roster of who is who in the world of economic terrorist.

Now a word from the Falun Gong.


Oct. 8, 2009: Falun Gong News Bulletin

08 Oct 2009


News from Inside China

•    FDIC: “Falun Gong Practitioner Dies from Psychiatric Torture in Southeast China”
•    Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group: “Psychiatric Torture in China”
•    Urgent Action Case Sent to the United Nations: Mr. Li Feng in Critical Condition
•    Epoch Times: “Mass Arrests of Falun Gong Prior to Communist Anniversary”

News from Outside China

•    FDIC: Press Statement for Rally in Front of United Nations Headquarters in New York City
•    Jerusalem Post & Ha’aretz: Israeli court rules Tel Aviv University bowed to Chinese pressure over Falun Gong art exhibition
•    NTDTV: “Falun Gong Founder Awarded for ‘Outstanding Spiritual Leadership’”

FDIC: “Falun Gong Practitioner Dies from Psychiatric Torture in Southeast China”
Sept. 30: Ms. Chen Chunjun (陈楚君), a former accountant at the local railroad company, was arrested on May 10, 2008 in Huaihua city by agents of the 610 Office, an extra-legal task force created in 1999 and charged with wiping out Falun Gong. (6-10 Office) She was walking to a bus stop on her way home when she was detained. Chen was one of dozens of Falun Gong practitioners arbitrarily detained that month in Hunan, as part of a crackdown by local officials ahead of the passage of the Olympic Torch relay through the province from June 1-3, 2008. Sources inside China recently discovered that Chen died in March 2009 at Huaihua Psychiatric Hospital (a.k.a. Huaihua No. 4 People’s Hospital).

Since 1999, torture at psychiatric hospitals has been a well-documented feature of the Chinese Communist Party’s campaign to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their belief. It is an extension of a practice that has been used for decades against those who hold views that do not accord with those of the Party.

To read more: http://www.faluninfo.net/article/914/?cid=84

Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group: “Psychiatric Torture in China”
“In December 2008, the U.N. Commission against Torture reported on China’s overall human rights situation, its’ first report on China in 8 years. In the report, “the Committee also notes with concern that this provision has been misused to detain some people in psychiatric hospitals for reasons other than medical… Research indicates that cases of psychiatric “treatment” have spread to 23 out of 33 provinces under the direct leadership of the central government in China. At least 100 psychiatric facilities have been used in the effort to wipe out Falun Gong practitioner’s belief…

The following accounts remind us of what takes place under China’s expanding economy: 1. Mr. Zhao Peijie, male, 32 years of age, from Xiaonigou Village, Datong Town, Rongcheng City, Shandong Province, was beaten, tortured, and forced to take drugs that destroyed his central nervous system. As a result, he became mentally ill. He died in the wilderness on June 28, 2008.”

To read more: http://www.falunhr.org/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=1787

Urgent Action Case Sent to the United Nations: Mr. Li Feng in Critical Condition
Mr. Li Feng, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Anguo City, Hebei Province, has been held at the Hebei No. 4 Prison (Shijiazhuang Beijiao Prison) for a long period of time and is now in critical condition. The Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group has sent the case to the United Nations through its urgent-action procedures.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sentenced Mr. Li Feng to 15 years in prison following an unfair trial. He was charged with intercepting cable television signals in 2002, a nonviolent act of resistance that a number of practitioners took in an effort to inform the public about the brutality of the persecution against Falun Gong and dispel hate incitement in the state-run media. Li has since been detained at Hebei Province’s No. 4. Prison. His health has been severely damaged as a result of abuse… His health condition is life threatening.

To read more: http://faluninfo.net/article/916/?cid=12

Epoch Times: “Mass Arrests of Falun Gong Prior to Communist Anniversary”
Oct. 4: At least 70 cases of arbitrary arrest and detention were recorded by the mainland China section of Minghui.net, a Falun Gong Web site which receives extensive first-hand reports of persecution cases. Public Security Bureaus in many areas searched the homes of many practitioners, taking personal belongings and detaining many in labor camps. In one case, a three-year-old girl was detained along with her mother. The wave of arrests reported occurred between Sept. 23 and Sept. 28.

Ms. Li, a Falun Gong practitioner in Hebei Province, told The Epoch Times, ‘With the National Day approaching, the local National Security Bureau offices warned practitioners not to leave their residences. Some of them were arrested and sent to brainwashing classes or labor camps.’”

To read more: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/23372/

FDIC: Press Statement for Rally in Front of United Nations Headquarters in New York City
“Earlier this month, a 53-year-old woman from northeast China was taken from her home by police. Six days later, she was dead from torture. Her name was Wang Huilan. Ms. Wang is one of thousands of people – regular Chinese citizens – who have met similar, tragic fates over the past ten years. In fact, sixty years after the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), millions of ordinary citizens across China remain in danger of arbitrary detention, torture, and death. For what? For doing nothing more than exercising the very basic rights to freedom of belief and expression…

… And so we are here today with the hope that people and government representatives the world over may join us in remembering the millions still suffering persecution in China; that they not accept the reality of injustice simply because of the Chinese Communist Party’s seemingly tight grip on power; that they strive to see through the veil of Party propaganda and understand for themselves what Falun Gong is; that they lend their support to our peaceful efforts to restore hope, dignity, and basic rights to tens of millions in China.”

To read more: http://www.faluninfo.net/article/913/?cid=84

Jerusalem Post & Ha’aretz: Israeli court rules Tel Aviv University bowed to Chinese pressure over Falun Gong art exhibition
JP: Oct. 1: “A Tel Aviv District Court judge on Wednesday ruled that Tel Aviv University had ‘violated freedom of expression and succumbed to pressure from the Chinese Embassy’ when it took down a student exhibition last year that focused on the oppression of the Falun Gong spiritual movement at the hands of the Communist Chinese government.”

Ha’aretz: “ also found that Dean of Students Prof. Yoav Ariel acted extremely unreasonably by ordering the exhibit closed without even seeing it. It therefore ordered the university to host the exhibit for another full week during the upcoming semester, and to pay the two organizers – students Tamuz Itay and Yaniv Nitzan – NIS 45,000 in court costs.

Judge Amiram Benyamini said the plaintiffs proved that the Chinese Embassy finances various activities at the university, including scholarships for students who study in China, a campus Confucius Center where students can study Chinese, and conferences on Buddhism and Chinese philosophy. ‘It seems that Prof. Ariel feared endangering these activities,’ and therefore closed the exhibit, he wrote.”

To read more: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1254163554778&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull


NTDTV: “Falun Gong Founder Awarded for ‘Outstanding Spiritual Leadership’”
Oct. 6: “A packed ballroom of over 200 human rights defenders and supporters joined the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Foundation awards ceremony to acknowledge the efforts of nine individuals Saturday evening. Among them was Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of the Falun Gong spiritual practice…Last year’s recipient was the Dalai Lama… found it noteworthy that throughout these past 10 years, Falun Gong practitioners have maintained a strictly peaceful approach to ending the persecution.

Christian Pastor Eddie Romero [also an award recipient, said]: “I’m excited to be able to stand there and also to receive along with the Falun Gong leader the awards, because again, we’re standing on the same side of this issue, and to me, it’s important that we stand shoulder to shoulder on this issue and not become fractured over it because I’m not a Falun Gong member and I know he’s not a Christian. But we share this together because we’re sisters and brothers whether they’re Falun Gong or House Christians.”

To read more: http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/ns_na/2009-10-06/424033160194.html