North Korea’s Rust Bucket Changes Course

N Korean shipThe rust laden ship *(Kang Nam) Kim Jong II sent towards Burma has altered its course and is headed back from which it came according to US Navy officials who are tracking the rusted ship. It has also slowed down considerable, possibly to conserve on fuel.

As the US and international the international community ponder where and why it has altered its course it is obvious to me this was only a distraction. Fact is if people would remember, Burma sent one of it’s thugs to North Korea just prior to Kim Jong II’s saber rattling exercise. Clearly this tactic was meant to distract the attention of the world from the bogus trial of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi proving how desperate Gen. Than Shwe is.

Aung San Suu Kyi posses a threat to his self made election since her presents in the political arena would surely guarantee his defeat AGAIN. The notion the 2010 election is anywhere near legal is preposterous as it is since it’s only a vehicle to legitimize the criminal regime of Than Shwe’s Burma. International corporations who continue to glean a handsome profit from the enslavement of the people of Burma are also eager to legitimize the regime. To some very real degree the rest of the world had bought into this sham election by their dialogue about having an open election in the first place. They seem to forget that only real election Burma had was a dismal defeat of Than Shwe and his regime with 80% of the votes going to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy party. And the election was sponsored by Than Shwe himself.

To further his cause Than Shwe has indicted Aung San Suu Kyi on charges she violated the terms of her house arrest with the wholly questionable intrusion of John Yettaw into her compound. She was already in confinement for the crime of surviving an assassination attempt orchestrated by the junta. Her first arrest was for wining the election in 1990. She has already spent 13 of 19 years in confinement for the crime of winning the hearts of her people fore she truly has become the beacon of democracy.

The world did nothing when she was arrested for winning the election in the first place causing thousands of people to be murdered in secret by the junta. World wide negligence was also responsible for the whole sale arrests of pro democracy advocates throughout the enslaved nation. The aftermath of ambivalence by the world was also responsible for the wholesale genocide that continues to this day with all the ethnic minorities of Burma. The Karen continues to be murdered as the Burmese military and its allies wage war on this ethnic group. Soon others will face genocide as well.

The use of rape and murder on ethnic woman has become standard operating procedure as well as the induction of children into the military. And this was conducted under the watchful eyes of the United Nations and the free world. The criminal regime has taken full advantage of the world’s lackluster response and operates with impunity while the world continues to do nothing. Waves of humanity are filling the already burgeoning populations of these refugee camps in an exodus of epic proportions. The junta continues to shell positions inside of Thailand’s borders. Now supplies are running very short and there is no doubt hunger and disease will soon plague these desperate human beings.

On a positive note Kim Jong II’s exploits have only solidified a well known fact that North Korea and Burma are partners in crime. Both leaders need to be arrested like the common criminals they truly are and the people held hostage within these respective nations must be liberated. Unwittingly Than Shwe’s bogus trial has also reveled China’s soft underbelly and how frail their economy truly is. It also exposed the fact China is a partner in crime as well since China utilizes slave labor and continues to silently arrests its citizens then torture and murder them. Also under the microscope are all the international corporations who’ve invested in both China and Burma who capitalize on the slave labor and the lack of environmental concerns. In essence Than and Kim have opened up a can of worms or Pandora’s Box that will not soon be closed. Now China faces the wrath of public opinion as consumers are made aware of their tyranny as well.  

On the other side of the coin the world continues to make crap filled speeches and useless sanctions against Burma and North Korea, much like they’ve done many times before. The lackluster and almost cowardly response by the UN and Ban Ki-moon has already given the junta the green light to increase its arrests and continued acts of genocide against its own people. The ultimate insult to injury was the return of Ibrahim Gambari who all but sold out the Burmese people by endorsing the bogus election 2010 election. His only contribution to Burma was to give Than Shwe the needed time to find a solution to the Aung Suu Kyi problem. Reports from sources within Burma have also noted that Gambari was in the presents of young beautiful starlets and was given a priceless ruby for his efforts by Than Shwe.

Is the world going to be a party to Than Shwe’s scheme to legitimize his criminal regime by giving him the time needed to eliminate Aung San Suu Kyi before the election? It is sad to note that the worlds impotent response to thugs like Than Shwe and Kim Jong have opened the door to a new wave of tin horn dictators who ignore the voices of the people they were once entrusted to protect. And it’s about the money and ruthless corporations who glean the natural resources at the expanse of the indigenous populations. Honduras is a clear example of how the cancer has spread from Asia to South America. The response to Than Shwe and Kim Jong will dictate the course of history and the course of humanity. If we continue to respond with spineless sanctions and allow international corporations to continue to fund Burma we will fan the flames of tyranny.


Your Devil’s Advocate
