U.S. Senator Bob Corker Clearly Defines Corporate Greed


Senator Corker called Canada a *parasite in an exchange over Canada’s affordable sale of drugs proving corporate greed will prevail in healthcare reform. The shameful and reveling exchange showed how ambivalent some American politicians are to the needs of their electorates. This exchange also shows how corrupt America’s political arena has become where the needs of corporations overshadow the needs the people. It also draws attention to the trillions of dollars of American taxpayer dollars that went into the research of a multitude of drugs with no compensation to the taxpayer.

Pharmaceutical companies have reaped the mother load of taxpayer dollars in research and development of a wide variety of life saving drugs. With this in mind why has the American pharmaceutical double dipped into the taxpayer dollar with exorbitant costs while the rest of the world enjoyed reasonable prices? The answers, American’s are the cash cow these companies have criminally targeted as they extort high prices for drugs people need to stay alive. Sen. Corker revealed the true reality as he rambled about the “sins” of Canada for making drugs affordable. Corker revealed the fetid and corrupt pharmaceutical corporations for what they are, thugs. He also showed his total disregard for American’s who voted him into office in the first place.

It’s all about the money in the world of American health care that is the bottom line. From prescription drug fiasco, ushered in by Donald Rumsfeld who coincidentally was heavily invested in the prescription drug scam, to the wholesale extortion of the American public it is clear politicians are in bed with these rouge companies. Makes me wonder how heavily invested Sen. Corker is and how many pharmaceutical company cronies he plays golf with. It would be interesting to see how much money this goon (Corker) has received from these thug drug manufacturers.

American’s have lined the pockets of drug companies with bazillions of tax payer dollars. American’s paid through the nose as government officials doled out taxpayer dollars like candy to these firms for research and development. It is high time to conduct an audit on these firms to answer questions as to why American’s had to pay a premium price for something they helped develop. The fact Canada could sell the very same drugs for pennies on the dollar shows how corrupt our political arena has become.

Out of the mire and cesspool of the American political arena rose Senator Byron Dorgan. He took the high and moral ground by introducing legislation to allow for cheaper drugs to be sold in the USA. Dorgan has proven to be a true voice of the people in a time when politicians only care for corporate interests. Dorgan also proves there are still politicians who actually care for the people of America. Corker has only magnified what is inherently wrong with America, greed.

After living in both countries I know the flaws of both for Canada has some major issues that need addressing there is no question. Corporate corruption exists in both nations. Canada has its fair share of corporate goons steering Canada towards corporatism but not the concentration of criminal politicians America has spawned over the last couple of decades. With insurance companies in the pockets of American politicians the citizens have been left in the dust and in many cases, left to die because they could not afford medication their taxpayer dollars developed, plain and simple. Bet you did not know that many American drugs are not allowed to be sold in other nations because of the dangers of some side effects but its ok for Americans. After all, it’s all about the corporate dollar.

The true parasites are the politicians like Corker who pander for corporations rather than the voting public that put them in office. And it is a good thing Corker drew the line in the sand because we now know who lines his pockets. Shame on you Corker or should I say thank you for showing the world your true colors.

Apparently Corker did not do his homework but the honorable Carolyn Bennett of Canada clearly pointed out in a statement;

“It’s the drug companies, sir, and they’re multinational – it’s nothing about the United States of America,”

Is it a case of foot and mouth disease for Sen. Corker? Does this raise more questions about where American taxpayer dollars are really going? One thing is for certain, Corker is not on the side of the voting public and they should remember his position on affordable medication when he panders for his job. I would not give him a job driving a Zamboni. It also shows how corporatism has putrefied every facet of life in America.

With Canadian blood being spilled on America’s bogus wars, sadly some by American’s, you would think this bonehead Corker would have offered some respect in this debate. Yes there is a major difference between Canada and America. Courtesy, politeness and reservation are attributes that has long since faded from the American landscape. And that is why I still savor my Tim Horton coffee eh.

Your Devil’s Advocate


* http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2009/09/30/11215771-cp.html